July 30, 2018

Training block for Dec 1st 2018 USPA NM state championships

I keep accidentally erasing my training program and having to have me coach email it to me again. I'll keep it here so I don't delete it again.
My numbers are based on a 451lb squat, 320lb bench, and 501lb deadlift.

Day 1

Back squat (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x4, 255x3, 275x2, and 295x1) to 295x10, then do 2 back down sets of 10 reps with 275. 
Bench press (lighter) - 3 sets of 10 reps (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, and 205x3; your working sets will all be with 210). 
Standing Overhead Press - 3 sets of 10 (warm up with the bar x 5 and 85x3; your working sets will all be with 85).
Side planks - 3 sets of a 30 second hold on each side.

Day 2

Deadlift - warm up (135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, and 315x2) to 325x10, then do 2 back down sets of 10 reps with 300.
Pendlay Rows - 3 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x5; your working sets will all be with 155).
Pull ups - 3 sets of 8-10.
45 Degree Back Hyperextensions - 3 sets of 15 with a 25 lb. DB.

Day 3

Bench press (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, 205x3, and 225x2) to 225x10, then do 2 back down sets of 10 with 210.
Dips (add weight if possible) - 3 sets of 8-10.
Horizontal Cable Rows - 3 sets of 10-12 (try ~100 lbs.).
Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 10 with 175 (focus on speed and form -- no elbow flare).
Farmer's Carry (use handles) - 3 sets of 75’ with 45s and 35s on each side, each handle.

Day 4

Back Squats (lighter) - 3 sets of 10 (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, 255x2, and 270x1; your working sets will all be with 270). 
Front Squats - 3 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x6, and 180x3; your working sets will all be with 180). 
Rack Pulls (from just above knees; lighter) - 3 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, and 275x2; your working sets will all be with 275). 
Lat pulldown - 3 sets of 10-12 (try about 100-105 lbs.).
Barbell Bicep Curls - 3 sets of 10-12 (use ~70-75 lbs. for these).

Day 5

Back squat (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x4, 255x3, 275x2, and 295x1) to 305x10, then do 3 back down sets of 10 reps with 280. 
Bench press (lighter) - 4 sets of 10 reps (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, and 205x3; your working sets will all be with 215).
Standing Overhead Press - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with the bar x 5 and 85x3; your working sets will all be with 90).
Side planks - 4 sets of a 35 second hold on each side.

Day 6

Deadlift - warm up (135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, and 315x2) to 335x10, then do 3 back down sets of 10 reps with 305. 
Pendlay Rows - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x5; your working sets will all be with 160).
Pull ups - 4 sets of 8-10.
45 Degree Back Hyperextensions - 4 sets of 15 with a 25 lb. DB.

Day 7

Bench press (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, 205x3, and 225x2) to 235x10, then do 3 back down sets of 10 with 215.
Dips (add weight if possible) - 4 sets of 8-10.
Horizontal Cable Rows - 4 sets of 10-12 (try ~105 lbs.).
Close grip bench press - 4 sets of 10 with 180 (focus on speed and form -- no elbow flare).
Farmer's Carry (use handles) - 4 sets of 75’ with 45s, 35s, and 5s on each side, each handle.

Day 8

Back Squats (lighter) - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, 255x2, and 270x1; your working sets will all be with 280). 
Front Squats - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x6, and 185x3; your working sets will all be with 190). 
Rack pulls (from just above knees; lighter) - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, and 275x2; your working sets will all be with 290). 
Lat pulldown - 4 sets of 10-12 (try about 105-110 lbs.).
Barbell Bicep Curls - 4 sets of 10-12 (use ~75 lbs. for these).

Day 9

Back squat (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x4, 255x3, 275x2, and 315x1) to 315x10, then do 4 back down sets of 10 reps with 285. 
Bench press (lighter) - 5 sets of 10 reps (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, and 205x3; your working sets will all be with 220). 
Standing Overhead Press - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with the bar x 5 and 85x3; your working sets will all be with 95).
Side planks - 4 sets of a 40 second hold on each side.

