Monday, February 28, 2011

Makeover city

Take a look around, my blog is all shiny new. I adore the colors and design that Shaina has put together for me. She is a peach:) I always try and do blog makeovers myself, but they never come out like I imagined. This new blog design is exactly what I imagined, nice and neat, organized and pretty.

I highly recommend perhaps contacting Shaina if your blog is in desperate need of touching up and you either a) don't have the time or b) like me are not very good at messing around with all the coding and designing.

Now I wanted to share a quick sneak peek of the March Scrapbooking from the inside out kit, it will go on sale tomorrow. Man February flew on by, then again it is the shortest of our months.

As you can tell I am loving gray, yellow and aqua together!!!

Ok off to have some tea.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little sneak and an update.

Hello:) Coming to you from the land of white wine, hehe. Just kidding, any who, I wanted to share a little sneak with you from the March Scrap booking from the inside out kit. This one was a lot of fun to work with, the colors were bright and cheerful and the theme this month is right up my alley. Next week will be the full reveal and you will be able to purchase then, for now I will just tease you all.

Do you see what I am talking about?? Lovely colors I tell ya.

In other news my blog is under going a re-do so if you see anything funny going on, its just my friend/blog designer fiddeling around and getting things just right. When it is done I will fill you in on all the details including the lovely face behind the new design!

So this is where I insert the "Construction Zone" sign.

Chat with all of you soon.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011


This past Friday I met up with 3 girls that I attended grade school with. We all used to go to a school called St John Nepomucene from 1st grade till 6Th and then the school closed down. When that happened we pretty much all went our separate ways. This particular group of girls stuck together and attended school all the way through high school. I on the other hand went on to Public school here in my district and made new friends. So the last time we saw each other was in 1992 or so. Through the magic of Facebook we all reconnected! After about a year or two of planning a meet up we finally took the leap and put it into action. This past Friday we met up at a very cool restaurant and laughed, chatted and reminisced over cocktails and amazing food. After all this time it felt like we started from where we left off, they all looked the same to me except older(not in a bad way) Two of them are married with kids and one is like me, boyfriend but not married and no kids.

I hope that we can continue to stay in touch and possible start our friendships over again. I had such a wonderful time reconnecting with my childhood and I highly recommend it for anyone:)

In scrap related news, part two of Love Songs went up over at The Creative Type, every month one person will be chosen to be a guest designer for us.

At Scrapbooking from the inside out we have tons of ways to motivate you in your Vulnerable journey. Prompts, quotes, techniques, its all right there at your fingertips, so be sure to visit and be ready to get inspired.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines!

Happy Valentines to everyone. Today is all about love, whether you have someone or not. Go ahead and be your own Valentine, why not? I know I love you!

Happy Valentines day:)


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Before I head off to Valentine shop.

Yikes, the day before the big V day! Yes I slacked this year, me and Will are off to gather a few sweet things for each other and for his mom. Thank you Target for being our savior.

Anywho I worked on a layout last of my good friend Sara. The picture was of her this past Labor day weekend outside drawing all over the front steps and walkway of our friend's house. She looked all relaxed and in her element drawing away under the sun. She winded up whipping out a pretty cool faux welcome mat:)

I really like the gray card stock with all of the bright colors. This has been another one of my attempts to stay away from just white card stock and I can honestly say I will add gray to my repertoire.

Off to do cupid's work!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Saturday where I got worn out by a 5 year olds birthday party.

Well we just got home not to long ago from Will's nephews 5Th birthday party. It was a whirlwind. Ahh, to be a kid again and have a party just for you, the only day you can drink soda and eat as much sweets as your little hearts content:) It was a good day!

Now onto the biggest kid I know.....

Will, you will never see him without a comic book, ipod, or working on one of his custom action figures. Yes that is my boyfriend. When we go down to the beach or the park at the end of our block, Will packs his favorite Graphic Novel(in this picture, Watchmen) and he is pretty much set. I have learned a lot about comics and all their glory over these past 5 years and I am sure I will learn much more in years to come.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Pencil lines

So when I read over on Facebook that Pencil lines was having a design team call, I figured why not give it a try:) I love the concept of sketches and how you can really mold them into your own style. I think its a great challenge to give yourself sometimes especially when your feeling uninspired.

