Friday, September 7, 2012

We have a job

We are so Excited! Chuck was offered a job at Workman Nydegger, the IP law firm that he interned at over the summer. This is the Law firm that we wanted to work for before we even started law school. I feel like we have been so blessed lately. Everything has been falling into place for us. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father who has given us so much to be thankful for. We can't wait for Chuck to finish school this May and start his new job next summer. The best part is that we get to stay here and not have to move our kids again, and we can be close to family.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

He's Here!!!

Mason William Meeker was born on July 21, at 7:05 pm. We had lots of little miracles getting him here and we are so grateful that he is a healthy happy baby. Mason weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 19" long.

Mason swallowed some amniotic fluid while he was in the birth canal and his little body went into shock. They were having a really hard time getting him to breathe or cry very much. He was just lying ther limp and purple like this. They only let me hold him for about 2 minutes before rushing him off to the nursery. He stopped breathing in the elevator on the way down to the nursery and they had to revive him. They couldn't get the fluid out of his lungs and he wasn't doing very well.

Poor guy, I hated seeing him hooked up to all the monitors. After a few hours Mason wasn't really improving or able to breathe very well so they were about to take him down to the NICU when Chuck and Ron went to give him a blessing. Within minutes of his blessing he was doing tons better and they were able to take him off the machines and give him a bath. The bath helped a lot since he cried so much it helped him get a lot of the fluid out of his lungs.

Poor guy, you can see how bruised he was

Within an hour of his blessing he was doing so much better that they could finally bring him to me. I hadn't really gotten to hold him yet. He hadn't even tried to open his eyes yet but when he heard my voice he opened his eyes for the first time and just stared up at me. I was IN LOVE!!!

They didn't even bring him to me until about 11:00 that night so the kids had to wait until the next day to come and see him. It was Gracie's 3rd birthday and we told her that Mason was her present from Heavenly Father. They were all so in love with him. I especially loved seeing Cayden with him. Cayden is so excited to finally have a brother.

His daddy sure loves him a lot too. He looks exactly like Chuck!

We love our little Mason so much and we are so grateful that he is here and part of our family.

Emma's birthday celebrations

We celebrated Emma's birthday up at Bear Lake with the whole family. She was so excited to get an American Doll from Grandma and some rollar skates from mom and dad. Cayden and Gracie got her "Mirror Mirror", a Snow White movie that she loves. We had a cake up there for her and everyone had cards and treats for her. This is the third year in a row that we have been on vacation for her birthday so I think she is hoping to be at home next year so that she can have a friend party. It was so fun to celebrate her and have all of our family around to celebrate with us. We all love her so much!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Emma!

Happy Birthday to my Amazing 6 year old. Emma turned 6 on July 8 while we were at Bear Lake! I can't believe she is already 6 years old. She is getting so grown up. Emma is by far my easiest child. She is so happy and obedient. She is my little helper who loves to help me with everything. There are so many things that I love about Emma. Emma is very talented at violin and dance and loves to practice both. She is a great big sister and is always looking out for Gracie. I don't know what I would do without here help around the house with Gracie and Mason. Emma has such a strong testimony, I love to hear her pray, it feels like she is really talking to her father and that he is right there with her. Emma's ability to reason and relate things to herself is beyond that of her years. Emma is full of sunshine, she is always laughing, smiling and having fun. She is so friendly and makes friends everywhere she goes. I swear everytime we leave the park Emma has made a new friend or two. Everyone loves her and loves to be around her because she is so cheerful and energetic about life. I love Emma's smile and she seems to share it freely with everyone. Emma loves to learn and is always excited to learn something new, she loves school and reading. Emma LOVES her daddy and is a total daddy's girl, one of her favorite things to do is dance with daddy when he gets home from work. Emma brings so much light and joy into our home, I can't imagine our lives without her. She brightens everyone she meets, and we all love her so much.

Happy Anniversary

Our 10 year anniversary with actually while we were in Bear Lake for our Family Reunion. I can't believe we have been married 10 years. It wasn't very romantic considering all my family was crammed into a cabin and we had all our kids and Becca and Quinn in our room, but we made sure to celebrate when we got home from our trip. Chuck took me to Tai Phoon for dinner, which was so good, I loved it. Then we went to see a movie. I am so grateful to have been married to this amazing man for 10 years, and to know that he is mine for eternity. We really feel that our marriage is as close to heaven as you can get on this earth. I love to be with Chuck, he is my best friend. I really love everything about him, I realize more and more how perfect for me he is. He makes me want to be a better person. Here's to a million more wonderful years together.