Day 10

Deadlift - warm up (135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, and 315x2) to 350x10, then do 4 back down sets of 10 reps with 310. 
Pendlay Rows - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x5; your working sets will all be with 165).
Pull ups - 4 sets of 8-10.
45 Degree Back Hyperextensions - 4 sets of 15 with a 25 lb. DB.

Day 11

Bench press (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, 205x3, and 225x2) to 240x10, then do 4 back down sets of 10 with 220.
Dips (add weight if possible) - 4 sets of 8-10.
Horizontal Cable Rows - 4 sets of 10-12 (try ~110 lbs.).
Close grip bench press - 4 sets of 10 with 185 (focus on speed and form -- no elbow flare).
Farmer's Carry (use handles) - 4 sets of 75’ with two 45s on each side, each handle.

Day 12

Back Squats (lighter) - 5 sets of 10 (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, 255x2, and 270x1; your working sets will all be with 285). 
Front Squats - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x6, and 185x3; your working sets will all be with 200).
Rack pulls (from just above knees; lighter) - 4 sets of 10 (warm up with 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, and 275x2; your working sets will all be with 300).
Lat pulldown - 4 sets of 10-12 (try about 110-115 lbs.).
Barbell Bicep Curls - 4 sets of 10-12 (use ~75-80 lbs. for these).

Day 13

Back squat (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x4, 255x3, and 275x2) to 2 sets of 5 reps with 285. 
Bench press (lighter) - 2 sets of 5 reps (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x8, 185x3, and 205x2; your working sets will all be with 205). 
Standing Overhead Press - 2 sets of 5 (warm up with the bar x 5 and 85x3; your working sets will all be with 85).
Side planks - 2 sets of a 30 second hold on each side.

Day 14

Deadlift - warm up (135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 295x2, and 315x1) to 2 sets of 5 reps with 315.
Pendlay Rows - 2 sets of 8 (warm up with 115x5; your working sets will all be with 135).
Pull ups - 2 sets of 6-8.
45 Degree Back Hyperextensions - 2 sets of 15 with bodyweight.

Day 15

Bench press (heavier) - warm up (bar x 10, 135x8, 185x4, and 205x3) to 2 sets of 5 with 215.
Dips - 2 sets of 6-8.
Horizontal Cable Rows - 2 sets of 8-10 (try ~95 lbs.)
Close grip bench press - 2 sets of 8 with 165 (focus on speed and form -- no elbow flare).
Farmer's Carry (use handles) - 2 sets of 75’ with 45s and 25s on each side, each handle.

Day 16

Back Squats (lighter) - 2 sets of 5 (warm up with the bar x 10, 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, and 255x2; your working sets will all be with 255). 
Front Squats - 2 sets of 5 (warm up with 135x6, and 180x3; your working sets will all be with 180). 
Rack Pulls (from just above knees; lighter) - 2 sets of 5 (warm up with 135x6, 185x4, 225x3, and 275x2; your working sets will all be with 275). 
Lat pulldown - 2 sets of 8-10 (try about 100 lbs.).
Barbell Bicep Curls - 2 sets of 8-10 (use ~75 lbs. for these).

July 28, 2018

Undisputedly Strong throwdown 4 report

 was 2 rounds ofof yolk carry of 410lbs, 3 175lb sandbag yolk, then 7 burpees over a 3 foot fence. I came in dead last. And I wasn't even close to the 2nd to last. It was humiliating. 45 reps.

60 seconds of max axle deadlifts of 375lb, 60 second restthen 60 second max reps of shoulder to overhead. I got 14 reps on DL and 8 for overhead press. 22 total reps.

Wod 3
2 rounds
5 Tire flips
100 ft Sled push @ 300
15 Axel bar cleans 175
20 calorie row
On this WOD I did a lot better than I thought I would. I finished 1 entire round and the 2nd round of tire flips.

