Monday, August 25, 2014

Carley starts 3rd grade

And in the blink of an eye, this bright beauty is in 3rd grade!   Carley is in Mrs. York's home room and is off to a great start.   This is her first year to change classes.   She goes to Mrs. Wills for Reading and ELAR.    She has already made lots of sweet new friends and loves her teacher.   The content in Math is harder this year, but so far she is doing well.   She remains an exceptional reader.  She stays grade levels ahead and zooms through books.   More than anything, I love her sweet and tender heart and character.   Carley is at home in school and this year has been a very positive, smooth, and drama free year!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Corey Starts PreK

 This little man of mine is changing schools for the first time.   We loved Kids Are Cool, but an opening came up at an Elementary campus in our district for PreK.   Corey is in the Pegasus program at Bennett.    They take 10 staff kids (like Corey) who are on track or advanced developmentally and partner them with 5 special needs kids in the morning and 5 in the afternoon.   His teacher is Mrs. Jaime and then he has two aides, Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Eloisa.  

Corey has loved it.   It has a big boy feel to him and he likes all the activities they do and the the kids he is with each day.  I like it too!   He is learning and growing.  I am especially pleased with the tolerance he learns and the understanding of his "Special Friends".  It is amazing.

Can't believe this is his last year before Kinder!   My baby sure seems big!

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Sweet Friends

I am so thankful for Jennifer and the King Family.   Our kids a blast playing together this summer and swimming together.    Hope these guys stay pals forever!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Cody and the kids camped out in the backyard.  The kids were SO excited and thrilled.   I stayed indoors and elevated my foot which made me so excited and thrilled!  :)    From smores on the grill to stories in the tent, Cody made it so fun for them.   The kids slept great and stayed out there till 7 the next morning.  Cody slept...ok, but loved his camping buddies so much it was tolerable.  I  love simple Summer memories!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Playing in the Rain

We woke up this morning to an unexpected 15 minute rain shower and the kids wanted to go play in it.   They had so much fun slipping, sliding, and splashing.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My girl

One thing about Carley is she is very sensitive and thoughtful.   Right before testing season this year she made me this spiral notebook covered in bright colored foam stickers.  It is totally Carley and totally precious.   I used it all the time at work.  I pulled it out at all sorts of meetings.   It got noticed often and made me smile each time.   I told whoever would ask it was a gift from my daughter and they would always smile and tell me to treasure it.   I do. :). 

This Sleeping Boy

It's so funny, the things we do as moms. Corey is almost 5, heading to preK this fall.  He naps about 1/3 of the time.   But it is so funny everytime because it is the same song and dance.  He tells us he is not tired.   I tell him to sit by me and watch tv.  I tell him we will take turns.  We snuggle up and watch one of his 15 minute shows then I start a show of mine.  I pick something boring and he falls asleep next to me in about 5 minutes.   I have probably 10 pictures of Corey asleep next to me on my phone.  They make me smile.   I love my baby boy and my little man so much.  

Little song leader

Mr. David asked Corey to help him lead his very favorite song, 10,000 Reasons.  Corey was so excited and was all ready to go!   He got up on stage and got a case of stage fright but was still really cute and sweet.   My prayer is this boy finds ways to lead and serve the church and The Lord his entire life. 

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July as a family.  I left my camera at lost pines (they mailed it me) so all I could use for pictures was my phone.  Either way I just loved the time with the kids and celebrating America.   

On the way to the parade I was trying to discuss why we celebrate the 4th of July with the kids.   We started talking about the Revolutionary War and Carley asked if that was President George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.   Corey said, "Let's read our bibles to learn more".  I told Corey this happened after Bible times and Corey said, "Mom, Abraham is in the bible.  I can show you".  

Little cute got his Abrahams crossed. :)

Reconnecting with Mikey and Jenny

I had 2 fisher price dolls growing up that I loved a lot and played with often.   Alyssa had the other 2 that matched them.   This week I had surgery on my other post (different post) and the kids stayed with Papa and Nana.  Nana loaded the kids up with some of my old toys including magnetic marbles, legos, adopt - a - monkeys and Mikey and Jenny.   Seeing my little boy and girl play with my boy and girl dolls really warmed my heart.   It reminded me that God knew what I needed in my life, long before I ever did.  

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