Thursday, July 16, 2009

Last week we went to Venice with the new missionary couple at Vicenza. Our plan was to explore, so we ended up on the island of Murano.  The island is where the glass blowers have all gone to get away and is beautiful.  We enjoyed watching them blow, admired their work, and didn't buy too much.  The prices were out of sight!  The cost of real works of art, they say.  So the first picture is looking back at Venice, and the next is on Murano.  The week of the fourth of July we fed the District missionaries a BBQ lunch.  They each went home with a bag of American chips, root beer, and a package of Oreo's.  But not in the Mazerati!!  That was our one shot of the car as it sped past our little Fiesta.  Attitude all over their faces!!  But it is a beauty.