Friday, September 20, 2013


This morning while we were eating breakfast, Matthew stood on the chair next to me, rolled up his pajama pants and said:
Matthew:  Wanna see my legs.  They're gwowing!
Me:  Your legs are glowing?  (Thinking maybe because his tan is fading & he's looking pretty white.)
Matthew:  No, they're gwowing!
Me:  Oh, your legs are growing!
Matthew:  Yeah, they're gwowing.  My legs are getting so big!
Me:  Yes, Matthew.  You are getting so big!  :)
I love that silly little boy!  He is so cute and makes my days enjoyable!  :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Never a Worse Mess To Clean - Never Ever Ever

What a day!  We all slept late. Then my blissful morning was interrupted by Claire and Tyler running into my room proclaiming that Kate had pooped all over her bed.  I grumbled and dragged myself to Kate's room to assess the damage.  I took one step in and instantly my pregnant nose told me that this was not just poop!  Yes, a barf and poop mess all over her bed - AGAIN!!!  So I left her room, called the pediatrician and made her an appointment because kids are not supposed to be barfing on and off for 2 weeks.  Then I called Jeff, hoping he would offer to magically appear at home and clean up this mess for me.  No such luck, his current job site is over an hour away.  So I had to power through and clean up the most difficult mess I've EVER had to clean up!  That's says a lot since Kate is my 4th child!  Even cleaning my sweet baby in the bathtub resulted in me heaving multiple times!  But I pulled myself together, got her cleaned up, scooped up the mess in her crib, scrubbed her sheets and pj's, started the load of her gag-worthy laundry, wiped the main mess off the crib, disinfected the laundry room sink, showered & dressed myself, got all 4 kids ready & out the door, dropped the 3 big kids at my grandparents house and drove to the Pediatrician in Pomona -- all in an hour and a half!
Now I'm home and I've finished scrubbing the crib with Clorox wipes, put clean sheets on the crib, switched Kate's nasty laundry to the dryer,  went to Sprouts to buy more of the food the doctor said she can eat, done some more laundry and now I need to go clean the kids bathroom because that bathtub is surely disgusting after what I had to clean off of Kate in it this morning!  Then I'll be making a soup that will hopefully do Kate's tummy well tonight.  There is always great fun in store at my house!  Bleck!!!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


We're driving home from Utah.  We're just outside of Barstow and Claire got so excited...
Claire:  Mom!  Look! A rainbow!!!
Me:  Where?
Claire:  Everywhere in the sky!
Me:  That's the sunset!
Claire:  Oh!  He-he-he!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Water guns

Matthew is trying to convince me to let him play with his water guns.  He wants to water the plants with them.  I told him no because I didn't want him to get wet. He looked at me, oh so seriously, and said, "They're not going to shoot back!"  Ah, can't beat the logic of a 4 year old!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Last night I was saying prayers with Matthew.  He likes to try to say his prayers on his own, but seeks a little help from time to time.  He started his prayer on his own, but then looked up to me for some assistance in knowing what to say.  I told him a few things to be thankful for and then I told him to say, "Thank you for Mommy and Daddy."  Matthew repeated, "Thank you for Mommy and Daddy,"  but then he opened his eyes, looked up at me, and asked, "Why?"  Gee thanks Matthew I love you too!  I really did laugh at loud at this one!  :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Greatest Gift

This morning, Claire's first grade teacher, Mrs. Lozano, asked me if I knew that Claire had given her soap last week.  I did not know that Claire had given Mrs. Lozano soap last week.  Mrs. Lozano said, "It was my favorite gift I have ever received from a student!  It was a used bar of pink soap that Claire carved a big letter A with a halo around it for the Angels.  I showed it to all of the other teachers in our pod and took it home to show my husband!  I figured you didn't know that she brought that to me."
Oh, Claire!  My silly little artist.  She really did just grab the pink bar of Hello Kitty Soap out of her bathtub to make that gift for her beloved teacher.  We will have to have a talk about appropriate media for creating her works of art.  A yucky used bar of soap is not really a socially acceptable gift - no matter how pretty it is decorated.  Ha-ha!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Just Like Her Big Brother

So today Kate accomplished 2 new skills.
#1 - I put Kate in the seat of a shopping cart for the first time ever today. It took her about 15 minutes to figure out how to turn around backward and stand up in the cart! Boy was she mad when I told her, "No no Kate" and sat her back down, tightening the strap as tight as it would go!
#2 - For the past couple weeks, Kate has been standing at the bottom of the stairs, just staring up trying to figure out how to get the top - especially when she can hear her brothers & sister upstairs having fun without her. She would lift her leg, but it wasn't quite long enough to get to that first step. But tonight, while I was making dinner, Claire yelled out, "Oh no! Look at Kate! She's on the stairs!" And oh yes, my little Pixie was proudly standing on the first step, holding onto the banister, smiling that adorable toothless smile. Good thing I found a gate for the stairs & it should be delivered tomorrow.
I have a feeling that Kate is going to take after her big brother, Matthew. She is too little to be doing these daring things! I guess the fun is just beginning with My Katherine Lilly!