Family Reunion 2012- Bear Lake

Our family reunion was so fun this year. We went and stayed up at a big cabin at bear lake. We were there for 4th of July with just my family and then the next day all my cousins and aunts and uncles joined us. The most exciting thing about this trip was that Cayden learned how to Wake Board by himself. I was proud of him for getting up all by himself and even ventured out on the boat despite my 9 month belly to see him do it. The kids had a blast with all their cousins playing in the sand, tubing and swimming in the lake. It was actually very relaxing for me despite the horrid swelling that I developed because of the heat. By the end of the week all the men had a bet to see who could come back to the reunion next year with a six pack. They realized that a couple of years ago they all had them and now being married a few years has really taken it's toll, so they vowed to get them back. We took before pictures and the older generation of dads wanted to join it. We love my family and always have a really great time when we are with them.

Seven Peaks

We took the kids to Seven Peaks a few weeks ago and they loved it. They were so excited to go on all the big slides. Poor Gracie got pooped out pretty quick and fell asleep for the rest of the day, I guess the heat and missing her nap were to much for her.

My little Scout!!!

Cayden Started Cub Scouts this year when he turned 8. He has really loved it and I have enjoyed helping him and getting to know the program. I come from a bunch of girls so scouting stuff is really foreign to me. The more I learn about the program the more I enjoy it. It is such a great thing for little boys. Cayden is super excited about earning all his awards and is really motivated to get all his stuff done. Lets hope he is still this excited about scouts when he is 15 and working on his eagle. Cayden has earned his bobcat, 2 belt loops and a bead. We hope to have him finish his wolf in the next 3-4 months.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Birthday Fun

We had such a fun time celebrating Chuck's birthday this year. On Saturday we took him to Seven Peaks and all had a blast. Then we took him out to dinner as a family at Rumbi, (his favorite). His actual birthday was on Monday and so we got to go on a date that night. I love spending time together and it was fun to spoil him.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

I have to say that I seriously LOVE THIS MAN!!!

Chuck is turning 33 today!!! He thinks he is getting old, but I still think he is the most hansome man in the world. I love him so much. Since this day only comes around once a year I want to take the opportunity to share all the wonderful things that I love about him (because bragging is only OK on Birthday's, right). I really don't think that anyone could ever love someone as much as I love him. He is amazing. I have been so grateful for the past 2 years that we have been away at school. We have become closer and happier than I ever imagined we could ever be. He is my best friend, my partner and my other half. I really feel like we have become one and it is the most amazing feeling in the world to feel that way about your spouse. I count him as the greatest blessing and gift from the Lord that I have ever recieved. Chuck is always looking for ways to serve and help me. He comes home from school/work and even though I know he is tired and exhausted he helps me with dinner, clean up, kids, baths and bedtime every night. He knows my love language and he goes out of his way to speak it, even though it doesn't come naturally for him. He has become so tender and loving with me. Chuck is also the most amazing father. My kids adore him. I'm so grateful that my daughters have a father who cherishes their virtue and protects it at all costs, and my son has such a great example of a priesthood holder and husband. He makes me laugh when I'm sad, and he holds me when I cry. I love that he loves Kiting and Wakeboarding, but never lets it take him away from the family too much. I love that Chuck always makes sure we get to the temple. When we lived in Bloomington the temple was 2 1/2 hrs away but he made sure we went every month, even though he had to sacrifice an entire Saturday of studying to go. And while living in Utah he makes it a priority to go even more often because it is so close. I am so grateful to have a husband who keeps and honors his temple covenants. I know that the only one he loves more than me is the Lord, and that brings me so much comfort and peace. He honors his preisthood and goes out of his way to bless others with it. He is so fun to be with, and everyone loves him. He is kind and giving, he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I really do just love and adore him so much. I am so grateful to feel so blissful and joyful in my marriage, it is the greatest blessing in my life. There are a million more things I could say about him. But the best of all is that he is all MINE for ETERNITY. I am one lucky woman!!! Love you baby!!!