Sunday, August 31, 2008

Top 5 reasons that...

You know baby #3 is on it's way....

5. My pants are starting to get uncomfortable, I seriously have a "baby bump" already! I think the maternity tote needs to come down out of the attic WAY earlier than with my first 2!

4--I am constantly on an emotional roller coaster!! I cry over the silliest things, like commercials or when watching this old movie...

(You know that part when his mom starts singing "Cheer up Charlie"? Yea--I completely lost it!! Ellie and Maddy didn't know what to do with me!)

3. I have all sorts of weird cravings like..

A JUMBO jar of


And I send my wonderful hubby all over town at 11 pm to find a pizza parlor still open on a Friday night because I just HAVE TO have a slice!!

AND I could eat at this place EVERY night for dinner if I was allowed!!

2-- Because I could sleep 20 hours a day if I didn't have 2 other children to care for.

And last, but definitely not least, the #1 reason you know that we are expecting baby #3 is ...

1--Because as of tomorrow morning, this will be parked in my garage !!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Guess who came to our neck of the woods??

I first met Robin as my freshman year roommate at BYU (Whitney hall!!) and we became instant BFFs. We were always together and we always had such a blast together. In college, we never made it to bed before 2 am (I have the freshman year grades to prove it!), and the 2 of us were always up to no good. Oh, such fond memories!! Our midnight bell tower meet-ups with the guys to go sledding, or our nightly walks to Mandy's house, our Milli Vanilli rock out fests, or our beauty regiments. Our shopping trips, tae kwondo class, our double dates (Homecoming--involving 3 police incidences!!), dressing up for our nights out, trips to Fruit Heights, Park City, Salt Lake, Logan, etc...our scheme to have a Zuka juice every week for our freshman year and never pay for it, our Martinelli toasts (here's to the boys we love...) ...oh! the list could go on forever!! Robin was my roommate again my sophomore year and was there for the whole courtship with Mark. She was in my wedding party and my very best friend. Over the years, we have kept in touch and have gotten to see each other occasionally, but not as much as I would like :) She is now a full blown business woman (she even has made a yummy muffin line that will be sold at my favorite grocery store --Trader Joe's!!) and is living near Seattle. Thanks for all the memories over the years and for the fabulous (but way too short) visit! Love you Rob!
This pic was taken in March '08, when she flew out to LA for a business trip. I plan to add some great pics of us from over the years at a later out Rob--they are good...!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Palm Springs Getaway Girls!!

We also got to go to Sea World while the fam was here in town. We had so much fun! We were literally there from 12-11! We saw almost every show they had, held the starfish, went to most of the exhibits, played at the Bay of Play, rode some rides, watched the fireworks, listened to the live bands, laughed until our sides hurt and just enjoyed being together! I think that Sea World is truly a magical place for Ellie and Maddy--they just can't get enough of it, no matter how many times we go!

Friday, August 8, 2008

And they're off! Come on Seabiscuit!!

Mark's company took us to the Del Mar horse races. We had so much fun cheering on our horses! I love all the cute little names they have, so I picked them based on that, but Mark was a little more strategic (probably why his horses won and mine didn't). We even had to bet $2 on the #8 horse in the 8th race on the 8th of August (the 8th month) in 2008--#8 in 8th race on 8/8/8!--too bad she lost though!! Would have been quite the pay off! :) All in all, we broke even and really enjoyed some good fun!

Maddy and her pink princess throne

My baby is growing up!! She wants to be potty trained and is really going at this thing pretty aggressively! She tells me when she is wet and wants to be changed right away, has gone 3 times on her own on her little potty and even did #2 on the big potty tonight for the babysitter (all with Maddy leading the way)! So tell me--is it bad if I don't want to potty train her until summer is over?? We still have 2 more trips until the end of summer and still many more pool and beach days left! But just look at cute she is in those little Care Bear panties!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer, we won't surrender you!!!

On Tuesday morning, Ellie's play date got rescheduled from morning to afternoon and since we were up and ready and it was only 9 am ( I know...shocking isn't it--we were ready at 9 am?!), I was wondering what we should do until then. Boring errands ran through my head--Costco, Henry's, go fill up the car with know, the responsible things I really SHOULD do...but 5 minutes later, Ellie's friend Marissa's mom called and asked us if we wanted to go out to Carlsbad to La Costa Resort to play on the water slides. Of course we couldn't turn that down!! So we packed a lunch and spent a wonderful summery San Diego day at this fun resort that had 8 pools, 3 water slides and a small beach area. The girls had such a blast!! Summer, please don't end!!