Sunday, February 6, 2022

New Book Mary Witherwax

Mary Witherwax Front Cover

We are so pleased to announce the release of our new book, "Mary Witherwax".  

She's a generous and full book at 138 pages!

There are full color photos as well as a gallery of finished quilts.  The finished examples include bed and wall sized quilts.  We include the history of the original quilt, as we know it today.

Full size patterns include the full alphabet to use your name like Mary and I did.  

Also included are some alternate applique blocks to add to the fun.

Over 165 blocks + Full Alphabet + Full Border

Pattern pages are single side printed. 
Ideal for red work as well
White comb bound for full 360 degree opening on a light box. 

Pattern pages are printed single sided

The back cover includes a portion of my reproduction.  My son wants this one so I will ba adding some extra hand quilting to the alternate blocks. 

We are so proud to be partnering with a local publisher; a union certified B Corp.

This means they pay a livable wage to people in my community. No off-shore work waiting on a ship in the ocean. They understand the art and craft community and were very supportive through the entire process.  We had some delays due to Covid and paper supplies which is why we didn't do any early announcements.

Mary Withwax by Karen Beigh - Log Cabin Quilter

Mary Witherwax blocks look great in many fabrics.This beautiful example is made in French General prints.  Instead of an appliqué border, Karen used a gorgeous French General print.  

A few of Mary's blocks in red work

Mary's blocks also lend themselves to red work (or blue work, or...).  It was so much fun to stitch Mary's designs and think about her work.

We hope you give the book a try - we think you will love it and find many uses for the 165+ blocks.  The digital pattern is available - but is not the same as the book.  If you ordered the paper pattern (from 2018) please contact me.

You can order the book HERE.

Thank you for reading along today.

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tis The Season

Hazel 6 months old

Seems the holidays have come earlier this year!  We are busier than ever.

Maybe it's the new kitten we adopted? Or maybe, we have adapted the slower pace forced from Covid surges.  

Either way - we are looking forward to new projects and new opportunities in 2022!  Watch this space for more details.

I was pleased with Carol's mention of my social media posts in Issue 146 of Quiltmania.  It was fun to see which thumbnail photos she selected.  It was a complete surprise to me!

More on this issue HERE

There are six other people mentioned as well
as all the content providers in past issues and those
coming up in future issues!

I've been contributing to the Piecework Magazine blog.  There is a wealth of information on the blog with several contributors and numerous topics.  HERE

I've returned to some cross stitch projects.  It adds to the variety in between my quilting projects.
This recent finish is 'Mary Hart' stitched on 52/60 count - an uneven linen using Gloriana variegated silk threads.  Framed in walnut stained tiger maple - she's tiny at 5".  I can hold her in the palm of my hand.
Chart by GigiR - kitted by The Attic, Mesa AZ

My daughter bought her first home and has discovered the joys of gardening.
Her older home has a few apple trees.  We did a joint project, making hard cider.  It's bottled now conditioning with the 'tasting' planned for Thanksgiving.

Hard Cider 

My big push is to finish my Fig Leaf and Flowers quilt this calendar year.
I'm enjoying all the motifs in the quilting; Circles, hearts, feathered wreathes and more!
More photos and pattern HERE
I am planning on a red reproduction print binding

My first event of 2022 is online with the San Francisco School of Needlework.
Registration details are HERE

Thanks for reading!
Have a great November - I hope it includes some stitching time.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

San Francisco School of Needlework Virtual Opportunity


I have been invited to give a virtual webinar for the San Francisco School of Needlework! 

January 26, 2022 

I am so pleased to work with them. Love their promotion of handwork and history.

Enrollment is limited, registration is now open.

Click here for the link to Eventbrite HERE

More details and photos on the registration page.

Be sure and let me know if you have questions.

Happy Stitching!


Other Links:

Check their Facebook page and website for more virtual opportunities, exhibits and workshops!

