- hates getting dressed and screams the whole time
- rolls around and runs away when getting her diaper changed
- laughs at everything
- all you have to do is say her name
- loves being around other kids and just watches them
- loves eating rocks and dirt and anything else she finds outside
- doesn't like to put her knees down when crawling on tile or hard ground
- dramatic and cries when she falls down or gets scared
- still wakes up in the middle of the night
- plays a game where she "runs" away from you when you chase her
- mimics sounds and loves blowing raspberries
- hates when everyone is sitting the couch and she's not, so she whines until I sit her next to me
- when she has a bottle she throws her head back to lay down and I have to catch her or else she'll just slam back on her head
- she's busy busy busy
- bolts to the pantry if it's ever open
- opens her mouth and rubs her face in your lap
- has stood up for a few seconds but squats down slowly when she realizes she's standing alone
- says "mamama" at my direction often
- does a happy bounce when eating or excited
- started eating bites of real food
- loves riding on daddy's shoulders
- squeals and tries to get away as fast as possible when you come at her like you are going to chase her
- does the 'Indian call' using the back of her hand to her mouth
- does a scrunchy nose whiney face
- two bottom teeth and top two are almost through