Thursday, May 17, 2012

Its a workshop

I am going for the gusto, won't you join me?

Down below is the Paypal button.  Please be sure to include a valid email address in the notes of the payment.  If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Layout time

I wanted to scoot on here and share some layouts I have made recently.  Do a little catchup and say  "Hellllloooo out there" 

Not gonna lie, I have been working my butt off and find it hard to blog at days end.  I have however been putting up tons of videos over on my Youtube channel of my scrap booking process.  I just set up the camera when I am getting ready to scrap a bit and just record it, so it has been easy to keep up over there.

I am hoping that within time I will be down to one good job, and a tad more free time.  BUT till then we will make do.

Layout time.......

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Scrapping the fall

 Feeling proud of myself for scrap booking some of those older pictures from the fall.  We did alot in October one of which was finally getting to Salem!  I love, love that place.  Everything about it was pretty much what I had imagined except a tad more modernized.    And the icing on the cake was going there with great friends.

I used the Thursday Sketch over at Elle's Studio to create this layout. I loved the grid pattern which is perfect for all of my little 3x3 photos:)

The photo is tad bright but you get the idea!

Till later!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Crate color challenge

When I saw the color challenge for Crate Paper this month I knew I had to do it.  Canary Yellow, map blue and magenta, LOVE it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

A very Happy Easter to you and yours!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seuss Landing

Well me and the boyfriend visited Disney about two years ago and I am still working on layouts from that trip.  The following is a layout of Seuss Landing, one of the happiest places in Universal in my opinion.  What is there not to like about a land made up of all things Seuss?

A very bright and colorful one. 

Check out the video behind this layout over here.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hot pink paint

Gotta love the new trend on neon's. Me and neon's go way back, back to the eighties and now they are back especially in scrap booking.  SO when I found some hot pink paint up in CT while shopping with my favorite people, I just had to have it.  Little did I know that I was spending a small fortune, but well worth it.  NOW I have to find a way to use it in every layout, whether it be a small dot or a huge splatter it must find its way on my page. 

In the following layout you will find globs of it and I LOVE IT!

I was also inspired by Rahel Menig. Love her use of layering, crumpled, fun layering.

You can also go here and watch a video of me creating this.  Fun times:)

P.S this is also my layout for the Creative Type April Challenge. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sketch time

Did some scrappy stuff this weekend including a video which I will post possibly in this post if blogger allows me!

So I used this sketch from Elle's Studio:

here is what I came up with!

video time...................
Nope maybe next time!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I feel like I am always saying "time for catchup on the blog" . I don't want to have to say that or do that but you see, at the moment I am juggling 3 jobs, one of which I do not get paid for but enjoy immensely.  I have finished my program(can't remember if I mentioned that in this here blog:) and now I am in the externship phase.  On April 18th I take my certification test and then I will be on the lookout for a job!  It will all fall into place but for now its 6:30 am till 10 pm then bed for me. Coffee just not cut it anymore, and I wind up cozying up in bed with Alfred Hitchcock and falling off to la la land.  I do miss my social time with friend's and traveling up to CT to visit our dearest couple Lindsay and Marshall.  But I just have to tell my self this all just temporary and of a course for a great cause.

I did however get to attend one night of Hampton's restaurant week with two of my bestest of friends.  We dined on a delicious three course meal and shared a bottle of wine.  After that we returned back to my friend Sara's house and sat by the fire pit.  I need more of these days, I miss them but I totally cherish the nights I do get to do this.

While I was gone from blog land I recieved the magazine I was published in called Somerset Memories Spring 2012.  This magazine is amazing and I felt very honored to be chosen to be published in it. 


Sunday, March 11, 2012

When I was a zombie

Well I don't suppose I was around to tell you about my zombie days(or day)  In 2010 me and my friends took a trip to the Asbury Zombie walk, I believe I blogged about it here .

