Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Getcha Yer Head Out

Bryant surprised me the other day when he asked if we had a basketball. In 17 years that would be the first time he wanted a sports related item of any kind. I told him to look in the garage. He comes back in with it and starts dribbling and whipping it around, decides its not good enough and heads to the store for a new one. What in the f.........?
Turns out he is in the school play "High School Muscial" and has a singing and dancing number called 'Get Yer Head In The Game' that requires a basketball and some dribbling and passing. Ahhh, makes sense now. Gotta love the Boo.

Lookout Lovenest Lovefest

I recently procured a reservation at another old firelookout in the Couer d'Alene Forest. Little Guard Lookout is ten miles up the mountain from the CDA River. Lisa agreed to go with me and we had a great time. The lookout was originally built in the early 1900's and the present structure has been there since 1950 something. It is in great shape and even had the Osburn Fire Finder still in the center of the room. It was a beautiful sunny fall day and we enjoyed the drive up. We kicked back and enjoyed the scenery. Towards evening we cooked up a delicious dinner of chicken and wild rice. We read the guest book comments for entertainment and took a walk at sunset around the peak. A storm moved in and the wind blew and rain fell all night.. At dawn I raised the stars and stripes and went downstairs and made a huge breakfast. The rain continued but we didn't care. We finally packed up and headed home. Can't wait to do it again we had a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Nuevo Laredo Part Tres

.........if you actually read this crap start at the first one down below.........

So now I have taken care of myself by seeing the good doctor I head back in the direction of the border. I stop at an open cantina for some much needed refreshment and rest. I get hit up some more for money by different people including a young girl who looked so tired that she could barely stand up. Breaks your heart to see that, I gave her some money and she wandered out into the street, I hoped someone was looking out for her. I watched the street scene in Nuevo Laredo for about 45 minutes, it was interesting. I walked toward the border and stopped at some small shops to look for some trinkets for the family. I saw a knockoff of a Louis Vitton purse and couldn't resist getting it for Lisa as a joke. I call it the Lewis Vitin bag. (she laughed but won't actually use it) I also bought Boo a Nacho Libre wrestling mask, I knew he would get a kick out of it. Got em both on a package deal for 20 bucks. Also grabbed some perfume and a bottle of Aquila Los Cosinozes. Had enough for one night and head to the bridge. I walk past the Mexican customs without a second glance from anyone and head out onto the bridge. As I walk across the bridge towards the U.S. Port of Entry I get a little nervous about my pharmaceuticals, I mean what is the worse that can happen. Arrest, jail, a vigorous beating I don't really know. So I grab the small package and toss it over the bridge I hear a faint splash as my precious purchase hit the black waters of the Rio Grande. Feeling safer now I approach the US gate, there is one guy there and no line whatsoever. He says hello, asks me if I have ID, I show him my drivers license he yawns and asks what I'm doing in Laredo. Once again I don't really know, he smiles and waves me through. Should have known I could get across the border with anything. I look like Howdy Doody and I'm sporting short pants and a Idaho drivers license and carrying a bag with a purse and a Nacho Libre wrestling mask. Good God I could have had 2 kilos of heroin in my underpants and walked through there and only gotten some bored looks from the border patrol. Oh well back in the USA at last. I miss Mexico terribly but sadly have nothing with which to deal with the pain.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Neuvo Laredo II