Floater WOD was a max bench press. I benched 320 and took 2nd place.

Yesterday's WOD

The workout below is a prime example of why I hate CrossFit. I can't do rope climbs, handstand push-ups, muscle ups, handstand walking, pistols, double understand, etc. And most workouts have at least on of these. Its frustratedd and degrading. I don't enjoy training in a sport I'll never be competitive at. But there's something about it that helps me stay in the diet wagon. It's like some kind of black magic CrossFit voodoo. 

AMRAP 20 Minutes
20 Slam Ball
1 Legless Rope Climbs
3 Squat Cleans 185/135lbs
5 Handstand Push-Ups

July 27, 2018

CrossFit revelations

I've posted this a bunch, but I don't enjoy doing CrossFit. I love the community, the coaches, the facilities, and I especially love the results. But after 8 months of doing CrossFit I've realized the results may not be worth it for me. I've come close to quitting a bunch of times. But my continued weight loss has kept me coming back. I think I'll try two more weeks of CrossFit. If I haven't found new and renued love or interest then I'm going to quit and train powerlifting and short distance track. I enjoy those sports. And they're cheaper to train at and be coached in. Why spend $150 a month to do something I don't enjoy when there's other sports out there that are almost as effective at weight loss and getting fit, that are more fun for me, and significantly cheaper?

July 17, 2018

The NASA Summer Nationals powerlifting report

I competed in a poweifting meet this last Saturday. It was the Nasa Summer Nationals. I hit lifetime best lifts for all three. If I hit the same total in the USPA state championships on December 1st I'll qualify for my first ever national championships. Not bad after only 9 months of powerlifting. I know, I know, my bench sucks. But it's getting better.
451lb squat
314lb bench
501lb deadlift
1266lb total

July 04, 2018

2018 LWC New Mexico weightlifting state championships report

Saturday June 30th 2018 I lost my first ever weightlifting state championships (state games) to Carlos Wendler (picture below). He had a 104/127/231. I made a 96/126/222. My lifetime best snatch was a 100. I went for a 101 and missed it. But it was close so that made me feel better. I made a lifetime best 126 clean and jerk Even if I made lifetime best at both lifts he'd still have beaten me by 4k. So the better man definitely won. I set a new state record in the clean and jerk. But he followed me and nailed a 127k, so he'll go down in the record books as the record holder.

 It was a great day that was equally heart breaking. My entire year's goal of being the first man in New Mexico to win all 4 state championships, NASA, USPA, USAPL, and weightlifting is over. So I'm ready to get back to training. Huge shout out to my current and former coaches Vernon Smith-Moore, Joaquin Chavez, and nutrition coach Barry Schroeder. I've lost 80lbs, become stronger, faster, more athletic, healthier, happier, and sexier 😅. You guys are more than just coaches. Your a friend, life mentor, and selfless. I couldn't have gotten to where I'm at without you guys. But the adventure isn't over yet. Next year I'll come back better and sexier than ever. #oldmanstrength

July 02, 2018

The 2018 New Mexico LWC state championships

Yesterday I lost my first ever weightlifting state championships (state games) to Carlos Wendler (picture below). He had a 104/126/230. I made a 96/126/222. My lifetime best snatch was a 100. I went for a 101 and missed it. But it was close so that made me feel better. I made a lifetime best 126 clean and jerk Even if I made lifetime best at both lifts he'd still have beaten me by 3k. So the better man definitely won. I set a new state record in the clean and jerk. But since he tied my record he gets his name in the books because he weighs less.  It was a great day that was equally heart breaking. My entire year's goal of being the first man in New Mexico to win all 4 state championships, NASA, USPA, USAPL, and weightlifting is over. So I'm ready to get back to training. Huge shout out to my current and former coaches Vernon Smith-Moore, Joaquin Chavez, and #nutrition coach Barry Schroeder. I've lost 80lbs, become stronger, faster, more athletic, healthier, happier, and sexier 😅. You guys are more than just coaches. Your a friend, life mentor, and selfless. I couldn't have gotten to where I'm at without you guys. But the adventure isn't over yet. Next year I'll come back better and sexier than ever. #oldmanstrength

The New Mexico games track and field meet

I haven't been paying much recently. I'll give you a quick update. I ran in my first track and field meet since 1989 a few weeks ago. I place 3rd in the 40-44AG. But I also pulled my right adductor during the race. I thurouthorenjoyed the experience. I'm contemplating starting track training.

