I got a phone call on Thursday from a Prof that I had done a translation for last fall. He left a message on my machine saying that he has a collegue who needs some work done and if I would be interested. So I called the collegue who said that he has a CV that he has to give in by Monday morning and really needs some help, and he also said that he wasn't very good with computers so if I could help with the page adjustments etc, easy peasy. So I said I would be free Saturday morning and off I went this morning to help with the translation.
Or so I thought!!
I get there and he's very nice and all and shows me the CV and I asked if he had already started the translation, he looked at me blankly... uh oh...
So I asked what he needed my help for. Turns out he really can't use a computer so he basically needed a secretary! Someone to type up the CV and format it and save it on his computer as well as on the University's USB key cause he didn't know how.
Now I don't think that it is strange or unusual not to know how to use a computer, he's a very old school prof and that wasn't the thing that surprised me. It was however that he needed an American to help him out! I always just assume that when someone calls for help like this its for the "
English"aspect of who I am, not typing skills!
So I had a good chuckle to myself and got on with it. All went fine and we got it finished and he paid what I usually charge for English classes (the only rate I had to go by as I've never sold myself as a secretary before... well there was that
one time but you know I didn't do all that much
typing persay... lol).