(2022 events are not on the website yet - so you get the first opportunity to register)

Monday, April 12, 2021

Piecework Summer 2021 Issue and In Process

I have been keeping busy - stitching and writing.

My virtual programs have been fun - allowing me to present to and hear from enthusiasts all over the world.  I have more virtual programs coming up - see the 'virtual programs tab on my blog header.

Pin Ball Grouping
In June I will be presenting at the Penn Dry Goods Event
You can still register for many wonderful programs click HERE.
In July I am doing an event for the Southern Maine Chapter EGA - Private Event
Contact me about doing a program for your group!

I am so happy with the feature in Piecework Magazine 
...about me. (she says blushing)
They make it so easy - each month they feature someone from their contributing community.
The questions and photos allow you to see a bit more of my studio space
and learn more about me.  I have never had anything written about me!
I shared a few smalls from my collection 
as well as some pieces I made.

Also in the Summer 2021 issue is reader Francyne's
sewing roll done from my pattern in a previous issue.
Both issues are available - use the link if you are not a subscriber

Link to Piecework Magazine:  HERE

Another project in the works is dressing some peg dolls.
Two are antique and will be dressed in dutch chintz and accessorized!
The center doll is a Peddler Doll workshop with my embroidery guild 
with Jackie du Plessis
The precious tiny dolls will be part of the accessorizing 
the larger dolls.
Very fine - as in as fine as a human hair - are the black tatted reticule and white doily
hand tatted by Doris Gerard
The tiny dolls were handmade in Spain - shipped just as the 
Pandemic closed things down.

Also for one of Jackie's classes is the pre-stitching for her Etui box.
Looking forward to assembling the box in September!!

For this sampler, Marie Erco
Jackie had us remove and re-weave red threads to 
best simulate the antique linen of the original.

My version of the Dorothy Walpole sampler is also 
nearing a finish!   HERE
It is such a joy to stitch all of the varied stitches.
It's been hard to put down to do other work.
40 count linen - DMC threads

I am also close to a finish of my applique top - 'Fig Leaf and Flowers' quilt
I didn't do the applique in sequence.  I did the center - then the borders.
Now, I am finishing the areas around the center medallion.
Based on a 19th century quilt in our collection - the pattern 
is available for digital download - see blog tab in this header.
Pattern HERE

Also close to a finish is my Karma Quilt
This is based on an antique charm quilt in my collection.
Other than the stunning red path, there are no fabric repeats.
The pattern is free - see the tab on this blog header for details.
See the original and get the free pattern HERE

Happy Stitching!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Wood Spool Construction


JP Coats Trade Card 
You can read more about American Wood Thread 
Spools in my book - Chapter 1

My collecting friend Jeananne uses this spool built thread 
plant stand to display a few of her antique quilts

View of Jeananne's stand empty
Note the style of the spools - and they all match

My Spool doll bed - a mix of spool styles
The bedd is original.
I love all the detail in the sheets and pillow cases

Box style foot stool embellished with wood 
spools that were cut in half
A variety of spool styles
Needlepoint top is tacked in place

End view of the spool arrangement

My friend Jeananne's spool Stool
(Yes she also collects coverlets)

Closer view
The top is tacked on - woven wool

One of my corner units made of spools
Original green paint

Another box stool with spools cut in half
The is a side view

Another Side View

Octagonal Needlepoint Top
Carry ring is very clever!

One of my sewing boxes (shown in detail in my book)
Sitting on a small 'riser' with legs made of spools

Riser without the box
8 spools make the legs - pine board top

I would love to hear about any of your wood spool pieces.
I have emptied many spools of thread during the past pandemic year.
They are currently Velma play things - but I just might 
have to try some construction!

I have been busy giving Zoom programs.
Texas, Ohio, Minnesota and Illinois.
Later in the summer Maine!
I'm also scheduling individual groups.
Check out my virtual program tab on the blog header.
I'd love to do a program for you.
