Monday, July 12, 2010


I found a place that is a U-Pick Blueberry farm, and went to pick a peck this morning. Two hours and 10 pounds later, I headed home with my treasure to freeze and store for making pancakes and eating through the winter. Parker discovered a couple of months ago that he loves blueberries, so I gave him a bowl full to eat while I washed and got the others ready for freezing. I left the room for a moment, and this is what I returned to:

The little bugger had eaten his bowl, and then started shoveling as many as he could get before I caught him. Can't wait for that diaper later today. Besides the picture below, I had two other cookie sheets full, and a small container in the fridge to eat fresh. I have to hide it, though, because Parker likes to open the fridge and rifle for a snack. If he finds it, it'll be gone. I may have to take one more morning and pick again. For $1.25/lb, I just can't resisit. And at the rate Parker is going, he'll eat them before summer's over.