Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Its almost here

2009 here I come. This year flewwwwwwwwwwww by, it was interesting, stressful, all sorts of things rolled into one year.
One of my biggest things this year was finally getting to go to California for 2 weeks, scratch that off my list. Well next time when I go to California, I would love to go more South. But all in all, I had a good time and I finally got to go there.

I also moved back to NY from CT, which was bitter sweet and very stressful. I left my job there and then I was on the job hunt here. BUT I landed two great jobs in one interview and I am good to go. These jobs happen to be in the city I love the most, and I have realized that no matter how much I love NYC, I will not be able to live there. I guess I do like my peace and quite at night, and I get really crazed with people pushing, people rushing and just all the non stop action. Although there is another energy that comes with all those actions that makes me love NY, at the same time, I am very happy to make it back home at the end of the night.

I received my 8Th and 9Th tattoo and I think I'm about done with those(at least for now)

I converted back to brunette.......................still sort of iffy about it, my boyfriend is about to kill me.

Reconnected once again with some old friends, and plan on staying in touch with them this year and many more to come.

Started doing scrapping related things and got involved in that community, met many a good people along the way. However I have not picked up a scrapping supply in over 2 months, and I am not sure when I will again(except for the The Creative Type prompt blog) I think I like to create but not so along the lines of layouts, more of collage like pieces, so I am not quite sure where it all fits. I guess you can say I am confused about scrapping, or I am just rambling? I don't know!

Met some great people in blog land.................Sandy, Jen, Dani, Cynthia, Lisa, I really can go on and on and if I didn't mention your name, its just because I am typing this with my eyes slightly shut(I am sooo tired)

Became a Gossip Girl fan. I am sure my boyfriend is oh so happy about this newest thing:)

This is pretty much a dent in what my year was all about. I am sure I missing a bunch of things that happened, but I don't want to bore you. Plus theres stuff that is just not so great to talk about.
I am however making a list for the year to come and when its compiled I will surely share it. So be sure to share yours as well!! All I know is that I have 5 books on the way, all having to do with various crafty things that I WILL learn this year, mark my word. I have to learn how to make some sort of perfect keepsake blanket for my best friend who is due in April and who I will be seeing at the end of February for her baby shower. I will get this done as well. And now I'm off to celebrate with friends. Have a good one and see you next year!!!

P.S New interview up at
The Little redsuitcase!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008


So that flew by!! Christmas that is. It was here and gone within a second. Its bitter sweet, you miss it when its gone, but your sort of happy that the whole stress of shopping and preparing is gone. Well we have New Years eve to look forward to and just the whole good vibe of the New Year. That is all exciting to me. A big shout out to my sister who has finally got herself a new computer. Oh the new computer feeling, its a good thing. I have been thinking about upgrading from this laptop, its an Acer and only a year old, but its heavy and I just love Dells. We will see. In less then 45 minutes I will be 29, yikes, not old but not young. And this is my last year in the twenties, sort of weird but I don't dwell. I'm really going to try and make the most of the 29Th year, we will see where it takes me. This Christmas I was gifted so much great stuff. Books, movies, pj's, coffee, perfumes, makeup, games, gift certificates, a learning to Crochet kit...................I guess I was good this year:) My one boss gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble and I was able to pick up 5 books online. I am going to learn how to crochet, continue my knitting, learn alot more on sewing and also some financial things. All thanks to that gift card!!! Oh lets not forget the Muppet Show Season one set Will gave me!! Now that's a boyfriend for you in my book. I finally caved in and bought a new cell phone, its blue, that's also cool in my book. I have so much to say, I just don't know how to say it all. I just got finished watching the Sex and the City movie for the second time, love that movie. Tomorrow its my favorite Mexican restaurant and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Sounds like a good birthday to me!! I guess I leave you with some very random and off photos of Christmas until I get all my thoughts together. Also check out the new interview up at The Little Red Suitcase. I love this girls artwork.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Im off to enjoy merriment!

