Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And I think to myself...what a wonderful world!!

July 29th--We celebrated our 10 year anniversary! I know, I know--crazy how time flies! Since Mark and I actually came to San Diego on our honeymoon, we thought it would be perfect to go out to eat at Seaport Village at the same restaurant we went to as newlyweds.

We watched the sunset over the ocean and watched the sailboats go by...
while we enjoyed some YUMMY food!

Will--our little stowaway--you couldn't ask for a better baby! He sat in his carseat for 90% of dinner (awake the whole time!) and the waitress and those around us didn't even know until the end!
Afterwards we walked around this neat little memorial to the soldiers
Someone had put a pair of sunglasses on one of the statutes and I thought it was funny, so I went to get a closer look, when I turned back around, Private Gomez had a special "treat" for me :) He's so nice isn't he?!
Beautiful roses from Mark
We were able to getaway up to dad's condo in Orange County for the weekend while our good friends watched the girls. We had to sneak in a visit to Crescent Bay in between all of our other fun activities of course!

Happy 10 year anniversary to the most amazing husband (and father) EVER!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Newport Beach

For a week in July, we had a wonderful family reunion with Mark's family in Newport Beach. This year we were there to celebrate Roy and Connie's 50th wedding anniversary. The girls had so much fun playing with their cousins, aunts and uncles, but also getting some special alone time in with grandma and grandpa--they were so spoiled with attention all week! Ellie and Mark went to Disneyland for a day, we spent lots of time at our favorite beach--Cresent Bay, we did some shopping, got in some pool time, had lots of good eats, and went on a fun train ride with grandma and grandpa. We also played lots of cards and games, watched movies, relaxed and we also got to spend the day at the OC Fair. Thanks for the fabulous memories--we had such a wonderful time!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The past 3 months...

So Will turned 3 months old today!! I can't believe it! We have been so busy around here and yet having so much fun, that time has just flown by!! And I know that I have been really bad about keeping my blog updated lately and I really want to apologize to my 5 faithful blog followers out there (you know who you are!). So, this is a quick glimpse into what our family has been up to for the past 3 months...
P.S. To the five f.b.f., (and all of you other occasional followers) I have now updated my blog, so check out all the new old posts--I think there are 9 new ones in total! and some even date way back to February...
So after being crazy enough--or maybe it was stupidity?!--we decided last minute (um...I was one month away from giving birth to our 3rd child--you don't get any more last minute than that!!) to add a fourth bedroom to our house. Let's just say--definitely NOT something I would wish upon my worst enemy!! The thing about construction, is that even a small project (like adding an additional bedroom to your house--HAHA!! Did we really think it would be small?!) escalates into a HUGE project. So after 3 weeks, the construction crew left so that we could have our beautiful baby boy and then 2 weeks later, they were back ripping up our floors and laying down new ones. YIKES!!
So this first picture represents the way our house looked for about a messes everywhere you looked. A new floor/ceiling had to be built for the 4th bedroom, along with all that that contains (lighting, walls, etc...). We also put ceiling fans in our bedrooms and family room, added a drop down ladder for our attic, put in new surround sound speakers, new baseboards in every room, new paint in every room, new closet shelving for the bedrooms, and then the new floors in all rooms minus baths. Fun times!! And let's not mention the work we have done outside in the yard...or the 20 foot dumpster that sat in our driveway for 10 days....
You can't find ANYTHING when every room in your house looks like this!!!
But now the construction is done and we absolutely LOVE the new additions!! (I'll add new pics of our house later...) So the reason for not updating more often, (besides having a new baby, and having our house under construction you ask??) is mostly because...

~We have been to Utah twice (refer back to my new posts in May...)

~Maddy is now potty trained!! Yeah--only one in diapers now!!

~Ellie graduated preschool in June

And now that it is finally summertime, we can finally enjoy a little deserved R & R, like this....

Or this...

LOTS of cuddling with Will

And we get to stay in our pj's all morning... even if we don't want to (Get with the program Will!!)

We do occasionally get dressed (in our swimsuits) and head here about twice a week....

And here...

And about five days a week you can find us doing this....

And if we are not at those places or the park, or at a friends playing, or trying out some new museum, you will find us just hang out with this little stud all day!!

AHHHH!! We love the lazy, crazy days of summer!!