Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Cards

One of the hardest things in the universe is trying to get a good picture of a toddler. It's pretty much impossible. Trying to get a good picture of a toddler AND an infant? Well, that's something that shouldn't even be attempted. Seriously, that's why they invented photoshop.

But, I decided to think positive and try to get a nice picture of the boys together. Chris picked up some cute matching Christmas PJs. I did it at an appropriate time (both boys had recently napped, Owen was fed). So I got them in their PJs and plopped them in front of the fireplace to take pictures. 75 pictures later, nothing...nada. I have a collection of weird looking photos. But some of them are pretty funny so I'll put them here.

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And this one? 75 pictures later...this pretty much sums up how both of them felt about me...

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So when you get your Christmas card in the mail and you think "not the best picture of the boys", just realize that yes, that's the BEST picture any human could possibly get.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hi Katie - That is hilarious background information. Those Christmas card pictures always look so we know the real story of how hard it is to get them! (Hence the reason I use Photoshop for my cards every year!)