This year we were well prepared for months, booked a hotel room on the boardwalk and attended as much of the zombie festivities as we could.  I was a 1920's inspired zombie and my boyfriend was the green Hornet zombie.  We had a blast.  Surrounded by great friends, interesting zombies and a really funny night frolicking on the boardwalk in zombie attire.  I cannot wait till next year!!

Oh and we got to watch the original cast of The Living Dead talk about the film!

A double page layout, out of my comfort zone for sure but documented our zombie adventures well:)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Things you have missed

I feel the need to back track on my blog a little since I have been missing for a bit. 
Back in October my boyfriend and I agreed to skip family Thanksgiving and go to the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade with our friends Lindsay and Marshall.  Being a New Yorker my whole life, I have never attended one and felt like I was missing out big time.  After we told our families that this year we were skipping the normal Thanksgiving festivities at our homes, we started to plan out our plan of attack. 
First we had to find out the best place to be to watch the parade.  We came up with Columbus Circle.  Next we had to figure out the time we should head on in to the city, that turned out to be like 3 in the morning.  Eventually it all came together, we got there super early and found some benches to set up camp at until the parade started. To be there in real time and not watch it on the TV was amazing!!!  The floats are breath taking, the magic in the air(yes sounds cheesy) is there and unforgettable.  I loved every minute of it including the memories we made with our friends sure to last a life time.  I was a bit sad though that there was no turkey dinner, no pumpkin pie, instead pub food and beers:) 

(us in the morning sitting on our bench!)

Of course one of the highlights of the parade was the very green Kermit the frog float.  Man he was a big fellow up close and personal.

I am not quite sure what is up with our smugs in the picture in this layout.  Perhaps it was the lady that came along and somehow weaseled her way onto our bench, claiming it her own.  Or the fact that the Neil Diamond float was lame because he was not singing or even wave at us, boo!
Whatever it was I thought it was a pretty funny picture and it had to be documented.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Summer days

 Today felt like Spring.  It was so nice outside and I was off!  I worked in the morning and then drove down to the beach it get some fresh air and to roll down my windows and allow my car to get some fresh air.  As much as I am sad that we pretty much skipped a whole season(that season being Winter) I am getting a little excited about Spring.  I love the smell of it,  the clear air, that fresh sort of feeling.  I guess I am looking forward to it.

Today I scrapped about Summer, I like that season as well but to a certain extent.  Not much for the heat, all that humidity that goes with it on the East coast.  However I do enjoy the fun times camping, going on adventures, even just going to the beach.  I know that I have talked about going to Coney Island in the past on this blog.  It happens to be one of my favorite things to do in the Summer. 

I came across the picture I used in the layout below in my roller tote thing(its what I have all my remaining scrap supplies in while living as a nomad) I love this picture because it was taken at Beer Island which is no longer at Coney Island(boo) Due  to higher rent rates they were forced to close down.  A lot of places were actually, slowly Coney Island is losing its charm, sad.  Just recently we read in the paper that they are ripping up the wood boardwalk and installing a plastic one, not so sure about a plastic boardwalk.  My friend Melissa has gone down there to see if she can get a piece for us, I think it would be something I treasure, perhaps hang some Coney Island pictures on(great idea Mel!)

I did this layout for the Two Peas Elle's Studio challenge ( I have lots of Elle's Studio to use over here) The challenge was just to use Elle's Studio products that could be found at Two Peas.  I like the color combo in this layout, summery, light, cotton candy and sunshine yellow:)  Not much embellishing, pretty simple. 

After I created this one I made two others!  SO I guess I am on a roll, ONCE again!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A sketch that led to a layout

When I am feeling a bit uninspired like many scrap bookers, I like to find a good sketch.  There are certain sites where I know that I will like their sketches, Elle's Studio happens to be one of them.

Now after not scrapping for a few months, I have been scouting around for some design ideas and came across their weekly Thursday sketch.  I really worked quick with this layout.  I found my photo, picked out  few scraps and went from there. 

Here is the sketch:

I had been hoarding this popcorn patterned paper from Basic Grey and decided now was the time to use it for this movie inspired layout. 

