Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We've had a very busy Christmas week. We've had more than a couple Christmas celebrations and all of them were wonderful. We did a great deal of driving. Some of our time spent in the car was fine, most was awful. But we survived and in the end it was worth it.

Of all my Christmas memories from this year, I think I will cherish the moments with the boys around our Christmas tree. They had a really good Christmas. Here are some pictures of them on Christmas morning (well, it was actually Christmas Eve, but they were none the wiser about that fact). Santa was good to the boys and they had a blast.

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Lisa said...

I can't believe how much Owen has grown! The boys look so cute together opening their presents! ~ Lis

Amy said...

Oh, that picture of the boys both totally engaged with their presents is priceless!