Sunday, April 27, 2008

Making up for lack of.

I haven't posted much on here, nor have I made ANYTHING! Its actually frustrating. You know when you have those moments where you want to make something and you sit there and think about it but your physical self just dosent get to it??? That's the moment I have been stuck in for about, oh 3 weeks!!!!!!! I have struggled with this dry spells since art school, maybe it was because we were constantly pushed to be artistic where as you just couldn't be all creative on your own time. I just sit back and wait for these boring non inspired hurdles to pass and then I'm back on top.
I have however done other things such as: planted herbs for the upcoming months(they are sprouting, yay!) started reading again(reading three novels at once, cant get enough) catching up on movies I haven't seen and have wanted to see, have gotten outside more, and caught up on sleep quite a bit:)
Today I am taking it easy, Will is up from Long Island visiting while the rest of the household is in Disney(more power to them, to hot for me) We are gonna pretty much just watch movies and make a craft store trip after so he can pick up sme dye. Other then that, not much to report. SO I leave you with these little tid bits about me( I got this 5 thing question thingie from Sarah Bowens page! )

What were doing 5 years ago today:

I was living out on the east and of Long Island which to me was very laid back and my little niche in the world at that time. I was working at North Fork bank operations center as a balancer(I balanced mass amounts of peoples checking/savings accounts) Alot of it was a blur to be truthful because I was 23 and having way to much fun:)

5 snack I love:
yogurt with honey
edamame beans
DARK chocolate

5 things on my to do list today (or things I did today):

make pancakes and eat them(DONE)
go to Michael's
watch movies
work on some projects
call my sister

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Travel the world
buy a new house for myself and my immediate family
adopt about three kids
start up some sort of business venture
shopping spree

5 bad habits I have:

spend money I shouldn't
bite the inside of my mouth
don`t stick to working out

5 places I've lived:
Sayville(Long Island)
Cutchogue " "
Greenport " "
Southold " "
Danbury, Conneticut

5 jobs I've had:

Franks Nursery and Crafts
Over night summer camp counselor
Bath and Body works

Monday, April 21, 2008

The old man walk

That's what I have going on after walking almost 20Ty hours or so this weekend at the NYC Comic Con, and of course around the city a bit. I have sacrificed that backs of my ankles for my boyfriend and his love of all things Comic book. I will admit that I do have fun, and picked up some good horror comics for myself, as well as some figures and my best find of the weekend, some Yummy Breakfast key chains designed by Heidi!!!! Go Heidi for making it big!!!!!!!
Ok so now I must get to work, I have lots of cleaning and organizing to do so that I can get back into my productive mode. My Flickr account is bombarded by Comic Con pictures and I'm just gonna have to move them over to another account because now I have no more free space on there until I buy a better account or delete some pictures, bummer!
Happy Belated birthday to my friend Kait and a very happy belated bday to my friend Mel, what an ass am I for missing these two dates. I have been rather busy with work related issues and such so I apologize soooo very much.
AND one big Happy 33rd Birthday to my geeky boyfriend Will, you will forever be a 8 yr old at heart!
Love ya.

Maybe more later? Till then, have a great day:)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

On a break of sorts

Yes this past week I have not had anything in me to stitch even one stitch, rip any paper, paint any gesso on any layouts, NADA THING! I think its because I have been busy entertaining a 9 yr old and had a major lack of personal time available to me. I think its also because this weekend I have Will's big event where he will be speaking, the New York Comic Con. I will be going in on a press pass trying to take some good pictures and video for Will's website and I am sure I will have fun even though I'm sort of out of my own element.

I guess its just a big ole pot full of excuses and reasons why I haven't made anything, but it really comes down to my lack of motivation and a drainage of any artistic ability. OK, so next week I will give it another shot when things go back to normal, I vow to first CLEAN and ORGANIZE all supplies, their so out of control.

