Monday, October 27, 2008

Grandparent Bonding

So the best part of working in Utah has been the fact that Caleb has gotten to get to know his Gunnerson Granparents and uncles and aunts much better. We are living with them and as such Caleb has gotten to do some pretty fun things with Grandma and Grandpa Gunnerson.

Caleb found his own big stick with Uncle Kieth at the Gunnerson Cabin

Caleb and Keith riding in the back of the truck

Caleb, Grandpa, and Grandma on our hike near their home in Cottonwood Heights.
So- I guess I don't have any pregnant shots but if you look close you can see the baby bump!
Caleb at the State Fair with a duck that is literally his same height.

Much Belated Blog Update!

If you want the short of why we haven't had time to blog the short answer is: Clark has been busy studying for the boards and applying to residency and Tiffany has been sick, pregnant, and working on a congressional campaign in Salt Lake City.

More detailed explanation is this:
While it is typical for the Gunnerson's to be crazy busy during the summer when Clark is studying for the boards and Tiffany and Caleb are traveling to see family- it seems our summer business only escalated into fall/winter madness. Since my last post Clark, Caleb and I spent a month in Las Vegas (Clark did a month long externship at Valley Hospital).

Caleb and I returned to Florida for a week for me to pack up my belongings and travel to Salt Lake City again to work on the Bill Dew for Congress Campaign. Basically I have been working in SLC for 3 weeks then traveling home for 1 week ect... until November 4th. I am working as communications director for Bill Dew- who is running against Jim Matheson in Utah's 2nd congressional district. Most of you may or may not remember my involvement 4 years ago in the same race. Anyway these crazy few months of commuting have not been fun for Clark and I since we have been apart more than together, but we are excited to all be back together in November- only we won't be home in Florida. Clark is doing another externship in Detroit Michigan so I will be living out of a suitcase for another month- that means I've been away from home pretty much since the middle of July. I always committed myself to not being afraid of being flexible these years before Caleb is in school and Clark and I are so far away from family- but I think I have traveled to the max this year. When we get home December 1st I will surely stay put for a while (especially since baby #2 is due January 20th).