I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and for those of you who do not celebrate Christmas..............................Happy Holidays, which ever one you do celebrate. Can you believe that in a little over a week we will be in a new year, already??? That means I will be 29 on Sunday as well(my age pretty much goes by the new year) This year I am going to make many adjustments and stop procrastinating. I'm gonna try things out that I have wanted to try, and I am going to accomplish things that I need to accomplish. There is just so much that is on my list. Phewwwwwwwwww.

I had a very hectic day today and another one tomorrow(only half of a day) BUT being in the city is just a headache this time of the year. Plus I will be commuting in with bags full of gifts. However, even though it was crazy today, it was nice. I handed out the gifts to the children I watch, and they really loved what I gave them, that's always fun to see. My one boss was super generous with their gift to me, and I am very grateful to work for a super nice family(well two families)

I finally picked up something a tad festive to wear on Christmas. A cute dark grey cardigan with black beaded design. I'm alllll ready:)

Oh and I have also made plans for New Years Eve, which should be better then last year. We are off to see my friend Erin and her family and just have a low key holiday out where I used to live, should be fun.

OK, I think I have spit it alllll out!!!

Once again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, and I will most likely see you next year!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The way I gift wrap

I finally accomplished all of my wrapping for this Christmas. Now when it comes to wrapping, I totally flake. I am not all nice and tidy, Martha Stewart would shun me from her perfect world of neat little packages with bows. My wrapping consisted of Jimi Hendrix singing in the background, and wacky colored Sponge Bob paper. It was a more of a cut, slap on the gift and tape sort of procedure. I really just cant take the time to make it all look so nice, I think its from my days working retail and having to make perfectly gift wrapped. Now I just don't have to, PLUS everyone rips them open so fast, especially kids, so why bother??? That's my deal when it comes to wrapping, I think my boyfriend did a better job then me this year! Go Will!

The snow was just awesome this weekend, it snowed all day Friday and on and off Saturday. Then it rained, ick. Now its just super windy. This shall be an easy week, three days of work, and with the job I have, its pretty fun. I finally got my hair to a color I like, yippee, and I have a picture to share. Well I have a few pictures to share, but that's all folks:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Houston we have a problem.

How does this freaking tent close??? I bought this for Will's nephews, its one of those pop up mini tents for kids to play in. This one as you can see is a "Star Wars: Clone Wars" one. I opened the package to see what it was all about and the thing just popped open on top of me pretty much. Now I cant close it, how the heck will I wrap it? This is the least of my concerns actually.

Today was just awesome, I happen to love snow, unlike some people. Bring on the snow! Its still snowing, and the best part was, there was no Lirr delays, WOW! I mean they have delays on regular sunshiney days, I thought for sure we would have some today.

The other night we went to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, this is probably my 8Th time seeing it and Will's first time. It really is a good show, I love all the dancing. I would have loved to see "A White Christmas" on Broadway, but the tickets are ridiculous. Instead, I will just watch the original, which is 10 times better anyway.

The following pictures are of the Rockettes during one of my most favorite parts of the show. This is when they do the march of the wooden soldiers and fall down in a chain reaction. Its so so good.

And last but not least, Will in his spiffy plaid pj's and some spiffy plaid hat to match. Its great to have a blog where you can share these sort of photos with the world:) lol. This is just for you Will, may they rest in peace.

And remember, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So it beginning to look alot like Christmas!

Today I had a time to kill, which is my usual on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I decided to go to this cafe that is right near where I have to pick the kids up that I watch. Its a really cozy place, all dark wood, very old worn in coffee shop feel. They were all decked out for the holidays as well, and with a cup of coffee and a book I spent a good hour just enjoying the atmosphere. I also met a very nice lady, who I started talking with after we both realized that it was snowing out. She was from California and so happy to see snow, because she hardly does anymore unless she heads on over to Tahoe she told me. Its so funny how snow changes everything and everyone once it starts coming down. It makes you feel like a kid again I tell ya. Its still snowing right now, and its pretty to look at, but I sit with fear of how it may effect my morning commute tomorrow. BUT for now I will sit and just enjoy its clean beauty:)

I just finished up an interview with a very cool artist whose website/shop/blog goes by the name Oh My Cavalier. Very interesting lady. Go and read here.