So I wandered up the street in Mexico and was attracting a lot of attention. Finally a young guy jumps in front of me and wants to know what I'm looking for. Women? Weed? Coke? Fireworks? What? I tell him no each time and he holds out his hands and says, what are you doing here? That's a good question, I'm starting to wonder myself. I go on by and walk up a couple more blocks stopping once to give a little girl some money, she was begging for her mother who was sitting on the sidewalk. I don't see anything worth stopping for and finally turn around and head back down the other side of the street. The little girl hits me up again and when I tease her about already giving her some money she smiles so cute that I give her a few more dollars.
Then the guy that stopped me before spots me and runs over, okay he says, what are you looking for. Nothing I say just looking around. Come on he says, I have women, massages, heroin, pain pills - he notices my hesitation at that one. I just drove 2300 miles I do have some pain. But I have no prescription senor. No problemo we see doctor, 10 dollars. Follow me.
So off me and my new amigo Marcos go, off the main street, past dark seedy shops, people in the shadows watching, he points to a few places - dentist, lawyer, pharmacy - all open at 11:00 at night. Just as I'm starting to think I'm being led into the barrio to be robbed and killed for fun we come to a small alley. Very dark, very narrow, not a place you would ever walk down. So we walk down it and come to a door and by this time I am starting to kind of get a fatalistic kick out of the whole thing and I don't hesitate to walk right in.
It is here in a small room with a bare light bulb hanging over a beat up metal desk that I meet Dr. Jose Antonio Cerra Quintero a real humanitarian. Dr. Quinn turns out to be a taciturn fellow wearing a ballcap that says Hurley on it. Marcos converses with him in Spanish and I start to tell him about my arthritic hip and lower back pain and so forth. Turns out that even if he could speak English he doesn't give a rip. I am offered a chair and handed a menu like I have walked into a cafe. I puruse the list of medicines carefully, pretty much anything you can think of was there and plenty I have never heard of. Like all good menus the price was also clearly marked, quite frankly I felt the prices were steep considering where I was. I felt obligated to buy something, that is only good manners I suppose. I finally settle on 10 percodans for 20 bucks. Cash please, plus ten for the Doc and five dollar tip for good old Marcos. I produce the bills and another cat comes in (Segundo).
After some agitated conversation Marcos informs me that they don't have any on hand but that Segundo can go get some but will need to take the cash. Sure fine, as long as this is all on the up and up what can go wrong. So we wait, me and Marcos joke around for a bit but the conversation lags and Doc Quin just sits there staring straight ahead. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that my forty bucks is gone but what the hell it had entertainment value. But Segundo comes back and he has the medication. It is packaged professionaly and they tell me that I can take it across the border with the prescription I've been given as long as the package is not opened. Somehow I doubt this..........

to be continued.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Nuevo Laredo Mofo

I recently drove a truck with a drill rig mounted on it to Laredo Texas. It was a 2300 mile drive from Elko Nevada. It took three days and I saw a lot of country, some of it real familiar and some of it new. I spent one night in Delta, Utah another in Gallup, New Mexico and even one in the hell hole they call Ft. Stockton, Texas. My most interesting night was spent in Laredo, Texas. I rolled into town in the late afternoon.
I had an air brake leaking like a sumbitch and was in danger of locking it up in the middle of traffic. I stopped and got it fixed by some very cool Mexican mechanics. It was like getting it fixed in the rest of the U.S. except it was done right, real fast, real cheap and they were very nice. They even gave me a map to the Customs faciclity where I dropped the truck off as it was going to the companies operations in Mexico.
From there I took a taxi, I told the driver I wanted to go to a hotel close to the border so I could walk over. He winked and said you want some women eh? No senor, but I do want to check it out. He took me to an old tower hotel right on the friggin border overlooking the Rio Grande and one block from the bridge that takes you into Neuvo Laredo. The place once was very nice, although the room was huge and was decent with a huge floor to ceiling windows looking at the river the building was now in sad shape. The elevevator was scary as the doors only opened about eight inches and you had to pry them apart. It took forever for it to get anywhere and I finally gave up on it and walked to my room on the fourth floor.
I ate dinner in the lobby bar / restaurant and was the only one there. The food was excellent 2 enchiladas a burrito and tres coronas for 12 bucks. I then walked to the border bridge and Nuevo Laredo.
I walked across the bridge looking down at the river below, it was about 50 yards wide and had a lot water flowing. If you were to swim this at night it wouldn't be that fun. I entered into Mexico without a second glance from anyone, easy to get in I think. I head up the main street there and things look immediately different. For one,I am without exception the only white boy in the whole freakin place.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Right Thing

I find myself one night recently at a WalMart in Fort Stockton, Texas. ( I know, this sounds like the start of a horror story ) I use the ATM to get some cash. I push the button for 80 bucks, four bills shuffle on out and I glance at the twenties quickly just to see if there is four of them. Later that night as I'm buying pork rinds and cerveza at seedy little convience store I notice that one of the bills is a fifty. Crap. Bad Karma, I don't like it. I don't have time for this bullshit. But seeing how my integrity is worth more than 30 bucks the next morning before I leave town I stop and go in the store to tell them that the machine gave me too much money. Turns out WalMart owns the machine but nobody wants to hear about it. The nice Mexican girl who is in charge of the place at this early hour clearly thinks I'm insane. I try to give her my name and number just in case but she doesn't want it.
I tell Lisa about it on the phone and she says if they don't want it back to just give it to charity. I decide she's right.
That night when I get to Laredo Texas I do my duty and get thirty single dollar bills. I go to a club and find a nice stripper named Charity and give them all to her. I have to admit doing the right thing does make you feel better.

