Friday, June 12, 2009

Siamese Twins

O-inges and "A Hug Around the Neck"

Ever since Kaitlin performed in the "Guys and Dolls" musical, I have had the song "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck" song in my head. Parker likes me to sing it to him, because the end of one refrain says "and a hug around the neck." For some reason, he really likes that line. Maybe it's because, out of all my children, his way to say "hold me" is "I need hugs" or lately, "I need huggles!" It's very cute, and who can NOT pick him up when instead of saying, "I hold you," or "Hold me," it's "I need hugs!"?

Anyway, he was eating his "0-inges" today when I started singing that song to him. He tried to sing with me, and this is what followed:

Hula Hoopin'

Kaitlin and a friend were hula hooping the other day. Tanner was allowed to watch, and this followed shortly thereafter.

As you can see, the hoop is a bit big for him.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

OK, so these pictures were taken the day before my birthday, but the possibilities they present were definetely a present in and of themselves. I was taking Parker and Tanner for a walk around our oval (I can't call it the block because it's actually oval-shaped) and we saw a yard sale one of our neighbors was having. I noticed that they had some toys, so I took the boys home and went to have a look. They had so much stuff, and so cheap, that I was glad that I hadn't brought the boys along. No sooner had I thought this than I see Tanner running up the street toward me. He asks if he can stay and pick out a toy for him and Parker, and he's so cute, especially remembering to get something for Parker that I can't say no. So we start looking together. While he's checking out all the army vehicles and men they have for sale, I see the perfect pre-birthday present: a super soaker squirt gun. This thing is big, and if it works, will drench my children in a matter of seconds. Here is Parker trying to hold and fill it when I got home.

It's only $2, so I can't resist, and Tanner and I go home loaded up with army trucks for him and Parker and a squirt gun for me. He also has a squirt gun, because I think he probably ought to be able to defend himself, although I know that it will be nothing compared to the damage I will do with mine. I'm thinking that I can't wait to suggest to the boys that we have a water fight. I show them my purchases, and they are so excited that they ask if they can go look. Sure, I say, and give them each $2 to spend, and off they go with Kaitlin.

About 10-15 minutes later they come back, and Josh has the mother of all super soaker squirt guns. I missed this one sitting on a table nearby, and Josh, of course, found it. It's so big he can barely handle it, and it's not even filled with water yet. Of course, now we have to go outside and see what they can do. In a matter of seconds, Tanner is drenched. He can even hear the water squeaking in his shoes, he's so wet. Josh is struggling to fill his up, and when it's filled, he can barely even lift it. Most of the time he sets it on the ground to pull the trigger, which ends up being about the right height to blast Tanner to the nether regions.

Of course, Luke didn't come home empty handed either. His two bucks bought a nerf cross-bow, a sword, two ninja knives, a nerf dart gun, and another gun. He is so excited he can barely stand it. He is smart enough not to get involved in the water fight, and Josh, Luke, and Mom are the only ones who get wet.

So anyway, it ended up being a pretty good day, all said and done. My birthday itself was pretty good, too. Some friends invited us to come and ride horses, and all the kids had a turn to ride by themselves, except for Tanner and Parker. They got to sit in the saddle by themselves, but were lead around by mom and dad. Of course, because of an errand I had to run in the morning, I was late getting back and we rushed out the door without the camera. Sorry, no pictures, but the kids smiles will not soon be forgotten. Then we got to come home and I got a nap, and Shane fixed dinner for the kids and took me out. It was a great day.

On a side note, Shane saw our purchases, and was a little upset that I hadn't purchased the biggest squirt gun for him. He told Josh that if he left it out, Dad would take possesion. Can't you just see it: Mom and Dad, armed to the teeth with super-soaking power, and kids begging for mercy as they drip from head to toe? Oh I may have to see if I can cause Josh to forget to put his away, just to have the dream become reality. And Grandma Suzy, don't worry about Tanner having got a squirt gun. It turns out that his gun shoots when you pump it, so he never gets to pull the trigger, and it already has a crack in it, so he'll be ready for the birthday gun by the time we get to your house. Then he may have a chance in the war with Super Mom and Dad. Maybe.