Off to bed for me, I'm spent.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fire me.

I did it, I cut my hair. BUT I have good reasoning behind it, I do, I do. I went to this very well known, hole in the wall hair salon in the East Village...................Astor Place Hair. The place is not your typical salon, and after much consideration and research, I decided to go with them. Since I spend most of my time in the city for work, I knew I had to find a cheap place in the city that gives a good cut, and I heard only great things about Astor. Ok, back to the beginning, it all began yesterday when me and my sister decided I needed to get a trim. Going from blond blond all the way back to brunette has left my hair in HORRIBLE shape, we are talking lots of breakage and ick. With that said, I decided why not go for a TRIM. I headed down to Astor, a little amused by its entrance and its overall appearance. It was downstairs under some store, so it was like basement like atmosphere with about 15 or so hair stylist stations. And each station was in a different colors, the stylist all had different personalities, it was a different experience. So, the lady I had said that the breakage in my hair was through the roof, which meant, it had to come off in order for it to grow. She also gave me a hot oil treatment, it was that dry!!!! Long story short, hair is trimmed by alot and I will return to Astor.................$15 bucks for a good haircut in a historical salon. I broke my promise to myself, BUT I had to:( Here's to it growing in healthier. Blah blah blah. Enough of my hair drama.

Today I had a celebrity sighting, Joshua Jackson and his girlfriend, Diane Kruger. Back in the day I was a huge Joshua Jackson fan, I more or less has a huge crush on him(sort of still do) But that was my newest celebrity sighting in Soho. Oh and we happen to have a famous person in the apt building I work in, I occasionally ride the elevator with him, really down to earth guy.

This past weekend I went to the Bust Craftacular and it was great. It was pretty much Etsy Live. I bought a few things(for myself) and we had fun(me and my sister) I took her to Lush, where I purchased myself a whole new beauty regimen, its just hard not to! My newest favorite item I treated myself to was the Rehab shampoo, it smells oh so good.

Hmmmmmm, I think that's about it. Time to relax, enough chit chat:)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just for fun.

Oh and Im back on Myspace, and I dont know why, but I am. Add me if you are too!!!

OH also interview up at The Little Red Suitcase. Some food for thought!
I got this off this blog. Thought why not give it a try while sitting here and drinking a Saturday night beer;)

Bold the things that you have done:

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a Solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. watched a lightening storm out at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked (yes I know this is bad, but it was with about 5 friends, YEARS ago)
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run(on a nintendo game:)
32. Been on a cruise

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelos David

41. Sung karaoke (at the Whiskey Wind)
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted (drawn in San Fran)
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud (still do)
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma

65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt

73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car

83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible (back years ago in Catholic school)
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone's life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day

One more progression picture of my hair growth:) I am staying clear of those scissors, 8 months and counting. We have moved on to a new hair color, BUT thats about it. Grow, grow, grow. Pictures start out with hair cut back in April:

* August 2008*

*December 13, 2008*

Friday, December 12, 2008

Yay for feeling better.

So, since my recent post I have felt better! I have started to get things in order and I am about done with the Christmas shopping. Things that were bothering me last week, are sorting themselves out for sure. I also have been chit chatting with someone in the blog world who is very insightful and who I can relate to about the whole previous post! Thank you Cynthia!!!! It means a whole lot.

Can you believe that in 12 days Christmas will be here? One more full week of work and then a half week and I am off for quite a few days. That sounds great to me. This week has really kicked my butt. Last week I was sick and missed two days of work and then this week I really made up for it and worked about 40Ty(and that's not including the hours of commuting, whole other story)

On Sunday I will be attending this fun event
It costs like 2 bucks to get in, and then I think we are going to head on down to a fair going on in Union Square. See whats happening around that area.

I still have to work on my Christmas cards, I have the idea, just have to get to it.

I played NY Mega Millions today, played $5 dollars worth. At 11pm they will pull the numbers, even if I win 100 I would be happy:) I cant wait, I'm crossing my fingers. Oh the things I could do with 107 million dollars, YIKES!

