Friday, November 11, 2011

Goofin' Off

I just love it when I find random pictures and videos of my kids.  I wonder what they are up to when I am out of the house, and this gives me an insight. 

The red eyes add to the crazy effect, no?

Halloween and Pumpkin Carving (A Little Late)

You know, I have good intentions of blogging almost every day. But I've found that I get interrupted more often than I think I should. The kids are home today for Veteran's Day, and my piano kids seemed to have forgotten they have lessons today, so I find myself with time. So, here is Halloween, two weeks late, but here nonetheless.

We carved pumpkins the week before with some friends. Parker, Tanner and Luke all seem to think that pumpking guts are gross, so they had a little help scooping the innards out. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch

Parker is in preschool this year, and one of his favorite things is the trip to the pumpkin patch.  A tractor pulls a wagon full of hay bales around the field, and you get to pick your pumpkin.  Then you get to go back to a gathering area where they serve juice and cookies.  He talked about this trip for weeks, and could barely stand to wait.  He was so excited that Dad even took some time off to come and visit the pumpkin patch with him.

I love his little face in this picture!  He was so excited that he couldn't wait to carve his pumpkin.  Even though Halloween was 2 weeks away, he had to carve it the next day, and keep it in his room.  I tried to talk him out of it, but he was adamant.  A few days later he asked me, "What is that hairy stuff in my pumpkin?"  I thought he was talking about the pumpkin guts and told him it was part of the pumpkin.  The next morning I got woken up with him bursting into the room, and saying in a worried voice, "My pumpkin is leaking juice!"  Yep, the "hair" inside was actually mold, and the thing was decomposing at a fast rate.  So sadly he went into the garden area as fertilizer, and we had to get another pumpkin for carving time with the family. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

5 Months

Yep, you read right. It's been 5 months since I blogged, and while I feel guilty about it, it kind of fit with with the on again/off again blogging for the months before that.  I am trying to recommit myself, but of course, I've said that before, so we'll see.  

So for catch up, we've had several birthdays.  I turned 21 again, Tanner turned 6, Josh turned 11, and Shane turned 24 (He has to be 24 if I'm only 21 =>). 

After summer birthdays came the first day of school.

We have also had soccer going on, and mom of the year that I am, I have not taken any pictures yet.  We have one game left on Saturday, and I am planning on trying to get some then.  Josh and Luke have both scored goals this year, and earned them selves milkshakes.  Their team has not lost yet, and they are feeling pretty good about themselves, as I'm sure you can imagine. 

I will be updating other things, and soon, I promise.  Next up are Parker's trip to the pumpking patch and pumpkin carving.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In case you can't tell, my voice is filled with a small bit of disgust, and a hint of laughter, as I write the title for this post.  My little Tanner, who we all know is so sweet and never a problem (note the sarcasm now), was sitting on my lap last night, and he tooted.  He gets that mischievious smile that he is famous for at our house and says "Mom, I'm toot-tastic!!"  I was torn between laughing my head off or chewing him out for being gross.  The laughter won, but one of these days I'm really going to have to try and de-crude these boys. Sometimes I feel like I'm living with 4 Scooby Doo/Shaggys; you know, the ones from the later movies.  Oh well, someday, right?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Easter was pretty good for us this year.  Easter morning started with an Easter egg hunt in the back yard.  It was cold and frosty outside, but that didn't deter all the hunters from their quest - candy and eggs.  I think they had fun. 

After the hunt, we decorated eggs:
 Notice the green hands (he used them to get the eggs out of the color instead of the spoon):

 Deep in thought about what color to do next:

The Easter Bunny thought we needed new Sunday clothes, as he brought some for everyone.  He spent two days making Kaitlin's, but bought the others. =>  Here are the oldest three decked out for Stake Conference in their's.  (The youngest two stayed home with their sick father, so their pictures will have to come later.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Leo the Cat Lays Eggs

The kids got some plastic easter eggs from church teachers on Sunday, and Parker was quick to scoop them up.  The reason?  I guess he wanted Leo, our cat, to lay eggs.  So after coaxing Leo to lay on his lap (how's that for some good alliteration?) he tucked the eggs underneath Leo in various areas so that Leo could lay "baby kitty eggs."

Looks pretty pleased with the whole thing, doesn't he?  I mean Parker, not Leo!