Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Free Ben and Jerry's Cone Day is TODAY!!!

If I were closer to a B & J, I would get myself a chubby hubby cone--YUMMY!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rocky Mountain High--COLORADO!!

The beautiful Rocky Mountains

The capital building in Denver

My sister and her husband were so wonderful to let me and the girls crash at their place for 10 days! Mark had business in Utah, and since my sister has lived in CO for nearly five years and we had never been to visit, I thought it was way overdue to finally grace them with our presence (haha!). We had such a great time--and our other two sisters, niece and their friend got to come hang out with us for one of the weekends we were there.

We were able to take in many of the wonderful sites of Colorado--we spent a couple of days playing in Denver, toured the U.S. mint and a candy factory, visited the famous Denver zoo, enjoyed a Butterfly pavilion/Children's museum (where Ellie and Ryker bravely held "Rosie" the tarantula--ewww!!), went on prairie dog hunts, went swimming, did some shopping, visited our cousins, stayed up way too late EVERY night, played in the snow and built a cute snowman (much to Ellie's delight--at least for the first 20 minutes anyway until she was "frozen to death"!!), flew kites, jumped on the trampoline for hours, pigged out on junk food, and most importantly we just relaxed and enjoyed each others company. And in the mist of all that craziness, we were even able to squeeze in some organizing time (Angie is due with boy #2 in July, and I wanted to come out and help her get ready for his arrival). Ellie, Maddy and cousin Ryker were joined at the hip the entire time--they had such a blast together! Thanks guys!!

My sisters and all 4 of the cousins at the Denver zoo

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Come on Leasha do your thang!!
Ok... So, I got my haircut/trim tonight--do we like the bangs or not--it's been 13 years since I've had them!!