Pada 4 Disember yg lalu, berlangsungnya Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM ke 73 utk program yg aku ambil. Alhamdulillah...berkat usaha dan doa ahli keluarga, sahabat handai, dan rakan seperjuangan, semuanya telah membuahkan hasil. Aku berjaya menjadi salah seorang penerima Anugerah Naib Canselor. Anugerah ini ditujukan khas buat emak tersayang, Pn Khatijah bt. Morni.
Pada hari tersebut, mak dan abang berjaya mendapatkan tempat duduk dlm Dewan Sri Budiman. Nasib baik dtg awal, kalau x kena duduk kat dewan lain, dpt tgk kat tv je la. Konvo utk diploma ni aku xdpt bunga. Mahal sgt. Xpe2...time konvo degree nnt aku nk yg paling besar. Bagi dgn pasu pon xpe. Hehehe....Semoga aku mampu memperoleh keputusan yang baik di peringkat ijazah. Amin.......
Sesi bergambar bersama Pro Canselor, Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia, dan semua penerima Anugerah Naib Canselor
Dah 1 semester tak update blog... Mcm2 dah berlaku sepanjang 6 bulan ni. Aku dah menamatkan Diploma dengan jayanya dan akan konvo hari Sabtu ni. Skrg sambung Degree dlm jurusan sama di UiTM Shah Alam.
Mungkin ada segelintir yg tertanya-tanya 'Dulu ckp nk smbung oversea. Tgk2 smbung kat UiTM jgk'. Susah utk menjawab soalan ni sbb semua itu adalah rezeki dari-Nya. Memang merancang nk smbung blaja ke oversea. Nk kenal negara org. Nk practice berkomunikasi dgn native speakers. Nk jln2...main Kan sronok tu..
Aku dah tersalah step.. Aku mohon universiti dulu. pastu ble dpt baru nk apply scholar. Masalah mula timbul ble surat tawaran dari Purdue University sampai kat rmh aku ms aku dah terima twrn masuk ke UiTM. Aku mencari scholar. MARA, JPA, dan yayasan negeri semua xnk ng scholar. Alasan mereka...
MARA : Kerajaan xcukup dana. Byk habis duit utk projek MRSM Felda. JPA : Boleh bagi tp 1st year kna pakai duit sendiri dulu. Kalau berjaya msk 2nd year br bg. Yayasan : Kami taja pelajar ke Mesir sahaja.
Apa nk buat....xda rezeki. Memang sgt rugi la turn down the offer. Purdue University tu antara yg terbaik dlm dunia utk program engineering.
Mcm yg aku bgtau td. Aku smbung degree kat UiTM. Menyewa kat Padang Jawa (Sekseyen 17) Shah Alam. Tinggal 7 org. 5 org yg sama mcm di Penang dan ahli baru, Fitri a.k.a Roy seorang God of Game. Rumah sewa ok. Luas dan sejuk. Yang menarik nye. Dapat exercise free. Hari2 nik turun tingkat 5. Mmg menguatkan otok kaki.
Syukur Alhamdulillah....sekali lagi aku mendapat tajaan JPA. Kali ini utk peringkat Ijazah. X sia2 mak aku byr cukai sbb duit tu dpt balik pd aku. Sgt seronok sbb dpt la beli PC. Asyik tumpang main PC member je.. ada PC sendiri sdp sket nk main game.
Suatu pagi yg tenang..waktu aku sedang lena diulit mimpi tiba2 terdengar muzik tema game Super Mario. Owh... ada org call rpnye. Tgh2 mamai aku jwb call tu. Igtkan org salah nmbor ke apa. Bila jwb, org tu tanya "Ini Mohd Firdaus bin Ismail ke?". Aku pon jwb la "Ye". Dia bls "Tahniah ye encik. Saya dari Yayasan Tenaga Nasional. Encik telah ditawarkan biasiswa YTN utk peringkat ijazah". Dari tgh baring, aku bangun sambil genyeh2 mata. "Eh btol ke encik?", aku bertanya utk pastikan yang aku xslh dengar. "Ye, btol. Encik nk terima ke x tawaran ni?",dia bertanya. Aku pon jwb la "Nnt sy pikir dulu ye. Encik, brp ribu YTN bg utk 1 semester?",aku tanya lg. Brader tu jwb "RM XXXX".(Nilai sebenar terpaksa dirahsiakan atas sbb2 tertentu). Lps tu aku bgtau la yg aku nk terima tp dah dpt twrn dari JPA. Brader tu suruh tanya JPA dulu sbb aku dah ada kontrak 5 tahun dgn JPA. Lps tanya JPA, dia ckp xleh sbb kna utamakan twrn dari Kerajaan. Jadi la kontrak aku 11 tahun. Terlepas kontrak keje dgn TNB. Tp xpe, yg penting aku dpt tau yg aku lulus interview hari tu. Huhuhu....
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer?
