Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Pictures

We have had lots of great photos of the kids taken over the past month. Here are some of my favorites.

Corey had his school picture taken in Christmas gear.Santa also came to his school to give the list of Nice Kids.

Santa came to Carley's party too!

This is my school picture. Do you ever look at yourself and think, "When did I age?" Here I am at 33.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A little Time Machine

Doug Sims was my teacher in 5th grade at church. The other day he found this at church in the back of the teachers workroom. I bet Rebecca (Becky Reams Smith) and I wrote this around 5th grade which is over 20 years ago. It is funny that is still there, untouched, unerased, just hanging on the wall. It is special to live in the town and attend the church you grew up in. There are moments like this that are endearing and special that remind you of your roots and makes me thankful for my family at church.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

My Newest Holiday Favorites

I always love finding new things around the holiday. Here are a few of my favorites:

- My Favorite Hot Drink - Chai Latte K Cups for the Keurig. I HATE coffee and this is such a great substitute and a little more adult than my usual hot chocolate. :)

- My Favorite Kids Movie - Barbie Perfect Christmas This has the greatest music and a really sweet message. Both of my kids (and their momma) can stay glued the entire time. It is a good holiday movie.

- My favorite new ornaments. I got these at a Christmas in July sale online at They finished cute and were a great price. I love stuff with all our names Favorite New Item for the house - I got this at Holiday Happening this year and I love it. It was a new vendor and they were super reasonably priced. I love it. It is an 11x14 canvas.

Also, Santa sent Carley a video again this year! She loves it! Here it is!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We have so much to be thankful for. God has been gracious to us in millions of ways and millions more that I am sure I claim as my own and do not acknowledge Him for. We have had a wonderful few days with Alyssa's family and Mom and Dad.

I also got to have some cool moments with my nieces! I pulled Camryn's first tooth and we were able to celebrate Addison's first birthday! I just loved my time with each of the three O'Rear girls who are growing up way too fast.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What I have been reading and watching

I read these two books this week, "A Stolen Life" and "Choosing to See". Both books were incredibly touching, made me cry, and were the tales of endurance, perseverance, hope, and surviving the unthinkable.

For Jaycee her story is the story of a child victimized in the most horrendous way for almost two decades. She overcame so much, stayed strong, and is making a new life for her and her daughters.

For Mary Beth, it was a story of tragedy that happened in a moment. Her daughter was accidentally run over by her son and the battle to fight to move on, to trust, and have faith.

Both stories share such amazing stories that I really recommend that you read. Both stories are great resources and stories of hope. One thing that stood out was the other character in Mary Beth's story. That character that is there through the entire story is God. She knows He is there, hurting, crying, loving, healing, supporting, and working in POWERFUL ways. For Jaycee he is never mentioned. Both ladies are moving on and overcoming so much, but I am left to think how much more Jaycee would have had if she would have known Jesus. I can't imagine.

These books are excellent. I would be interested to see who out there has read both and what you thought.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Holiday Brunch

We had our annual Holiday Brunch at church on Saturday. Cody was at work and my dad kept Corey so I took my little girl with me. I had been asked to lead the closing prayer so Friday night I asked Carley if she wanted to do it. So we typed out a prayer together on the computer and on Saturday, she read it into a microphone in front of a hundred women. I am so proud of my little reader who gains confidence and grace each day with the things she does. There are moments when you look at your kids and they seem so little, but Saturday she seemed so big. She seemed taller, older, more mature, and more confident. I am so thankful for the moments we have with our kids. Life is too precious.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Day to Be Thankful For

Today was one of those great and easy days! Carley had her Thanksgiving lunch and then I took a half day off of work to do some shopping with my momma!

Here we are enjoying lunch with Carley and her good friend, Indian Princess E!

Mom and I enjoying Holiday Happening

Quite a November

This November has been a hard one. There has been lots of sadness that has surrounded our family. I haven't had much to blog about. Sometimes there are not enough words. There has been much to pray about and that is really all we have been able to do.