So that's my update for this Friday. That's really all there is.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

blah a bit of a rant, not my typical

Its a freezing cold rain here in the city today. It drives me crazy, just makes me want to get inside and get warm. I obviously need to get a rain coat of some sorts, soon. This week has just flown by, and I luckily have come to the end of my Christmas list, I think I have like one more person on there to get a gift and then I just have to finish up the boyfriend's gifts.

I haven't been feeling at all in the Holiday mood. I think I have alot on my mind. I am ready for a new year, I have alot I would like to start to accomplish and learn. So I will have a huge resolution list, but it will be the big list to finish up before I turn 30ty. I will be 29 in about 2 weeks(cant do the math right now) December 28th to be exact and I think a list is in order. But back to the non-holiday feeling in the air. I guess its a mixture of not having my own place to decorate or the weather lately. Also while observing my shopping list I notice I have no friends on there to buy for. I mean I have friends, but we rarely exchange, we are all watching our pockets.

I never really get into personal things on here, because so many people I know read it, and I just don't feel like hearing about it. But I am rather upset/disappointed in one very close friend that I have who is living a rather crazy out of control life. I was thinking back to a time when it was the holidays and we baked tons of cookies at my sister's house and just had a good time. Now fast forward 5 years later and I don't even know what horrible things she has gotten herself into next. It saddens me, because we were so close and now I don't even know her anymore. She is currently in a special treatment home upstate somewhere and I just hope that for the new year she can finally get her act together.

This is what was on my mind this morning. I guess I'm just tired of being that person she goes to all the time when she needs help, and then when I give her the help she just gets into a bigger and far worse hole. Its upsetting to see someone you once were attached to at the hip, fall deeper and deeper into a life of lies and harm. And then add on people constantly asking you why you even bother, and then me asking myself "why do I bother" I guess I dont know. The last I spoke to her she had wanted me to come visit her at this pretty scary place, and she wanted me to bring stuff to her. She kept calling me and calling me, and between Thanksgiving, work and me being sick, I never got that chance. Her last phone call sounded rather rude, and right before the holidays it made me feel like I didnt try hard enough?!! I mean come on, what a way to start the holidays.

So its been wierd not having that close friend near to do your holiday shopping with, or even just talk to on a daily basis.

Its all stress that I can do without and I do not deserve I suppose. I am not saying I dont enjoy shopping and talking with you Will(my boyfriend) but a girl needs a chick friend hang out once and awhile!!!

I guess it took away from my Christmas spirit a little, I don't know. This has been going on all year long, and I just need to get it out.

Now its out, maybe I will feel a little better. There are far worse things in the world to worry about. YUP!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thank goodness for Santa.

So, I'm here, I'm working. Its rainy, and not so pleasant out, definitely not Christmas weather, no sir re bob.

I have been astounded by the power of Santa folks. As some of you know, I take care for 3 children, 2 of which can talk(their past the age of 3) haha. It dawned on me that when the child does not listen, I can simply say "Santa is watching" and pow it works!! Wow, what a magical tool in deed. Is that what some of you parents do out there during the holidays to get your kids to listen better?? This is something I must use throughout the year, I mean, Santa is suppose to be watching you Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter. This is my new gambling tool:) We will see how it goes.

On to my next topic, there is a new interview up over at The Little Red Suitcase!

That is all, go and read:)

Monday, December 8, 2008

28 years ago.

The world lost one of its greatest musicians 28 years ago today.

John Lennon
October 9 1940- December 8 1980

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Little Red Suitcase.

First interview up at my new blog "The Little Red Suitcase".

That is all:)

Friday, December 5, 2008

good for a laugh.

Watching some of my favorite movies today while researching some things for the New Year.

One of my favorite cute movies has been "Dan in Real Life" its just one of those cute, quirky romance flicks, ya know?? Plus I have this crush on Steve Carrell, I really do:)

Anyway, this part cracks me up, I just love those dance moves he does. I can watch it over and over again, still makes me laugh.

Besides all the good laugh, I got my Forest pinback that I ordered for myself from the brilliant Heidi. This will be worn all nicely on my peacoat. I love the mushrooms she has been working on. Great stuff.

