Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thursday afternoon

Hello family, friends, and anyone else who might be randomly reading this blog. Although I (Clark) have ghost-written and edited parts of previous posts as well as helped design the look of the blog on occasion, Tiffany is graciously allowing me to participate directly in the blogging world by adding a post about our fun-filled afternoon this last Thursday.

We decided to culture our lives (just a little) and take our family to the Orlando Museum of Art. We found out that on Thursdays, pay attention Orlandoans, the OMA allows anyone with proof of residency from Orange and other select counties to see the exhibits for free after 1:00. We also found out that they have a program for children on Thursday afternoons called Creation Station and for the highly affordable price of $1 a child can participate in the project of the day.

Orlando Museum of Art with accompanying "dangerous" modern sculpture

Just before entering the museum Caleb noticed a large red modern sculpture outside and asked us what it was. Tiffany and I began to explain the complexities of art history and the advent of modern art. But before we could get into it, Caleb simply stated that it looked "dangerous" and we all agreed. So we left it at that and went in.

Caleb was in a particularly cultured mood that day and showed it by la-la-la-ing Mozart (as learned from Little Einsteins) while working on his project which seemed to impress the museum officials but embarrass Tiffany. He made a piece of art from a box and other random craft items which he entitled "Dinosaurs - rarrr".

"Dinosaurs - rarrr" by Caleb Gunnerson

After creating his masterpiece, we went to see the exhibits at the museum. Eli was well behaved throughout the entire time we were there which was helpful. Caleb required a little more attention as he wanted to occasionally climb on and under certain types of art - his favorite piece being an intricate glass sculpture. The museum actually had a sign which read: "Children left unattended must have a large allowance."

Glass sculpture...still standing

After the museum we decided to go to a park nearby which Tiffany usually goes to every Friday with her friends and their children. It is next to Lake Eola and the day was perfect for being outside. Tiffany and I enjoyed sitting in the shade while Caleb played in the park which had some pretty sweet playground equipment.

Pretty sweet

It was a picturesque day and one enjoyed by the entire family. We sure love Orlando and are going to be sad to leave it in a few months.

Tiffany and the boys...relaxin'

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Eli Sleeping

I finally got a picture of Eli in his favorite nap time spot - on my bed in the boppy.

He's pretty much the cutest kid ever.

Got Talent????

A few weeks ago Caleb participated in his first Primary activity/talent show. Here are a few pictures from the event.

Caleb's talent was singing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" with Clark on guitar and me on backup vocals.

We soon learned two things that I wish I would have known before we sang:
#1 that Caleb is very particular about the placement of his technical equiptment and fighting him on this would result in #2 that Caleb has no problem screaming into a microphone to air his grievances.

After Caleb won the mic placement battle we sang wonderfully (I am pretty sure everyone only heard Caleb if you can't tell by where he decided to put the mic).

All in all we had a great time and really enjoyed some of the other acts of the night. Below are a few of the highlights from the evening.

My good friends, Stacy and Janielle, and a few others attempting to whistle after stuffing a few saltine crackers in their mouths.

This was a very moving interpretive dance.

And these were some pretty darn funny "joke fairies".

Two boys from the primary class I am teaching decided to play Rockband for us all to appreciate. Who knew videogames could be featured in a talent show?

The last talent I wish I had a picture of was a Jedi light saber demonstration by two boys.
If you can't tell, the night was pretty amusing - gotta love primary. I'm really enjoying Caleb being a Sunbeam.