Sunday, August 14, 2011


So I guess I am resulting in a once a month post. I used to be such a good little blogger, then I had three kids and man it is a little harder to keep up on everything. I should probably let this little obligation as a blogger go, but I just love my Blog Books..So anyway on to August.
Fun, fun month. We have some good friends that have some horses and they let us come ride them, I just loved it. Maybe I need a horse one day! Here is my friend Kryslin giving me a quick lesson.
Bode was in heaven, also, he has always wanted to be a cowboy, what little boy doesn't, but he was definitely living a dream.
I can't think of anything much cuter than, Raini and her little friend, Tysie, together on a horse.
Little Hawk Man just hanging out, out of all the kids he seems to love animals the most, or maybe he just doesn't know what he is doing yet. Love these two.
Dax and Bode, getting dressed up to ride the horses. I love Dax's plaid shirt.
Little Miss Emery and Hawk man. Hawk is like the neighborhood baby. As soon as I show up I have tons of little girls asking to hold him. He is such a ladies man.
We had a fun all Girls Tea Party, when the boys went to the Fathers and Sons overnight camp out. Plus crepes and Nutella, what more could you ask for.

The Fair...who knew the fair was such a happening place. I didn't, we went with a bunch or kids and moms to the fair and it was so fun. We saw some crazy animals and got to feed some too, well i didn't feed them, but I told the kids they should, it is an experience right? The only downfall of the hole fair was I had this goat eating my stroller, I couldn't get the little guy off of it. He was just chewing and chewing. Finally one of the kids grabbed it by the horns and got if off. It was funny and I was definitely awkward.

Are we serious about those horns!!!?

Look who is walking! He took his first steps in the middle of August. He wasn't for sure if it was a better option then crawling, but after a couple of weeks he is convinced that it is way better.