*this is one of my couch edition photos taken on my laptop*

Thursday, December 4, 2008

ms germy

That's me, miss germy. I feel so crappy, my blog is my only connection to the outside world, lol. Everyone around me is afraid to get sick so they are following every one of my footsteps with a burst of Lysol or anti-bac gel. I don't know why I am feeling the need to post this, I guess in hopes that other germy people out there are reading this. Keep on drinking plenty of fluids, I am here with you:) I totally jinxed myself, always bragging how I am "immune" to illness. I guess I take that back. We have been watching Christmas movies all day and watching the birds do silly things in their cages. Snowy(Snowflake) who is a bird I got from my last job is so cute. He is this blue and white parakeet(looks like the sky on his belly) Before he was going head first into his seed dish and his legs were up in the air. Then he has this bell in his cage which he goes under it looks like he is wearing a hat. And there is also Kiwi(who Will refers to as his little brother) he gets so excited when all the Christmas lights are on, seriously. Last night he flipped out when they lit up the Rockefeller tree on the tv. OH and lets not forgot Goldie(the big goldfish) that gets all wacky in his fish bowl. AND no Im not taking trippy cough syrup, these animals are really entertaining.

OH and wait, lets not forget the most important person of all, Will. He was trying to wrap presents before and was getting super frustrated, like really angry with himself, it was funny, but I sort of felt bad but was really to achy to get up and show him the right way. Hes my little helper, even though he makes weird jokes sometimes that I don't get and leaves the tv on when I fall asleep only for me to be awoken by the emergency test screen noisy thing. Its all good.

Here's my tribute picture of Willy Manilly.
that is all. Back to watching cheesy Christmas movies:)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ive got a cold.

So why not a little one word survey that I got from this artsy lady's blog that I like to visit and admire!

Where is your mobile phone? tote
Where is your significant other? couch
Your hair colour? brunette (went back to brunette just 3 months ago)
Your mother? home
Your father? birthday (its his birthday today)
Your favourite thing? pjs (especially after a day like today)
Your dream last night? forgotten
Your dream goal? explore
The room you're in?cozy
Your hobby? create (cant name just one thing)
Your fear? tornadoes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? unknown (just hopefully happy)
Where were you last night? sick
What you're not? smoker (quit last year)
One of your wish-list items? necklace (quite a few)
Where you grew up? Sayville (thats on Long Island in NY)
The last thing you did? coughed
What are you wearing? pjs (sickness has me in its grasp)
Your TV? storage
Your pets? none
Your computer? loved
Your mood? blah
Missing someone? who
Your car? none
Something you're not wearing? mittens
Favourite shop? Target ( gotta love that place)
Your summer? crazy
Love someone? sure
Your favourite colour? blue
When is the last time you laughed? now ( my boyfriend said something stupid, again, haha)
When is the last time you cried? NEVER! hehe

Now I am watching the tree light up in NYC, I am nursing a cold(evil germs from children), I have had a long day and I am grumpy(only because my throat feels like sand paper). Soup is on the way, then I am going to crawl under the blankets and hide for the night, BUT I will probably spend alot of my night looking around at everyones christmas craft projects. I am a looker later and not a maker, oh well!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Go see.

The Creative Type has its last prompt up before the holidays!!! We also have a Sweet Spuds kit to give away. What a great present to win yourself, eh?? Its all about the power of one word. So go check it out, and get going!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh how I love to be tagged:)

Sooo I have been tagged by the ever so lovely Rose( Rose your book is on its way, its very long journey:) You gotta love this girl, she creates artwork like no other, I am her newest fan!!!

Anyway, its a 4th folder, 4th picture tag. SO lets see what we got!!

I just organized all of my pictures on Sunday. This one is of me this past July or so I believe. This was when my sister used me as her blueberry picking slave. I still had blonder hair, and it looks like I had an accident and ripped my jeans or something, hmmmmmmmmm.

Interesting to say the least.

I tag anyone who wants to play along. I am so bad at choosing people:)

OH and look for Rose over at The Creative Type this Tuesday!!!!