Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Heartbeat~~!!!!!

Well we had another appointment today to listen to the heartbeat. I don't know what it is like to see Dr. Brown without Caleb! He is so wonderful to come and support us! I know the baby feels that daddy loves um! I like being spoiled by the man I adore! Anyways, I about cried when I heard the heartbeat and the doctor said that it is strong and sounds just like he wants it too! I had five questions to ask him while I had the chance since I was paying him! I swear I make the doctor laugh every time I see him! I asked him if I should be concerned about my temperature cuz everybody at work seems to be complaining of the heat except for me! He laughed and said "Heidi, this is one of those things that just don't matter!" I figured that I was just silly for wondering and I was proven right! He also wrote me a new prescription for my expired IBS medication. I guess that he doesn't have any patients on the med that I need to take every so often cuz he actually had to write it out instead of printing it off like they do these days! Blah Blah Blah Blah...we have another appointment June 30th to hear the heartbeat again! I cannot wait!!! and before you know it August will be here and the war of names will hopefully be decided for all my impatient family and friends!