I have a NASA powerlifting meet on July 14th. Training has been going well so I think the meet will go well.

June 22, 2018

No quarter given OR of love and war

I want to relax. I want to be open and honest. I want to have a safe haven where struggle has no place, where we gain strength and rest instead of having it pulled from me. I want to stop being on guard all the time, and have a chance to simply be with someone who can understand our basic humanity without begrudging it. To stop fighting, and stop playing the game, just for a while.

I want to, so badly.

If I do, I soon will no longer able to.

I consider this perspective, I begin to see a stark paradox; mens' want for a relief or a respite from that performance burden tends to be their undoing.

This is the same mistake men making their blue pill, beta conditioning. They believe that if they meet the right girl, if they align correctly with that special ONE, then they too can give up and not worry about their performance- or relax and only make the base effort necessary to keep my ONE happy. The beta buys the advertising that his blue pill conditioning has presented to him for a lifetime. Find the right girl who accepts you, independent of your performance, and you can let down your guard, be vulnerable, forget any notion of red pill truth because you're girl is a special specimen who places known conditions on her love, empathy, intimate acceptance or genuine desire love you. This is very seductive and inuring for Beta who's been condition to believe there can realistically be a respite from his burden.

Looking back on it, I was so grateful to my wife, who is easily the most sexually available girl I've ever been with, that I would have taken a bullet for her. I didn't want anybody else. I didn't even think about other girls- first time that ever happened to me in a relationship. I can remember thinking that even if she gained weight, lost her looks, and got old, I'd still want her. I would have "loved" her forever. I was good and ready to cash in my chips, exit the sexual Marketplace, and retire. I would have arranged my whole life around making her happy and would have felt lucky to have had that privilege.

 At the time, all of that felt noble and brave, but looking back on it now, it just seems pathetic and pathological; the result of my neediness. But the thing is, what if she had reciprocated it? Wouldn't it have been a relationship worth having? Had she reciprocated it- if any woman was capable of reciprocating that- it wouldn't have been Disney movie bulshit, but the real thing. We're supposed to think such a thing is possible and that's what keeps us playing along. The red pill is really about recognizing it's impossibility, I think. There is no possible equity. To be sure, a woman can be loyal and dedicated to you, in theory, but theythey  give that loyalty to the guy who needs it least. It's like a cruel, cosmic joke.

Such as it is, that girl lied to me, drained every penny and every ounce of energy I had the moment I showed weakness and needed her the most. Big surprise, right? With a red pill awareness now I can see how predictable that result was, but at the time I was blindsided by it. I never saw it coming. I couldn't understand how she could do such a thing when I'd vested so much in her, when I was so willing to give her all the things I've always wanted most. I assumed she wanted the same things- men and women are the same, right? That's what the egalitarians tell us. I couldn't understand how those things could be so valueless to her that she would just throw it all away like that. She didn't value them at all.

June 18, 2018

The New Mexico track and field meet

Last year I was training to become a sprinter in track and field. After months of training I was only able to get my 100m time to 20 seconds. Not good. I stopped training sprinting and changed to CrossFit. I started training track again a few weeks ago. My first week I pulled an adductor. Then I had a couple uneventful weeks of training in the %70 of max effort range. Yesterday I decided to try an all out sprint. I ran a 15.9 second 100m. And I didn't injure anything this time! That motivated me to register for the New Mexico games track and field meet that will be held this weekend. That only gives me 5 days of training to prepare. And 7 days after that is the NMLWC weightlifting state championships. I'm a little worried the race will negatively effect my weightlifting meet. Last year I registered for the NM games track and field meet. But the day of the race I chickened out and didn't race. That was one of the only times I've ever chickened out from a competition of any kind. This year is my chance to redeem myself.

