This blog is about my private venture into having Mr. John (Poshgoblin) Pickford doing me a small range of 28mm dwarf miniatures that will fulfill my personal need for more dark, sinister and vicious dwarfs.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

The Colour of Magic

Morning all.

A pair of Sorcerers have received a lick of paint and I wanted to share them with you.

Here is your book, Sire

Here, take your god-damn book, biiiiiip!

All the best,

- C

Friday, 4 January 2019

New castings has arrived

Took a fair bit longer than expected, but I've just received the casts of the Ewal Patriarch (2 variants), Acolyte (2 variants) and the Lance Knight Command Upgrade pack.

In this batch you also find a old but familiar face, the: Asylum Doctor/Faceless Stalker from the  2006 FU UK! Sculpting Contest: "Asylum". Yes, it's here after lot of  pestering and persuasion Mr. White Knight has kindly allowed me casting him up. He really is a true gentleman, ain't he?

Friday, 18 May 2018

Heavy lance knights on boars and the soon to come "command upgrade"

As promised, a few assembled new boar knight. Also shown is the command upgrade consisting of a musician on boar and a standard dragon banner hand (suitable for the ordinary heavy lance knights).

Command upgade - new musician and a separate dragon standard hand

The EDK-02 Lance Knights on boars have been added to the "how to..." section.

The EDK-11 Heavy Lance Knights Command upgrade is off for a "production mould" soon.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Heavy Knights with Lances on boars

I've just received the first few spins from the new production mould for the Heavy Knights with Lances on Boars.

I haven't assembled any of them yet, but here's a couple of pictures of the new bits to build them. Will work on a couple of them tonight so you all can see what a great job John did.

Lace knights with option for one of them to have a sword or lance

6 new helmets

Armoured/barded boars

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Boar Knights by Blue in VT

Can't believe it! I was so sure I've published these. I had a request regarding my boar's and I wanted to point out how well the mix with old Marauder Miniatures Orc Boars, but I couldn't find the darn post. I was rather certain that I've made it it, but apparently not ... shame on me, and sorry Blue :(

Cause last year, good friend Blue in VT (Chris Sabick) of Blue's Maraudering Miniatures has actually painted five of the Ewal Boar Knights and he did a stellar job. Blue even mixed my knights and boars with different Ewal Dvergar sets but also other manufacturers like Marauder Miniatures and Old School Miniatures with good results ...

I better make up for that - because they are totally awesome - so here they are. Blue's wonderful Boar Cavalry

Marauder Miniature boar and a OS Miniatures cannon crew head

Out of the box Ewal Boar Knight

Again out of the box Ewal Knight

Ewal Knight on Marauder boar

Ewal warrior head on a Ewal knight body and boar

Stunning work, Blue. Thank you for permission using these here. So, sorry for the delay :-(

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Ewal sorcery - Patriarch and Acolyte

I've been wanting these for such a looooong time, but I've given the rank and file units priority, but with the Heavy Boar Knights almost done it's time to add a bit of magic to the range of Ewal Dvergar.

During the winter John has not only completed the heavy cavalry (lance knights on barded boars) but also build me a pair of multi part wizards.

The Ewal Sorcery will consist of a Patriarch - a battle-harden heavy armoured old wizard - and a Acolyte - a younger and less experienced servant - that do his best to help but also got a few tricks up his sleeve as well.

Ewal Patriarch - Old wizard in magical armour

The Ewal Patriarch has the choice of five different helmet, three right hands (staff, sword and hammer) and five right ones (2 staffs, severed head, 2 scrolls).


And here's some of the different builds that can be done:

Sword and severed head

Staff and open scroll

Hammer and scroll roll

Hammer and staff 1

Hammer and staff 2

Ewal Acolyte - young wizard
The Ewal Acolyte is a single piece body scultp with a separate hand system. The Acolyte is dressed in a cape and carries all the gear needed for battle including the big book of the Ewal Magic tired to his back. The Acolyte has a bare face but it's a face that shows his commitment in battle. The Acolyte has lost his eye but due to his enthusiasm and commitment he has been rewarded and a magical glass eye has been inserted as a replacement.

The Acolyte has a choice of five right hands (Sword, sacrificial dagger, staff, hammer and an open hand) and three left ones (staff, book, open hand)

Broadsword and staff 1

Sacrificial dagger and book

Open right hand and staff 1

Staff 2 and open left hand

Hammer and open left hand holding an orb

Now off for master moulding they go :)

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Boar Knights

Just a small update to let you all know that I've just got the final Boar Knights

Including a small quantity of Wild Boars.