***Disclaimer*** All true except the last part.

Brother Bear

Went fishing yesterday on the Coeur d'Alene River, a rare event this summer. It was a beautiful late summer day, just a hint of fall in the air. The fishing was a bit slow, I caught some but not many, they just didn't seem very active. The day was saved by seeing a black bear up close for a few minutes. He came across the road in front of me and stopped: trying to decide whether to go back or not. I stopped my truck and watched him for awhile forgetting about my camera that was on the seat right next to me. He finally gave a little buck and romped off into the trees. They have a funny rolling gait when they run that looks comical to watch. I like bears, it's always good to see one. It reminds me that it is still a little wild out there and on any given day you just might run into Brother Bear.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How Sweet

She's a sweet gal and it was a nice effort, but she still has troubles with shapes, its supposed to be a heart, she has her good days and her bad days.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I have been working my ass off lately and it makes me wonder what the hell is going on. Just last year I was living the life of leisure. The contrast is startling. Here is last week in a nutshell. Friday I got a call that two drills needed to be moved out of an underground mine near Elko Nevada. I caught a plane to Reno the next morning and started working to "de-mobe" this site. The mine includes a huge pit operation that is bigger than Kennecott, I would drive to the bottom of this hell hole past the huge load trucks carrying ore, trying to remember to drive on the left side of the road like a damn Englishmen so the trucks wouldnt crush me like a bug. At the bottom of the pit it is about 120 degrees, the heat from the earth makes it even hotter than normal. There is a portal to the underground mine from there. One of the guys took me down in the mine about a mile just for the hell of it. I spent almost three days at this place getting all the equpiment up to the surface including two 16 hours days. Then I took off to SLC to pick up some equipment and then stayed in Dillon Montana and drove to Coeur d'Alene. I then started taking equipment up to a job site near Kellogg Idaho about an hour from here. I worked all week doing 12 and 14 hour days. I was supposed to have fri, sat and sun off but they needed me for some things and all I got was Sunday off. for the week I worked 97 hours and I got kinda tired. (a lot of hard physical labor) Now they put me in charge of 'Mobiization' which means my job just got twice as hectic and harder. More money please.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Old Timey Funny

Funny stuff, turn on sound.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Just got back from a splendid outing on the upper reaches of the Coeur d'Alene River. Went to my favorite spots and had them to myself which is always nice. The road runs alongside the river for over 30 miles and I saw about 6 vehicles pulled off and people fly fishing on the drive there. Obviously I was concerned about the overcrowding. I once drove all the way to my most special spot and never saw anybody fishing on the hour long drive until I drove up to the pullout and there was a truck there. I pitched a little fit, swore some mighty oaths and was really torqued that it had Washington plates. But not today, I parked and put on my waders and strung up my rod and was fishing in just a few minutes.
I caught one nice one in the little run I always catch one in (unless I miss it) I worked my way upstream to the bend in the river where there is a huge log jam. Every year after spring runoff this log jam is a bit different but the huge logs are still there. This year it had changed quite a bit but was still loaded with fish, especially smaller cutts that seek shelter in the many spots that the trees provide. I caught so many little cutts that I got sick of it and would pull my fly away if I could see the little buggers coming. Catching a six inch cutt is fun the first five times and then you have enough of it. I did snag a few 12 inchers in there.
About this time I finally lost the elk hair caddis I had been using, I left it in a fish's lip. I tied on a new one and cast a few times and noticed the damn fly wasn't there. I pulled the leader in and tied a new one on, I snagged it on a branch in a deep pool and lost it right away. I'm a little ticked at losing three flies in five minutes but decide it's time for a sit down and tie on a new leader. I find a nice log in the river and kick back and have a drink and slowly tie up a new leader and fly, real nice like. I pick a really nice parachute Adams and apply floatant to it and puff the hackle up just right. I admire my handy work and relax for a few more minutes. I see a pretty nice fish rise just upstream from me so I stand up and cast to it. The cast is graceful the drift pure and the trout rises with confidence. I set the hook with skill, I feel the tug and then the fly pops out. The line shoots back at me and is heading for some branches so I haul forward quickly to prevent a snag. Quick thinking that results in a crack the whip effect and I hear a snap as my new leader and fly disappear in the great blue yonder. Son - of - a - bitch. All part of the game though and I get over it quickly.
I decide to head to my second most favorite spot a few miles downstream. As I got close to my truck I noticed a car pulled up next to it and two yahoos from Washington were standing there decked out like a couple of Orvis models, except the one guy was about five feet tall and weighed 300 pounds. He was testing the limits of an old pair of blue neoprene waders and had a big hat and a not so bright look on his face. I was casting nonchalantly as I walked back just letting the fly drift while I worked my way downstream. As luck would have it a beautiful 16 incher rose and I set up and landed it right in front of them. They were watching carefully and a few casts later I landed a fat little 12 incher that made a few jumps and fought the good fight. The fat little guy was cleary impressed and slapped his knee and shook his head admiringly. I crossed the river and got in my truck. The chubby dude had his foot on the bumper of his car trying to tie his wading boot and was wobbling around. As I pulled away I saw him with a bootlace in each hand as he slowly but surely went over backwards flat on his back with a thump. He lay motionless for a few seconds and as I looked in my rear view mirror as I drove off I saw his arm come up with the middle finger extended. Ten minutes later I quit laughing.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Me and You & a Kid Named Boo

