Every time the Effer Dares put out a new challenge I tell myself this week you will do it! This week you will pull out your paper and glue and take it on. However week after week and now year after year I still have yet to try one out. Currently they are up to number 183 so I am totally behind:) Their prompts are totally different then other challenge sites, sort of make you look at scrapping in a whole new perspective and I sort of need that these days to give me a jump start. Well I am going back to Dare #1 and I am working my way through them starting last night.
Dare #1 can be found here. Its all about heart. As you can see from the post each of the team mates took it on in their own style.
This is what I came up with:
This is my favorite picture of my dad. It was taken back in the sixties when he was in the Marines. I think it was taken in Vietnam, not 100% on that fact. For the background I created a mosaic heart which I cut out and pop dotted on top of light gray paper. With the heart being the main event on this layout, I kept the rest simple. Just a touch of journaling around the heart and that's it.
On to Dare #2!!!