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My Legume Love Affair 10...Starters and Desserts

My Legume Love Affair 10…Starters and Desserts

I am so happy to host this months My Legume Love Affair 10 this month. As I always love a challenge, I decided to put a theme on the event. This month’s entry must be either a Starter or Dessert. I can think of several dishes already. In Asian cuisine, it is not unusual to find desserts made of Adzuki or Mung beans. Moreover, I was just reading the Rooibos teas is in the legume family. Is this helping you? Susan of the Well Seasoned Cook is the brainchild behind this phenomenal event which draws a large volume of entries each month.

Here are a few facts about MLLA 10:
*All recipes must have a legume as the star ingredient. A legume is
A pod, such as that of a pea or bean, that splits into two valves with the seeds attached to one edge of the valves.
Such a pod or seed used as food.
Legumes are not to be confused with the French term for vegetable. Think beans, lentils, pulses, and/or the sometimes edible pods that contain these seeds, and derivative products like tofu that are made from soy.
*Multiple recipes are permitted, but only the first submission is counted towards the random drawing.
*Recipes to other events are permitted.
*You don’t have to a blog to enter.
*Photos are preferred but optional. Please be sure send your photo in a reasonable size not to exceed 400 pixels.
*Recipes from your older archives are permissible, but must be updated with the event info and links. Archived posts need to be re posted as current.Or you may link to your older recipe in your most current post as an FYI with all the pertinent info and requirements for the current MLLA10.
*Feel free to use the badges on your post.
*You must link your entries to both my post and the MLLA Host Line Up
*All geographic locations are eligible for drawing.
*Last day for submissions is April 30. Email cococooks[AT]hotmail[DOT]com.
*Roundup will be posted the first week of May.

The prize for the Random Drawing will be The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving.

Preserving and canning is such a lost art. With the economy being what it is what better way to reduce waste and preserve the flavors of your favorite fruits and vegetables?

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Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I love legumes! I hope that I'll be able to participate...



kellypea said...

I think I've been under a rock because I haven't heard of this great event. And for the first time ever, I think I've got an entry...Very cool!

Unknown said...

Hi Glamah!
I've got a great recipe (a dessert) for this event and I hope I don't have problems to find the ingredients here!!
Olga xoxo

Pavani said...

Nice theme for MLLA. There are a number of Indian starters and desserts made with legumes. Will send some your way.

linda said...

Never entered MLLA but it is tempting now that desserts are on the menu ;)

Mary said...

Hooray! I love legumes and I'll be happy to participate! (I'll do my best to get it to you complete and on time too!)

Anonymous said...

I love legumes too - great post!

Chou said...

Oh, fun! I'll have to get my thinking cap on. :)

Anonymous said...

Love that new hat ;)

~~louise~~ said...

This sounds like such fun, Courtney. If I were only able to get enough courage to participate.

I can hardly wait to see the glorious entries. Have FUN!!!

Heather said...

Food preservation is making a comeback! Good thing, too, 'cuz I have a shiny new pressure cooker that hasn't seen much action all winter.

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Its nice to see you hosting this edition, Courtney.
Would chickpea flour (the ingredient that is legume) count for this event?

Thistlemoon said...

I just got that book myself! Haven't used it yet, but I am looking forward to working with it!

Emily said...

Awesome! I'm so glad you'll be hosting. This should be fun!

bee said...

i've sent in my entry. hope you received it.

Lori Lynn said...

Count me in!
Lori Lynn

Soma said...

Hi Courtney
I just sent in my entry. Hope you got it!

Jeanne said...

This is one of my favourite events - nice to see you hosting! I will definitely make a note and try to participate...

Mandira said...

Can I still new to this!!!

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

My entry's on its way, Courtney.

Sumy Sunil said...

I'm sending my entry to this contest.
Hope u got it........

msmeanie said...

Hi! First timer MLLA'er here. I just sent you my entry. Thanks!