Food is very important to all living things as it gives us energy to do our daily routine. We can get food either from buying them at a restaurant or even prepare it by ourselves at home. Either way, we can still enjoy our meal and get the energy needed for our life. But which method benefits us most?
I prefer eating at a food stands or restaurant because it can save my time in order to prepare the food. I don’t have to go to the supermarket to buy the ingredients and then spend some more time to cook the food from the raw materials bought at the supermarket. At the supermarket, I just have to look at menu, order the food that I wanted to eat and then just wait for the food to be served. While waiting, I can do other things such as reading the newspaper or even do my assignments.
Besides, preparing food at home requires cooking skills and unfortunately I am not a good cook. For a person like me, it is better to eat at a restaurant and eat food made by qualified and skilful chef. If I try to prepare it on my own, I might spend a lot of time to do it and the food might not taste as good as I wanted. I don’t want to waste my time preparing a food that tastes bad.
On the other hand, I can meet a lot of people and make friends with them. For example, when I have become a regular customer, I can identify either the customer who come to the restaurant is a new customer or a regular. If I see them having difficulties in selecting the food I will come to them and let they know what are the special menu offered by the restaurant. If I prepare the food and eat it at home, I will not invite some strangers coming to my home just to taste my food that might not tastes good. It will be very humiliating for me. If I want to invite someone to eat at my home, I have to make sure that the food is good.
In conclusion, eating at a restaurant is more beneficial than preparing them ourselves and eats at home. This is because, eating at restaurant will save my time preparing the food and I don’t require any cooking skills to have my meal and lastly I can make new friends while eating at a restaurant
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?
Food is one of the main human needs after air, water and protection. The way food is served now is different from old methods. Nowadays, they are easier to prepare and some agrees that it has improve the way people live.
In my opinion, the way food is served now has improved the way people live. The emerged of 3-in-1 products such as coffee and tea has made them easier to prepare. People don’t have to buy coffee, creamer and sugar separately. One sachet of 3-in-1 product includes these three items and this will reduce the cost of making the food.
Other than that, frozen food for pizza is also an example on the new way food is served. The food has includes all the materials. The food is then frozen the only thing the consumer has to do is put the frozen food in the oven and set the timer. By having frozen food, it will reduce the time to serve the food. We don’t have to waste out time going to the supermarket buying the ingredients one by one and then spend our time at the kitchen to make it. While waiting for the oven to cook our food, we can do other things such as preparing the drinks and deserts or we can read magazines and even cleaning the house.
Besides, the consumer doesn’t have to worry if the food will not taste as good as expected. From the example explained above, on the packaging of 3-in-1 products and frozen food has written the method to serve the food. It has written for how long the timer of the oven has to be set and how many water needed for a sachet of 3-in-1 coffee. The consumer will produce a food that has the perfect taste and no one will complain about the food. This is very beneficial for those who are not really into cooking.
In the nutshell, the new method to prepare the food has improved the way people live by saving the cost and the time to produce the food and the consumer will not have to worry about the outcome of the food served.
I totally agree with the statement. In my opinion, the children spend their time mostly with their parents. The children will always look for their parents’ behaviour and imitates them. When the parents are hardworking and always punctual, the child will automatically follow their parents’ behaviour and become someone who is hardworking and punctual. The children will go to school early and always finish their homework early.
Other than that, children usually share the same interest with their parents. When parents always spend their time reading, the children will interested in what they are reading. The children will ask “Mom, what are you doing?” Then mom will explain on what she is doing which is reading and mom will tell their children on what they are reading in an attractive way. This will make the children believes that what their parents are doing is interesting and they will try to do it on their own.
Besides, parents are the closest person for a child. They are the ones who know everything about their children. Children are more comfortable to share their problems with their parents. Parents will guide their children to make a good choice in solving the problem by telling their experiences which related to the children’s problem.
People attend college or university for many different reasons. Why do you think people attend college or university?
Year by year, the admission to college and university is increasing. Why is this happening? Why are so many people wanted to go to college and university? There are some answers for these questions.
In my opinion, people go to college and university to prepare for their career they desired. For example, those who wanted to be a medical doctor need to know how to treat people. Colleges and universities offer these knowledge and they can know the techniques to treat and to trace diseases. They can learn for the expert and then become one in the future.
Other than that, people go to college and university to get a good job in order to improve their life. Not all people came from rich family. So those who are unlucky ones need to go to university to get the bachelor degree and then get a good job. Even though some are not really happy to attend college or university, they need to force themselves to make their life better.
On the other hand, people go to college and university to get a new experience. Most people live with their parents until they are in high school. When they go to college, they will learn how to be independent. They will learn how to manage their time to study, hang out with friends and do some part time job. Besides learning how to manage their time, they will learn how to manage their money. When they got their money from the part time job or allowance from their parents, they need to manage them so the money is enough for the whole month.
I'm going to use my blog to practice for my writing skills. Feel free to give any comment regarding the stuff that I'll write. I really need your help to improve my writing skills in 3 weeks' time. I got a BIG exam coming. Thanks guys!!