- A precious girl who grew up at Broadway and was a Sophomore at ACU died in a bus accident. Anabel Reid was a great kid who lived a life that reflected the power of God. She loved Him and we know she rests in His arms.
- A Frenship student died in an accident the weekend before Anable. It is always sad to see a life cut short. The FISD community has been greatly affected by this loss.
- One of my precious friend's from college has been carrying a precious miracle baby in her womb that has been fighting for her life from the beginning. Kamara has been such a woman of strength and the sweet life of Marabeth Renee Cox ended today before it began. Kamara is delivering her sweet stillborn baby today. My heart hurts for this family.
- A great guy has come into Cody's and my lives over the past month. We have been blessed by his friendship and have sort of adopted him as a younger brother. He has an amazing family but they are hours away and he needs to support and encouragement here in Lubbock. The Nelson family immediately began to love our Bryson who is fighting some major battles in his life. He needs the Lord, he needs deliverance, he needs justice, and he needs us. We are so thankful for him, but our hearts are heavy as we watch him fight a huge battle.
- In September, a precious elder at our church and family friend died in a motorcycle accident. We still miss Mr. Rusty and his leadership and wisdom.
- A few couples close to us are in various stages of divorce right now. Our heart hurts for them, their children, and the loss of love.
- And on the most nonimportant note of all, Corey has become a horrible sleeper. The toddler bed did not work. He ended up on a twin daybed and he is up and down several times a night. I cannot remember the last time I slept through the night. Cody and I are both weary from this and it makes a hurting spirit feel even more defeated. Daily we are trying to work this out for us and get a good night of sleep for our family and especially our little boy.

And in the midst of all of this, God's mercies has fallen like rain upon us. We have seen His hand clearly move, comfort, restore, and heal. He is alive and active in our world! There is NOTHING greater to be thankful for each and every day. Our prayers are not falling on deaf ears and we believe He is reclaiming each of these hard situations for His own! In this time it is so easy to see why we need the Lord to come back. This world is not our own and I find no greater comfort in knowing that He has prepared a place for us for eternity!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Carley Lost Her First Tooth!

After weeks and weeks of wiggling, I pulled Carley's first tooth tonight! She is beyond excited! As a mom it was the strangest feeling. It was her first tooth in her mouth when she was months old and tonight I pulled it. This full circle stuff kills me!

Congrats baby! We are so proud of you!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I Out!

Corey learned to climb out of his crib. I cannot tell you how much we are NOT ready for this! With Carley she never tried to climb out and stayed in her crib till she was about 2 1/2 and then we did twin mattresses on the floor till she was 3 when she got a bed. Corey is so little and so confident. He is not scared at all and thinks it is great that he has all of this freedom. Last night he came in 3 times. He was so proud of himself, yelling, "I out! I out!" We are frantically trying to find out another plan. Once again, this boy is getting too big too fast!

We tried to turn the bed around the next night to where he couldn't climb out, but he figured it out again. Today we are trying the conversion to the toddler bed. Hopefully he likes it!

Trick Or Treating

We had a great time taking the kids trick or treating. First we went to the Trunk or Treat at our church which was GREAT! In fact that was the best one we had been to ever. Tigger was there great time greeting all the kids and mine were especially excited to be related to Tigger! A couple of highlights for me where:
1. Carley wanted to take pictures like a real bride out side of the church where we got married. She was so hilarious and so cute. She really wanted her daddy to lift her vail. Once again, SO cute!2. We stopped and saw Granny who used to keep Carley. She was so sweet and Carley just adores her.
3. Corey tried to go in the house of everyone where we trick or treated. It was so funny, so frustrating, so embarrassing, and so exhausting. He literally tried to run in at EVERY HOUSE! That little Elmo Nelson wore us out and made us laugh!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

80's Halloween Party

We had a great time at an 80's Halloween Party for the whole family. They had 80's food (Moon pie's, Totino's pizza, Pac man Cookies, Rice Krispie treats, and chips and dips), 80's music, the kids Tye-Dyed shirts, and we had a great time with lots of friends. Cody even won the costume contest! How could he not with this cute outfit!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Daddy Daughter Fun

Cody spent the morning at Kindergarten on Thursday helping her class carve pumpkins. Carley was so excited Daddy was coming to school with her she could barely sleep. They had a great time and carved a really cute pumpkin! My husband is super talented. Here they are putting the pumpkin on our porch tonight.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Walk

I love the Pumpkin Walk. There are lots of cute little exhibits and fun pumpkins for the kids to look at. Carley loves it every year.

How cute is the Angry Birds display?

Love Captain Hook's ship! It even had smoke coming out of the cannons.

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