Monday, September 3, 2012

Meet Griffin!

Ok, ok!!  So I was on a friend's blog tonight--which sadly, I so rarely do anymore--when I saw in her blog friends reader that we had not updated our blog in over a year!!  A year people!  SOOO  much has happened in our lives in a year!!  I was so ashamed that I am putting aside all else tonight (ok, so I am procrastinating doing my preschool lesson for tomorrow!) and am doing a blog post about our new, sweet baby (who has actually just turned 8 months!!!).  Enjoy!!
On our way to the hospital
I was DYING in this picture!  I had waited too long and my contractions were coming hard and fast!!
An hour after getting to the hospital--no time for an epidural, I was already at an 8+!!--this sweet little guy came in to our lives
8 lbs, 6 oz --exactly the same measurements as big brother!

Meet Griffin Roy

And of course we had to take a complete family picture

My mom came in to town and helped out so much!  It was wonderful to have Grandma Trish here to spend time with!!  We love you Grandma!!!  She really helped me get back on my feet again--her and all our wonderful friends here in AZ.  All in all, we had 10+ meals brought in, and carpools, playdates and activities taken completely over by friends, that I literally did not have to leave my house for a month after Griffin's birth.  Boy did I get stir crazy--and spoiled!!  :)  But we are so blessed to have such a sweet, perfect baby in our home!  Welcome Baby Griffin!!!  We all love you so!!!!