I have however done other things such as: planted herbs for the upcoming months(they are sprouting, yay!) started reading again(reading three novels at once, cant get enough) catching up on movies I haven't seen and have wanted to see, have gotten outside more, and caught up on sleep quite a bit:)
Today I am taking it easy, Will is up from Long Island visiting while the rest of the household is in Disney(more power to them, to hot for me) We are gonna pretty much just watch movies and make a craft store trip after so he can pick up sme dye. Other then that, not much to report. SO I leave you with these little tid bits about me( I got this 5 thing question thingie from Sarah Bowens page! )
What were doing 5 years ago today:
I was living out on the east and of Long Island which to me was very laid back and my little niche in the world at that time. I was working at North Fork bank operations center as a balancer(I balanced mass amounts of peoples checking/savings accounts) Alot of it was a blur to be truthful because I was 23 and having way to much fun:)
5 snack I love:
yogurt with honey
edamame beans
DARK chocolate
5 things on my to do list today (or things I did today):
make pancakes and eat them(DONE)
go to Michael's
watch movies
work on some projects
call my sister
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Travel the world
buy a new house for myself and my immediate family
adopt about three kids
start up some sort of business venture
shopping spree
5 bad habits I have:
spend money I shouldn't
bite the inside of my mouth
don`t stick to working out
5 places I've lived:
Sayville(Long Island)
Cutchogue " "
Greenport " "
Southold " "
Danbury, Conneticut
5 jobs I've had:
Franks Nursery and Crafts
Over night summer camp counselor
Bath and Body works