We took the driftboat on it's maiden 2007 voyage last weekend. Lisa even went on this one. Record breaking temperatures into the mid 90's were brutal but we went anyway. The problem with temps that hot this early in the year is that the water is still freezin ass cold. So, you can't jump in and you can't stay out. On a bright hot day the fishing was slow too but we had a good time. Not too many people on the river and it was a spectacular day. Throwing a nice tight loop out there felt good. We are going to run the Clark Fork next time, hell yea.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Perfect Woman

She's pretty, smart, sexy, sweet, makes money and more. But now oh lordy I have hit the big time.... This is a picture of my little woman rowing my driftboat down the Coeur d'Alene River while I flyfish from the bow. It doesn't get much better than this folks.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Daily Affirmation


1. Open a new file in your computer.
2. Name it "Hillary Rodham Clinton"
3. Send it to the trash.
4. Empty the trash.
5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get rid of "Hillary Rodham Clinton?"
6. Firmly Click "Yes."
7. Feel better.

Next week Nancy Pelosi

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bodie & Jett

Just got back from Kanab where I got to see my grandsons. As you can see they are the cutest kids on earth. We had a great time seeing everybody.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring In Coeur d'Alene

Spring has come to the area and damn it is beautiful. Green grass, leaves starting to bud and flowers blooming. Of course it is already green with all of the pine trees covering most of the land. The lakes and rivers are a shocking blue color that matches the sky sprinkled with bright white billowy clouds. Once again Im amazed at the beauty of this area, especially after being in Nevada for almost all of April. Tasha and I took a bike ride today along the trail that runs along Lake Coeur d'Alene, it has to be one the most beautiful bike rides in the world. The sun was out and the air is still a little chilly but after trying to keep up with Tash I was plenty warm. We had a great time and a good workout. Me and Boo mowed the lawn for the first time yesterday and it felt good to get out and work in the yard. We have been taking the dogs for walks at the trails everyday. Damnnation its good to be home.

Oh Dear Me

So this time at the Tonkin Springs camp was my last. I have been given a different job moving the drilling equipment around the country. Much better for me, more money, not stuck in one place, etc. The 22 days I did this last time were hell, there were 14 people there this time and when I was working someone was sleeping in my bed, this is called hot bunking and I'm pretty sure it is illegal.
I went into Elko on after my 15th day because I was out of food and also wanted to get the hell out the place for awhile. Six of us went in and stayed the night. They started out drinking and gambling at the Red Lion and ended up hitting pretty much every casino and bar in Elko. A mexican driller from Arizona named Edwardo got us kicked out the Stockmans for being too funny at the 21 table for the pit boss. We ended up in front of an establishment that had a neon sign that said "diddling and dancing" I kid you not. This is where I parted ways with the group. I got back to my room at 5:00 am and Im pretty sure I was the first one to sleep. I woke five hours later and looked out the window and saw one of the guys sleeping in the back of a truck in the parking lot. He was a crazy guy named Wild Bill who is 50 years old and really shouldn't be allowed to drink. I bought some food and headed back for 7 more days in paradise. The rest of the group staggered in just in time for work stinking of liquor and whores and wearing the badge of shame which lasted for about a day. One guy had spent 1900 bucks and was rubbing his head in pain. He is 25 years old and makes about 12 grand a month and spends pretty much about 12 grand a month. The only reason he felt bad was that he was too drunk to consumate the deal at the house of ill repute. I could say Im going to miss those guys but it would be a lie.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What the

After a few days of sleep and recovery I am now back in the real world. My previous post was a tad misleading I don't smoke and I'm not drinking whiskey at 6:00 a.m. and only horny as a regular billy goat. Tonkin Springs was a experience that no one needs to have. Have a nice day.