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Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2011

BBW lagi???

Hari ni bawak adik aku dengan kawan dia pi BBW ni.
Sekali terbeli lagi buku untuk diri sendiri pulak. oops ;p

a range of books. mostly chicklit. Seronoknya jumpa Julie&Julia!

hm...lemari ni sebenarnya baru jugak beli utk letak buku2 aku yang sebelum ni. sekali masuk buku baru. terpaksa letak buku-buku yg dah baca tu kat bawah/lemari lama dia kat belah kanan tu.

akhirnya dpt beli gak semua buku shopaholic yang selama ni aku pinjam dgn org lain aje. Book 1-5 total RM 40. Kalau beli waktu biasa dengan rega tu dapat satu bijik je buku shopaholic. So, sangat puas hati! ;D

Friday, October 07, 2011

Big Bad Wolf book sale October 2011

Bulan lepas aku ada wat post tentang big bad wolf book sales.
And today the doors are open to public!heh

selamat pagi Hall A MAEPS!

exercise naik bukit jap

kitorang sampai awal. dengan selamba kodoknya terus bentang beg ikea aku dan lepak~ lama-lama semua orang kat depan aku ni duduk gak atas lantai. xlarat beb. ngehngeh

kalo visitor masuk dari Entrance1, meka akan ikut sign BBW Visitors ke kiri. Dari situ korang kena naik tram ni utk ke Hall A. Tapi aku dah recce tempat awal.heh. Dari Entrance 1 tu jangan terus belok kiri. Drive ke depan lagi sampai korang nampak sign BBW Organisers. Follow that. Park kat tpt parking tram/bas tu. Dari situ boleh menapak naik bukit atau panjat tangga tok sampai Hall A.

gile besar. mula-mula masuk tak tahu mana nak pi. heh. dari pintu masuk tu, dari kanan ke kiri dewan adalah: children, young adult, science fiction, comic, romance, cook books, travel, homedeco, hobbies, biographies, magazines etc


And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street, Dr.Seuss
Mr.Brown can moo! can you?, Dr.Seuss

The Mediator Book 5, Meg Cabot (baie's)
Readers Digest Mac 2011
The World of Interiors
Living etc

Star Wars
500 Quick&Easy Decorating Projects&Ideas
Thanks for the memories, Cecelia Ahern
Marriage bureau for rich people, Farahad Zara
Journals 1952-2000, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr
Artemis Fowl and the atlantis complex, Eoin Colfer
Place called here, Cecelia Ahern
The last song, Nicholas Spark
The lovely bones, Alice Sebold
Me&Mr.Darcy, Alexandra Potter
The smart one and the pretty one, Calire LaZebnik
She went all the way, Meg Cabot
Mum on the run, Fiona Gibson
Pride&Prejudice, Jane Austen
Shopaholic&Baby, Sophie Kinsella

The world's greatest idea, John Farndon
Baby's First Year
Complete guide to vegetables, fruits and herbs gardening
Organizing idea book

Blood and goo and boogers too!

Betty Crocker Cook Book

Sesame st Sing 'n' Go Seek Elmo box set

Overall it's a good haul. Lots of chicklit ;p
Unfortunately the ikea bag is killing my shoulder. Should have brought one of those trollies (should have borrowed one).
Happy~happy~off to read me&mr.darcy!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

THE Big Bad Wolf is baack!

Tak sabarnya aku!
Big Bad Wolf book sales is a delicious treat! which I've never tasted!sad!
I was introduced to BBW a few years back by my sis.
They always have it at Amcorp Mall,PJ. And as my sister work at PJ, she would go and haul lots of books which later I'll kidnap from her.
BBW sells books at 75-95% discounts. With prices as low as RM8. New books too.
Check out the website here.

Last year the BBW was held at South City Plaza, Seri Kembangan.
That's my territory! but then, I've missed the news on that event.

This year, it's going to be held at MAEPS, Serdang.
Man...I'm excited beyond words!
From the 7th October 2011 till the 16th October 2011.
I'm planning to go on the 8th October 2011 (saturday).
Gonna be the first one in line!

So, with just three weeks to go, I'm going to start preparing by:
1. Recce the area. Find out where the heck is Hall A, find the best parking spot, search all the entry points to the building/MAEPS
2. Start searching for books which I HAVE to buy, start reading reviews for ALL book genre. Start making a list!
3. Simpan and spare duit gaji! as the Cash payment line is much faster than the Cash&Credit Card line, I'm preparing to bring around 2-3 hundreds (with spare). Expected number of books to buy:at least 20
4. Find a suitable bag. As you browse, you'll be given an empty carboard box. But, you can still bring your own suitcase luggage/grocery bag/holdall bag etc. I'm thinking of using my large Ikea bag.