So for now I am off to the city for the weekend, if anyone else is a comic geek and will be there, look for me and say hello:)

See ya Monday!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

a la ti da sorta day

*Arcade games
*mopping to the Clash
*popcorn under Japanese umbrellas
*finally falling back into reading a good book
*free mini cups of coffee with tiny samples of cake
*choosing prizes with paper tickets
*people watching
*this girls blog.
*the release of Juno into DVD
*avacados for dinner.

A little news flash!

Ok, so I have joined the Gettin Sketchy challenge blog as one of its creative team members just this past month.

Be sure to head on over and read, and participate in the monthly challenges we have going on beginning the first of every month.

Also we now have a flickr group dedicated to Gettin Sketchy so be sure to join and start posting all current or past layouts dedicated to Getting Sketchy!

Hope to see you around, get to know some of you and just have fun!

Monday, April 14, 2008

comic geek................................

This ones for you Will. He parted with a few of his unwanted comic books for me to cut up and use. I may make more layouts with some of them just because its fun and colorful!

"Comic Book GeeK"

Pardon the images, there not the best quality this morning:(

I have completely forgot to mention that I am part of the GettinSketchy challenge blog. Something fun to add to my plate and hopefully to see some of you guys participating in:) SOOO go and check it out!!!!!

Off to the library to get some reading goodness!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well first off, this past weekend I picked up the RCA Small Wonder camcorder. What a freaking cute ass, nice working camera, if I do say so myself:) I figured eventually I will mess around with it and post things on here and also just take it with me to things that I want to record and keep forever like trips and what have you. Well of course Spike wanted to be the first movie star of the Small wonder, he is just an attention whore. Its just a small clip of him and his bulldog teeth, a quick jump up and then a bye bye. Be on the lookout for more. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(that's my sister) by the way, she's not forty, just 39. Oh oh, I'm loving SIS and the wonderful message board over there. The girls are just so fun to chat with and there is so much to look at. Love it, so hello to any of you that may be checking out my blog. I will be staying home all this weekend hopped up on caffeine, scrapping. Will post some of that as well soon. OK check it!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


This weekend was just perfect, aside from some other annoying, stressful situations occurring in my life as of lately! blah.
I got to spend some time on Saturday with my friend of 19 yrs. We have been friends since 4th grade, when we both attended a very small catholic school. Our teacher was soooo eccentric, she would paint her nails in all kinds of crazy colors and she would wear crazy, crazy lipsticks. Since that first meeting we have remained friends through so many times, good ones and bad. She now lives in Florida with her husband, and I live here in CT, but no matter the distance and the lack of communication I know she is always, forever going to be my very best friend.
It was soo much fun to see her and talk about old times and new times, things that are happening now in our lives. We went to the Cheesecake factory, and my sister had to smash the rest of my cheesecake because I was on a rampage and destined to eat the whole fattening slice and then feel sick:) lol.
Later on that day when I went out to my car I found a note from her on my windshield, its now tucked under my visor, I really truly miss her and cannot wait to see her again. If your reading this K, I LOVE YOU, you are sooo very dear to me!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and please just ignore all of my gramatical errors and such(she is a 6th grade English teacher)

night all:)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ta ta, Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, not TATAS Tuesday, just Ta ta Tuesday! hahaha. Today I chopped off all my hair on a whim, I mean my hair is short to begin with, but I saw an old image of Winona Ryders hair and I wanted it. Its not the same though, but I will live. Its so easy to deal with, theres nothing there:)

I have been busy working on a contest, and then I took a break the past two days. I was constantly stabbing my fingers while sewing, and one of them felt like it hit the bone, OUCH! So I had to take a break, I was just to sore. I am feeling confident with what I have so far, plus I have my trusty boyfriend to give me his opinion. I can only post bits and pieces because posting the whole sha bang would be against the rules. I guess be on the lookout for tid bits here and there.

I have so much on my mind right now, like this and that's, I have no clue what to really post about. Today is April Fools day and I got my Dad and my sister but not Will.
So if I cant fool him, THEN I will make a fool of him myself:) hehehe. He is going to kill me.

But what can I say, he loves to wear pink headbands and an occasional beer:)

Till later........................................................