Thursday, January 30, 2014

Goodbye old friend..............

Life has changed and I feel like this blog no longer fits me.  Visit me here at my new home...........

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I am not a sweet tooth sorta girl. I dig my savory foods, some big ones for me are olives and pickles. Always and forever I shall be gobbling them up.  After my wedding I had my friend's drive me to a store that specializes in Italian foods, so imagine the olive bar they had!  Some of the comments I got while walking through the store in my wedding gown were hilarious.  One women asked if she was going to be on a t.v show.  When you think about it, it would have been pretty funny to see a women in a wedding dress searching for olives. 
I did walk out with a nice container full and some funny photos to immortalize the event:)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

When kids make birthday gifts

This past weekend we took my mom out for lunch. We chose Friendlys because we would be dining with two children and its just super kid friendly;)
My stepdaughter wanted to paint something for my mom as a gift, she loves to paint.
I had a few pieces of wood laying around thanks to my brother in law who is a carpenter.
I painted her hands purple and we did two simple hand prints on the wood which I had painted gold. I then dug into my button collection and embellished the hands which I then turned into flowers.  A half of a doily as sun with some more buttons in yellow and a simple banner from K.I and I called it a day.
On the back we wrote a personal message along with the date and age of my stepdaughter.  My mom loved it.  It was simple, sweet and a gift that shall be cherished for years to come! 




Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hey, its 2014!

2013 you have been good to me in many ways.  You have also given me a run for my money for sure.
I used to always make resolutions, every year, the same ones pretty much.  I don't agree with resolutions, they can seem so restricting.  As I have read on other people's blogs or watched in their vlog videos, setting some goals is good.  Restricting yourself to ones set in stone, not so good.
So I have thought of a few things I would like to do in 2014 and I went for the Paper Issues challenge and created a layout documenting my ambitions:)

Youtube Process video to follow on my channel

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The makings of a wedding album

First of all I have to say that I adore my wedding photographer.  I had went to elementary school with her many moons ago and we had reconnected this past year.  She does photography and it just all worked out for the best.  I  think it was great working with a friend because you can be open and honest and they kind of get what you like and what you want.  She definitely brought it all to the table and with well over 300 images. 
Now to share those images with family and friends who may visit our house.  Me being a scrap booker could only  think of the layouts I could create.  The fun titles, the pretty papers tying it all together and lets not forget the journaling so people can read about the stories behind each image.
So last week I set out to my new scrap book room and got to work.  I have created 7 layouts so far for our album and have many more ideas to go to fill it up.
I also took to the Youtube waves again and intend on sharing many a process videos along the way!
I'm loving how its coming together and look forward to the finished project.
For now I shall share along the way:)

There you go! The beginnings of our wedding album.

Blog and life updates!

Well hello there blog!!!  You have been a part of my life since 2008, I was living as a nanny in Conneticut in a town that was rather boring. I started to get into scrap booking and reading fellow crafter blogs.  It turned into a community, a way to connect and share and I was hooked.  Over the years I have blogged about creating, going on adventures, interviews with crafty people, etc.  It was always such a great outlet for me.
Times have changed and I have read that some believe that the blog is dead, and well that makes me sad(in a way)  It may be dead for some, but I for one have decided to take my dead blog and breath some life back into it. 
Life has changed, especially in my world.  I am definetly not that same lady blogging back in 2008 or even 2010! 
First of all I have gotten married...........
Exciting right?  Little ole me, married, its crazy but its also really nice:)
We chose October a year to almost the day that we got engaged.  The fall is our most favorite time of the year, so imagine all the fall themed touches at our wedding.  It was perfect, everyone enjoyed themselves and we created tons of memories.  After that we went off on our honeymoon where we probably ate to much and relaxed on some really nice beaches.
This was all the calm before the storm.
In November I went in for a surgical procedure.  I had been diagnosed with Endometriosis, and was  to have a Laparoscopy surgery to remove most of it.  Unfortunately no Laparoscopy for me but instead I had a Laparotomy (which is similar to a C-section)  Had a nice 1 night stay in the hospital which involved some not so good food and some very strong drugs. Then the next day I was on my merry way to heal at home in my bed.
Healing began and I slowly started to feel better, I was even back to getting out and cleaning the house.  Then almost a month to the day of my operation I started to feel not so well, almost like the flu was coming over me.  My stomach was extremely swollen and I felt so very sore, it hurt so much just to get up out of bed.  My appetite was barely there, I felt sick constantly and not to mention the depression it brought on from being bed ridden.
Eventually all of this led to a nice ride in the ambulance one Sunday afternoon and I was diagnosed with a Staph infection.  I am not even going to go into details, I am not about TMI at all.  I cant even handle the TMI facts myself. 
I was sent home from the ER with tons of prescriptions and the hope that all of this just would eventually go away and be yet a distant memory.
It has taken awhile, and I am very grateful that things happened the way they did. I might have never known I had a Staph infection and who only knows what would have happened then.
Over the past few weeks I have used this time to craft more, re-connect with my favorite online communities, catch up on some Downton Abbey and have some lovely visitors including a really awesome nurse.  I have definitely re found my scrap booking hobby and I am enjoying it even more.  I have so much to scrap book and share about this new life of mine, the possibilities are endless!
I am still home bound, nurse care daily, at least for 2 more weeks but things are totally looking up.
It such a mystery how these things happen.  BUT its not a mystery to how they change your perspective on things, your appreciation for the little things and the love and caring of all your family and friends.
Its not how I envisioned my first few months of married life but I guess it was a great learning and growing experience.  My husband ran out for the smallest of things ( ice cream especially)  He tried his hardest to do the laundry and tidy up the house.  He drives me to appointments and even sits in the room with me when getting my check ups.  He is awesome.
My sister has also been there for me a lot as well ( we finally live close by!)  She has taken the reigns when my husband cant go with me and has picked me up and gotten me out of the house when I needed it the most.
Friends have stopped by, brought me lunch, slept over and indulged me on junk food and movies. They have really come through.
All in all I think I am pretty darn lucky.
Going into 2014 I'm looking on the bright side of things and focusing on the positive.  We have so much to look forward to and after this whole fiasco, we have so much to be thankful for!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Its a workshop

I am going for the gusto, won't you join me?

Down below is the Paypal button.  Please be sure to include a valid email address in the notes of the payment.  If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me.