Gisele Left-Her-Man: Fetterman's Wife Fled to Canada After Senator Entered Hospital for Depression

When John Fetterman's health went south, his wife went north.
Gisele Fetterman revealed on Friday that after her husband admitted himself into a Washington, D.C.-area hospital for treatment for severe depression last week, she packed up her kids at home in Pennsylvania and took a road trip. But not to Washington.
"We drove straight into … Canada," Gisele announced on Twitter.
"1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive," she said.
Gisele's northward jaunt is a sharp contrast to the image portrayed during Fetterman's Senate campaign. According to Fetterman, his wife helped save his life following a near-fatal stroke on May 13. Gisele appeared frequently by her husband's side during media interviews and at campaign events. She often stepped in to block reporters from asking Fetterman about his health.
She was also Fetterman's attack dog in the rare moments when journalists pressed the candidate about his recovery. Gisele called for "consequences" for an NBC News reporter who grilled Fetterman during a national interview about his health struggles. Gisele accused the reporter, Dasha Burns, of doing a "disservice" to the "disability community" and to the journalism profession.
But concerns about Fetterman's health have been vindicated now that the junior senator has entered the hospital twice in just his first six weeks in office. Fetterman was rushed to the hospital on Feb. 9 after experiencing lightheadedness at a Senate Democratic retreat. He admitted himself into Walter Reed National Medical Center last Thursday at the recommendation of Congress's attending physician. He is expected to remain in the hospital for several weeks.
Reports have emerged that Fetterman has privately acknowledged that his health is worse than he has publicly acknowledged. The Fetterman campaign released notes from two doctors who said that Fetterman was expected to make a full recovery from his stroke and was fit to serve in the Senate.
The Fettermans cited those doctor notes on the campaign trail. In an interview in August, Gisele said she never considered asking her husband to quit the campaign to focus on his health and family.
"No, I mean I waited to see what the doctors thought," Gisele said. "The doctors all said he would make a full recovery and that he's more in shape to do this."
But according to the New York Times, Fetterman privately acknowledges he may have suffered permanent damage by ignoring recommendations to take more time off the campaign trail. Fetterman also faces "serious mental health challenges" as a result of his stroke, according to the Times