Saturday, April 25, 2009


Ayden has been so excited to play soccer on his own team and has talked about how he is going to kick the ball and make goals.  Unfortunately his first practice left him very disappointed and discouraged.  The coach had the kids run a lap around the field and sure enough Ayden was the caboose by a long shot, which really was no surprise.  Then, he had them play a mini game in which the kids all chased the after the ball.  Again, Ayden tried but his body was too tired to keep up with the kids due to his lack of oxygen.  He came over to me disappointed that he couldn't get the ball and that he was too tired.  I told him to just do his best, have fun, and wait for the ball to come to him instead of chasing it, so he joined his team to try again.  Throughout practice this is how it went with just a few smiles at the very begining and end.

Thursday night while putting Ayden to bed I asked if he was excited for his soccer game, to my surprise he said, "no the kids are too fast".  I hadn't realized that it had impacted him so much, I thought it was more me being sensitive than anything.  I talked with him and told him I would help him at his game and that he could play defense and keep the other team from making goals.

By Saturday he was again excited and got already for his game.  He even mention that he needed grapes to share with his friends.  The first time he kicked the ball he got a big smile on his face and yelled yes!  I think he had fun despite being cold and tired.

Ayden didn't understand why you can't just all the sudden sit or lay down on the field when your tired.  He had the coaches wondering a couple times if he was hurt. 

  I would have to say the half-time oranges were his favorite and I think I'm safe in saying he out ate all his teammates. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

It Took A Real Man

Thanks to Anita's cheap fix it guy my backyard hose/faucet is back in use.  According to Chris, "it takes me going to India to get a real man to do the job."  Thanks TJ and Anita you guys are awesome, we couldn't ask for better friends and neighbors! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good News and Bad News

The wash machine is working.  I was able to get one screw off of the wash machine last night but the other one wouldn't budge.  My dad came over today to look at it and we didn't see anything wrong with the belt or hoses but the wash machine wouldn't do anything.  I had tried switching plugs last night but that didn't help either.  What I had failed to do was try something that I knew was working in the outlet.  So that's what my dad and I did and thank goodness it was just the breaker switch. 
Now for the bad news.  The kids were hot from running around so I pulled out the sprinkler to cool them down.  I turned on the water and it hardly came out but is sure leaked out throughout the the outside of the house were the faucet is and along the house.  I'm assuming the pipe leading to the faucet is cracked.  The joys of being a single parent.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What Will Tomorrow Bring

Last night Kelton threw up, probably because he has a problem with overeating when it comes to treats or a really quick flu bug since he woke up feeling great jumping all over the place and has acted fine since.  However today brought another fun surprise when I went to go change my wash and the wash machine was still full of water.  So after my post I'll be down stairs seeing if I can figure anything out on my own before I am forced to call a repairman.  Other than that we are surviving our first few days with dad back in India.  Since the weather has been so nice I started with the outside chores.  I've cleaned out the garage and mowed the lawn and my sweet home teachers daughter Allison came over and did the weed wacking.  
By the way does any one have a dentist they would recommend?  We just switched plans and would like to a dentist closer to home so.  So we are in need of one for the whole family but wouldn't mind taking the kids to someone who focuses on the just kids either.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break and Snow

We haven't had much luck with nice weather over spring break, but a least the 4 inches of snow gave the kids something to do.  They have been so cooped up that they have been bouncing off the walls 24/7!   So as for me I welcomed the weather with a smile.  Ayden's favorite thing is to do is fall down and roll around in the snow as he eats it, and Saige loves to make snow angels.  Kelton always likes to help shovel a bit at the beginning then join the others to play.  As for Addison, well she wasn't quite sure she liked it after she fell down and couldn't get up, but she still refused to go inside; preferring to be outside being held, pushed in the stroller, or in the swing.

Scales and Tails


Last night the kids had a great time learning about reptiles and holding snakes.  Before the show even got started Ayden was hiding by our feet not sure if he wanted to see the animals, but once it got started he realized he was safe and ended up having a great time.  Chris and I kept nudging the kids to raise there hands to be volunteers, but they weren't quite sure that they wanted to hold the lizards, snakes, spiders, and other animals on display.  However, in the end, they realized they were safe and had fun posing for pictures, as you can see. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saige's Baptism

Last night was a very special night for Saige and our family, as she was able to be baptized by her Dad!  We had to plan a separate baptism before Dad left to India, so she was able to plan it exactly how she wanted.  Everything turned out perfect...the only exception being that we did not print out copies of the words for the cousins musical number.  Needless to say, their singing left something to be desired, but looked cute doing it, just the same.  We are so proud of our little Saige.  Uncle David may have said it the best, when he said, "my little Saige is not so little anymore," but we are sure that our Heavenly Father was very proud of His "little Saige" last night.  

This is the outfit my mom and I spent countless hours making.  It was supposed to take 8 hours and with 2 people we didn't think it would take any longer.  Needless to say half way into it I sought out another pattern and still will need to redo part of it but she sure looked beautiful.