If you love books, you don't want to miss this.
See you there!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The new MPH Alamanda

I could spend hours in a bookstore.
So today we stopover by the newly revamped MPH at Alamanda.
It have a HUUGE! section for kids&pre-teens.
Rows of books. There's roald dahl's and dr.seuss's! gorgeous stuff

row of Artemis Fowl books. new cover design. you knew I love them!

and new cover for Harry Potter's books too

nice one ha..a photo collage of 50's-60's malay movies

turns out it's Amir Muhammad's book. just flipping through...

and then after the's KRR time! korang, aku lama tak gi makan luar ni tau...sayang duit! tapi kali ni sebab nak celeb mah fren getting maried, so...

it's mangan time!

Friday, January 30, 2009

biler internet nak masuuuukkkk

heh...aku rasalah, nihla orangnyer yg kat post yazid nih. kuar paper tuh...haha..
he's an Indonesian by the name of Anas

nih lak muka obama sebenar dalam paper yg sama

Jumaat ke Selasa busy dengan aktiviti berpindah umah.

my 2 years worth of Arena

...and my books

...and my cd's+dvd's

aha! banyak giler barang aku sorang.

malam sabtuh ada kenduri kat umah jenderam. Nih Hanis tgh syokk tgk Upin&Ipin

kanak-kanak melepak d umah sewa baru

ooh, who can get this signed??? nak dijadikkan hadiah b'day bulan april

nihla nasi kandar. eross terliuq tak???haha...

khamis apter kije jumpe wawa kat jj equine. gian nak main. nih penjaring bola terbyk skali

oooh...aku suka men benda nih.or main benda yg sama tapi lawan ngan orang. aku ngan wawa sampai main 2 game tuh~~~

Saturday, November 22, 2008

i miss root (T.T)

akhirnya...I've found it! the latest fowl series (tak kisahla walopun tok teen readers.heh..)
puas aku carik kat mph alamanda, mph sunway, popular sunway, suma takda. huhu...kat mph online pun kata dah out of stock. this book actually baru kuar bulan 8 taun nih. the successor of the lost colony.
'something in the air' between artemis and holly? woooot ;D

sesiapa yang nak berkenalan ngan colfer nyer writing bleyla pinjam the whole collection from me (some kat jb). tapi pulang balik beb...these books are my treasures ^^

bilalah aku nak g ni oiii....
EDIT: bought it

Sunday, November 02, 2008

hanadan final

weekend come and goes

went to catch hanadan final at tgv klcc. tried to find a seat as far as i could from cik kak eross and encik tunang dia. haha. (ignore the fact that i'm munching away on their popcorn ;D) eross entry here!

regarding the movie. *spoilers ahead*. went to watch it more as it's the final continuity of the hanadan installment rather than as a jun/arashi fan. the moment the tiara is shown, we knew that there's going to be 4 main location in the movie: us-hong kong-south east asia island-something2idontremember(not exactly a location). it had some of it's 'unbelievable' scenes. there's no way you could jump down on a helicopter and successfully hang on the heli foot(or whatever its called) , you should be chopped to death! and i never knew that we could punch a bear and get away unscathed!. and there's no way a plane can land on that island (unless of course they touched down at an airport first, then got transported thru land and water before dumped on the island. unconcious throughout the ordeal).tsktsk.but then again, movies aren't made to make sense. still,it have its hilarious (the vegas motel) and tooth-ache sweet moments. and i love the japan location after they were saved from the island. it's gorgeous. but personally, for me, the movie is a bit too long. when they're still in us, i'm already counting the time for it to get to the island.i'd rather they made it a series than a film. but then again, i haf to's very satisfying to hear 'one love' thru the cinema's speaker ^^

even before the movie started i've already recognized some arashi fans there. those pointing at the huge promo stills outside(but in the end, it's only us who took piccies with it) and those in purple. and sure enough you can hear people squealing over the first glimpse of jun on screen. the first time he spoke on screen. and when there's up-close on jun. and when jun is nekkid above the waist. it's fine the first few times, but as it goes on, it gets on your nerve a bit...

so, if you love hana yori dango the series, go catch the final at the cinema! (with english subs)
tgv-KLCC, sunway
cathay-the curve

finally, found this! oh man...but i haven't even finished my kite runner!