Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26, 2009

Today was the day we have worked towards and prayed for. Danny is in the Air Force, married to a LDS member from Honduras. They are from the same village, in fact his sister is her best friend. During the summer we met them in Sacrament meeting before he whisked Kelin home. He was sure one hour was plenty of church! But they let us come to their cute home and teach him the Gospel, which we have been doing all summer. They went back to Honduras for August, to pick up his two children from a previous marriage, Charlie (8) and Mimi (6). With the recent coup and unstable government there, we were all worried about them getting back safely and together. They made the two day flight safely! While they were in Honduras his faith continued to grow while talking about the church with Kelin's father. They have requested we begin teaching Charlie, so with the help of the Smith's (former missionaries from Guatemala), teaching him in Spanish, we are working towards Dad baptizing his son in the near future. We are so blessed to be apart of helping this family unite in the Gospel and watching them grasp God's love for them. We have watched them accept commitment's to read and pray, and align their life to God's plan of happiness. We have observed this newlywed couple accept his children into their lives. We watched the children go to the American school days after arriving here in completely new surroundings. We are watching as they develop into a family learning and growing into all their Heavenly Father has in store for them. It is truly beautiful and such a blessing to watch a family unite as a new 'priesthood holding' father begins to guide his family. How lucky are we to have the gospel leading our lives in times like this?

Monday, September 7, 2009

I think if I can't actually share an authentic Italian restaurant with friends and family, I can at least show it to you. So here are some pictures of local restaurants, and some pictures of food. I haven't learned how to sent smells and taste. Sorry.
So the first picture is a standard, grilled vegetables,
the gelato (so much for my picture loading plan of putting it last), then there is tagliatelli and mushrooms, cheese pizza and Kristin has lasagna. Her little guy is eating that pizza, it may take him a couple days to get there, but even he enjoy's it. We are eating at Cellini's in Sacile (pronounced saw-chili)
Buon appetite!!

Now the way Italians eat is starting around 8-9 o'clock in the evening, and a person would start with the pasta dish (Prima), followed by the grilled veggies (Secondo),
then the meat dish, the pizza or lasagna (Carne), washed down with wine and followed by coffee and gelato...
and they are very tiny, to see an overweight Italian is rare.