June 14, 2018

Powerlifting 2019 national championships

Last year I looked up the powerlifting national championship meets and qualifying classes a hundred times. Then I'd loose the paper and have to look it up again. I'm posting it here so that I have an easy place to find it at.

USAPL national open powerlifting May 9, 2019 in Lafayette Louisiana. As a 40-44 year old lifter I don't need to meet a minimum total. I just need a total at any USAPL meet.

USPA non-tested Nationals June 27-30 in Columbus Ohio. Need a masters total. Class 2 needed. At 275lb weight class that's 1580lb total. At the 242lb weight class that's a 1536 total.

USPA tested Nation July 11-14, 2019 in Las Vegas Nevada. Need a class 2 total. At 275 it's 1249. At 242 it's a 1208lb total.

June 09, 2018

USPA referee certification and reverse dieting

I recieved word today that I passed the USPA referee/judge written exam. The next step is for me to take the practical test. I'm going to ask the meet director of the USPA meet, The Showdown powerlifting meet in Lubbock Texas if I could take the practical test there. I have loved ones who live in Lubbock. My family and I can stay with them while we're there.

I'm so hungry all the time. I'm not sure if it's because my body is trying to build muscle from the powerlifting training or if my body is still freaking out from having dieted for 8 months continuously. I started a reverse diet last week. Not only will the gradual increase of calories help with the hunger, but it'll also help with building some serious strength. Perfect timing. I have two more important meets this year. July 1st is the LWC New Mexico state championships and December 1st is the USPA New Mexico powerlifting state championships. I plan on dieting again starting on December 2nd. The day after the USPA state championships. Until the state championships I'lI be focusing on getting as strong as pissposs. And that'll take extra calories.

June 03, 2018

Beast or broken?

The last 8 months I've really dedicated myself to nutrition and training. Anytime I've found a weakness I've trained that weakness until I became good at it. A couple weeks ago I was doing 40 meter dashes. I was fast, but I ended up being sore for almost a week. I realized I found a weakness. This morning I attempted more 40 meter sprints. On the 2nd sprint i pulled an abductor muscle. I've made great progress the last year. But I'm also a lot more breakable now that I'm in my 40's. I figure if I continue to push myself as hard as I have been I'll be a beast, or very broken.

June 02, 2018

First week of reverse dieting

I started a reverse diet on Tuesday. Avatar Nutrition gave me an immediate increase of calories from 2,400 to 2,917 the first day. I thought it would take awhile for my body to start feeling the results of the calorie increase. But almost immediately I felt better. The second day I was lifting more reps with the same weight. By the fourth day I was lifting more reps with significantly more weight. I have never been able to do 4 sets of 10 dips before. Friday i was able to do it for the first time. And I felt like I could have done more. Last Saturday I was only able to front squat 215lbs one set of 6, then had to drop to 195 for my last three sets of 6. Today I was able to do four sets of 6 reps on front squats with 225lbs. And again, I felt like I could have done more. I'm really glad I decided to reverse diet. My body had had enough of being at a calorie deficit. 8 months of dieting and 80lbs of weight loss was as much as I could handle. I'll start dieting again December 1st. But until then I'm going to concentrate on healing my metabolism and getting stronger.

I've decided I'm going to reverse diet for three months. Then maintain for three months.

May 31, 2018

Reverse dieting and maintenance

I've been struggling to continue to keep my calories in the diet range.  A couple days ago I changed my goal on Avatar nutrition to a reverse diet. I'll reverse diet for three months, then maintain for three months. After that my metabolism should have recovered and I'll be able to start dieting again to get down to my dream weight.