Here is the original sketch:

And here is my take on it:

I like how the white water color looks splattered on the dark brown paper. May be my new favorite thing.

The deadline to try out for Pencil Lines is February 28th. So go and get to it!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Vintage Sears and Roebuck merry mushroom creamer. Available in shop for $6.50

Yes I know its still Winter but it is time to clear out some of the stuff from my Etsy shop. I have lots of new things waiting in the wings to add on in, but would rather some of the older stuff find a new home first.

I am currently having a buy one get the lowest price half off sale. So be sure to check out what is in the shop, perhaps you may find something that you just cannot live with out:)

Time to pull another layout out of my hat:)

In this layout is a picture of my friend's at Coney Island. Well rather they are at Beer Island which is located on Coney Island. During the summer we love to get 2 or 3 trips in at Coney. There is nothing better then some old fashion fun, and of course a Nathans hot dog. I have started to finally use smaller pictures and well I love it. More later!

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What shall this title be?

Running out of titles for posts here:)

Layout time. This one is with that lovely tree paper from Studio Calico that I was hoarding. When I make layouts now a days I usually use plain card stock as the background, but this paper is too hard to cut up and use. I had to use it in all of its glory.

This one is of me and Will while visiting he Moma last Spring for the Tim Burton exhibit. After viewing the exhibit we decided to browse the rest of the Moma because it had been quite awhile since both of us just took some time to enjoying the artwork that is living there. We both got pictures of us looking at some of our favorite pieces, and well there you have it.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Things that happen when you hang with crafty friends.

Yesterday I got back from a wonderful weekend spent at Vanessa's house. Our trip included getting lost a little(more like talking to much and not paying attention to the exits) wine, a dance party, mischief perhaps, scrapping, fun girl flicks, more wine, great conversations, and amazing coffee(courtesy of Vanessa's new coffee shop, The Green Bean) I however did not get any photos except this one...............

It was taken with my HTC camera phone. Silly me did not realize that I had no memory card in my camera and I could not get any pictures, bummer. But anyway this shot is of Vanessa making us some delicious coffee drinks in her new shop. She is quite the hostess. Thank you Vanessa for having me!!! And Mandi it was great seeing you yet again.

I did bring my scrap supplies and when I got around to making some layouts, I winded up making 4. I felt really inspired, those girls can do that to you!

This layout is of me and one of my very close friend's, Sara. This past fall we went to a Local Natives show together and had a blast. There is nothing better then a girls night out with your best friend. Memories I will cherish a lifetime.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

A quick question.

This is a shot in the dark sort of question but here goes. I recently purchased a HP Photosmark A646 and I am desperately trying to sync it up to my Bluetooth HTC HD2. Anyone that can help?? I will pay you in surprises:)

Off to get ready for my trip to see Vanessa with Kara as my road trip partner and Mandi as an extra bonus!

See ya later:)

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Layouts and new kit

Hello:) So we are once again hunkered down awaiting a storm! This time it is suppose to be ice and sleet and all of that fun, slippery stuff. Two more months of winter though, pretty much. No more complaining from me.

Today Scrap booking from the inside out released its February kit, its colorful and cheerful enough to brighten any dreary winters day.

I had a lot of fun working with it this month. I loved the pinks, aqua, and yellows in it. Perfect for Valentines day. The theme was Vulnerability, it was definitely a theme that I had to think about for a bit. Journaling came hard I will admit it, but I was able to connect with vulnerability after much thought or at least what my thought on vulnerability is.

Here is what I made!

The gallery is full of design team layouts for this kit plus from all the other kits before it. There is also a lot of very creative members that have posted their layouts as well. I took some time on Monday to look around and comment, lots of journaling inspiration to be read:) Head on over and take a look!

Also The Creative type has a new prompt up, it is also for this month of love:)