I really love the pops of pink.  I am trying to really use up my scrap book supplies that I have, no matter how old the paper.  That is one of goals this go around:)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I pulled through

 I finished out my class and passed!  Now I just need to take the certification text and then I can go off and do my job.  The past two months have been a tad nerve wrecking.  To be quite honest with you, I have never completed any sort of class. Well I mean I have completed art classes in college but when it came to technical sort of classes especially math I always bombed!  So to think that I learned new math in a month and was able to figure out these huge problems without any help on the final and pass it, I have to pat myself on the back. 

Since well before Christmas I have not picked up one scrap book supply, and today I have finally made a layout.  I used the Dares 188 prompt, it was for a picture essay layout.  I have been trying to take pictures every day on my phone and catch the smallest of things in life.  I was able to run off to CVS today and print out a few and use them in my layout. 

During the past two months me and my sister would meet up at this local coffee shop, go on our computers, talk, she would crochet and I would try and study.  So this layout is pretty much a photo essay of that.  Oh and also while visiting our very amazing friend's in CT, I picked up some hot pink paint and have been dying to use it on something.  Yup, so that is hot pink splatter on my layout and it makes me happy:)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Trying to catch up.

Yes I have reached that point where I am tryng to catch up with this photo thing.  Ok so we left off at day 3, day 4 was a stranger which I did not get. Day 5 was 10 am:

Day 6 was dinner, which by the way was my favorite meal:

Day 7 was button:

A picture of me turning my heated blanket on, its been so cold in our house!
Be back with some more soon:)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 2 and day 3

Continuing on with the photo a day February challenge:)  Yes I am keeping up(hopefully it lasts)

Day 2, "Words"

These have been the words I have been dealing with lately.  I have had to read them over and over again and I have even recorded myself reading them in hopes to memorize them. 

Day 3 "Hands"

This happens to be one of the most loving dogs in the world.  She knows just the right moments to lay down right in the middle of my room and await me to come over and pet her.  She is the biggest mush, wagging her tail in thanks.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February photo a day

I will get do this, that is what I always tell myself.  However I am gonna do this. How hard can it be to take a picture a day for a month?  Not to hard.  I have a decent camera on my phone, snap a picture and email it over to myself.  Pretty simple.
So lets start!

Yes that there is two pictures, not one!  Today was mainly my sister and I spending time at this new(new to us at least) coffee shop we found called Roast.  I was trying to study which turned into me people watching and she was working on her adoption ads(she is in the process of adopting!)

Well here is to a month of daily pictures!!  You should join along;)

Monday, January 30, 2012

It has been a great big while.

It has been about 4+ months since my very last post and well a lot has changed/happened. 
For starters I am no longer a nanny in the big bad city.  I am well into my third week of Pharmacy Technician school, and that does not leave a lot of time for fun crafty things.  My day usually is work in the morning, work  in the afternoon and school at night(at least for the next month or so)  I have moved temporarily and I am pretty much living like a gypsy out of bags and bins.  But it will all pay off and I hope to be in a stable place with my new career, new place, basically new life within the next few months. 
I do crave time to scrap book, create in general but first comes all of these important life things. 
One thing that helps me along has been Pinterest.  It fulfills my crafty desires, and continues to inspire me even when I have to memorize drug names and crazy math equations for the pharmacy.  When the dust starts to settle a bit, I will be pulling one project here and there from my crafty board and getting it done.  Making Pinterest more then just a board of ideas collecting cyber dust.
Just recently my sister and I have started up a joint crafty blog called Two Sister's craft.  We both share a love for crafting, and we both enjoy spending time together sometimes with margaritas:) and a project of some sorts to work on. This is what this blog will be all about, projects being worked on, things we learned a long the way and I guess a lot of life in general.

Last night it was all about me learning to crochet and well I guess I did good for a first timer.

By the way, I did get past the basic chain.............but not as far as an actual scarf;)

Well its off to bed for me, it was great to blog again.  Hope to be back soon, I have missed you all!  P.S tell me what you have been up to!