Sunday, June 6, 2010

Passages of time

We went for a beautiful ride into the Dolomites mountains, and it is so beautiful, time seems to stand still.  I don't think mush of modern life has changed the pace of life in these mountains.  It is really inspiring to see the beauty of the earth.  We went to Venice with the Booths, friends that came over to visit and see Italy.  Again the passage of time seems to stand still in many parts of Italy.  It is hard for us Americans to grasp that people still use buildings that were built a thousand years ago. Places that saw great historical figures involved in conquering, just as we still see today.  The castles still tell the story of people throughout time trying to find peace and freedom in this world. Thankfully we have to gospel to give us peace, if we just follow God's commandments.  Following the prophet will always bring us peace.  Such a great message we can share with the world.  Such a blessing for us and our families.  

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Springtime changes

 Springtime in Italy has brought forth the beauty of the country, 
and the people we teach.  Many families in our military ward are being separated by deployments to fight for freedom.  This leaves families, wives and children to cope without their fathers for 4-6 months.  Many of these families have new babies and children that will miss having their fathers a part of these critical times of their lives.  Such a hard sacrifice they make for our freedom.  Many are part member families and the ward is trying to offer support for each spouse, so more heros are left to help here.  We so admire all of them, and know this scenario is being duplicated all over our globe.  America's fighting men and women are trying to bring freedom to places in the world where it has not been for centuries.  Does this help us understand the importance to us of Free Agency in that council in heaven? Satan continues to want to deprive us of that gift. As we have taught people on our mission we have tried to help them understand how much Heavenly Father loves them and wants them to progress with their free agency.  When we can make choices that bring light to our lives our faith grows as our strength to choose the right grows. We are so blessed to have a Savior that sacrificed and provided us this opportunity to progress and valiantly use our free agency. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We met the Senior Missionaries in Milan for a sunny day of sightseeing and friendship.  
It is so great to spend time with others with the same experiences as we are going through.  
Milan is a beautiful historic city, and we saw it from top to bottom.

The next day we went to Lake Como, where we shopped for Italian ties.  Yes we almost bought them out of stock!
Family and friends will enjoy the fruits of that labor.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 6, 2010

We loved the opportunity to watch conference over the Easter weekend.  The 10 AM sessions came on live here at 6 PM.  Of course we didn’t hold church at our chapel, but it was broadcast there in English and Italian.  A nonmember lady we have been including in a lot of Relief Society events decided to come with us to church on Easter. I had made a point to check the times on base for the  Easter Mass for her, but was surprised when she had other thoughts. That led to a long explanation on why we weren't having church on Easter, hopefully she understood. Her husband is deployed and she likes her boys included in our youth activities.  She enjoys being with members and the family values we live. You just never know what miracles the Lord is working on.

We went to a part member family’s home for the Sunday session.  The father is not a member but his wife and five children are very active.  He fully supports them, and attends Sacrament meeting with them most Sunday’s.  Very good Dad, and was actively listening during the session.  More miracles being worked?

We baptized a father from Honduras last September, and have been teaching his 9-year-old son.  He is very shy and has been adjusting to life in an American school, living in Italy with his father and stepmother. He has been afraid of the water so hasn’t wanted to plan a baptism. Last week he agreed to be baptized when asked by a new eight year old who was being baptized. Pretty young missionary there!

The two young children from an inactive home that we have been teaching want to be baptized.  We had a tentative date set for April, but wanted the Bishop to get a commitment from the parents to support them and bring them to church.  When we had first mentioned it to the father, he told us he had no intention of changing his habit of not living the Word of Wisdom.  During his interview with the Bishop he agreed to try and get worthy to baptize his children.  So, another miracle may be in the works! 

This gospel can change lives for the better, no matter where our testimonies are the Lord has blessings just waiting for us to step up and accept them.  His love is always waiting to enhance our lives.  His Plan of Salvation is truly a plan of happiness if we accept it into our lives.