May 26, 2018

Ready to maintain

I've been dieting non-stop for just shy of 9 months. I'm getting burned out. I'm ready to eat normal. I think I'm going to change my diet goals. Instead of getting down to 230, I'm going to just get down to 240. I'm at 262 right now. Losing 22lbs is manageable. With how burned out I am 22lbs won't be easy. But it's manageable. First I'll get to 240, reverse diet, then maintain for awhile. At least that's my plan for now. I tend to leap before I look. l change goals a lot. I'm impulsive. And annoying. I even annoy myself. So that's my plan for now. But knowing me it'll probably change.

May 23, 2018

Fixing powerlifting imbalances with a good coach

My powerlifting coach is awesome. I know I post about how wonderful he is all the time. Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse here. But he is by far and away the best coach ive had in any sport I've ever competed in. Coach Vernon told me he's programming a lot more back and lat work on my next block of training. He said my bench and chest is getting stronger quicker than my back is. He's wanting to make sure my body stays balanced and I don't end up having injury problems later. I never would have realized there was an imbalance going on the way he did. I can't count the times he's seen something that's made him adjuste my programming. I'm lucky to have him coaching me. I feel the sky's the limit with him in my corner.

May 19, 2018

More diet knowledge

I've figured out another way to decrease my flexible dieting calories. I drink a lot of coffee throughout the work day. I drink it when I get sleepy or bored. I put heavy cream in my coffee. Heavy cream has a lot of calories. I've started chewing sugar free gum when I get bored instead of drinking more coffee. That's decreased my calorie intake a lot. It helped me loose a bit more weight this week than I have been recently. I weighed in at 262.2lbs this morning. I've lost 84lbs, 32 more to go until I hit my goal. It's finally feeling like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been dieting for 8 months. I'm looking forward to hitting my goal so I can increase my calories to a maintenance level. That'd be a about 1200-1300 calories a day more.

May 18, 2018

My son and weightlifiting

Before the NM youth and master's weightlifting meet my former coach Joaquin Chaves of High Dessert weightlifting club called me up and asked if I needed him to warm me up, count attempts, and keep track of competition in my weight class and age group. He hasn't trained me as one of his athletes in over two years. There was no reason for him to do that for me. I was so touched.

On a side note my wife has been stressed out driving my son, Cody James to and from weightlifting practice with Coach Vernon Smith on Tuesdays. And now my daughter's volleyball practice is also on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It has gotten to much for her to handle. My wife asked me to pull Cody James out of weightlifting. Instead I called up Joaquin Chaves and asked him if he could take my son at High Dessert Athletic club. Coach Joaquin said yes. I'll be taking him to Joaquin Chaves on Monday's and Wednesday's. My mother-in-law will be taking him on Fridays. On one hand I'm excited that my son will be training three days a week with such an amazing man to guide my son in both weightlifting and life. But in the other hand this kinda sucks because his former coach, Vernon Smith was great with my son. I love Vernon. I think so much of him. Vernon been my powerlifting coach since I started powerlifting in October.

 My son starts HDAC on May 28th.

May 17, 2018

Learning diet and nutrition for a lifetime

I used to be a complete train wreck in regards to eating. And my shitty eating hurt my weight, my health, my fitness, my confidence, and my relationships. My entire life really. I've tried all sorts of things to improve my diet and get to a healthy body weight. Some things worked, some things didn't. As I tried new things I learned. Sometimes I didn't even realize I had learned something. I just thought I had failed. I think I've finally figured out what works and is sustainable for me and my personality. I have a calorie and protein goal for the day, and the week.  i count my calories and my protein daily. And I make sure to hit with in %10 of my goal calorie and goal protein. The newest lesson I learned was to start counting my calories and protein on Saturday. I usually do perfectly on my nutrition during the week. I usually make mistakes on the weekend. And now if I screw my calories up on a weekend I can adjust my calories the rest of the week to still hit the goal for the week.

Life is an adventure. And I'm trying to stay flexible, learn new things, and continue to grow.