louise. wrens new gerbil. she has been saving her money and asking if she can do chores to earn money. she finally saved up enough, so off to petsmart to get a little pet. she wanted a bird, but you really need to have 2 and their cages are WICKED exspensive and well ... i dont know about traveling and all that. anyhow... here she is. she is SUPER hard to get photos of because she is so curious. wren loves her and so does dylan. she is pretty cute!
did anyone read those books? anyhow... dylan and wren showed some of the neighbors how to take care of the environment by picking up trash. they turned it into a game and all the kids had a blast. who knew that picking up garbage could be so fun.
which he didnt really want... but it was sooo long and shaggy and he was complaining about it being in his eyes... so i took him to get a big boy haircut. he looks soooo different.
and her missing 7 teeth. yes you read that right... she is currently missing 7 teeth. the girl has been pulling teeth out like mad, 2 weeks ago and a few days ago she lost 2, she was already missing three and then the dentist took two more to make room for her big girl teeth. she looks hilarious. three of the teeth will be years before they grow back, but hopefully her other teeth will fill in some of the gap.