Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Picture Perfect

I'll start with pictures since they are more fun!

Day 2
Just home from the hospital:

Day 3
First time Paul wants to "hold it"

Day 4
First bath

Happy again

Day 6

Enjoying time with Grandma and Grandpa while Mom takes a break

Day 11
First big outdoor adventure - to the park with Paul

Week 2

I love her spunky hair

Bonding with Dad

Almost 3 Weeks
First time going to church

I know pictures are much more fun, but what mom doesn't want to gush about her new little one, so here come the boring words.

Kate's timing couldn't have been better. All I wanted was to not be in labor all night long, and Kate gave me that and then some. I woke up Tuesday morning after a normal nights rest and noticed that my still painless contractions were quite regular. I was hopeful, but not convinced, that Kate would be born soon. By 8:30am I figured I should call my mom and at least see if she could fly out just in case it was the big day. I had a scheduled appointment at the clinic for 10:30, but the hospital triage desk said I might as well go there instead of to the appointment just in case I got admitted. I'm glad I took their advice! At 10:45 I was admitted and Kate was born just 3 hours later.

Kate is a wonderful baby! We are still working on the whole burping thing, but she seems to be doing great with all that eating and sleeping that newborns do. She is definitely not as demanding as Paul was and that is a relief. I can't wait for her to wake up a little more and start showing us her little personality.

As for Paul's side of the story, well...
He is actually doing better than I hoped. He gives "baby sister" many more hugs and kisses than he does kicks and hits. He doesn't want to get in the car and go anywhere unless she is coming too. And he always wants to see her when he wakes up, especially if that means waking her up.

Between Dad taking paternity leave and Grandma and Grandpa coming to visit, Paul had a lot of attention that first week Kate was home. I think it helped a lot with the transition.

Grandpa spent hours with Paul outside playing baseball and basketball. Paul was in heaven. He is actually a pretty good little t-ball player, but I get a kick out of the backhand swing Paul occasionally shows off. Maybe we'll put the kid in tennis someday.

Paul also spent those first two weeks bonding with Daddy. They have become quite good buddies and I love watching them play.

And here is the big boy himself showing off his new haircut. I can't believe how much he seemed to grow during those two days I was in the hospital. He is a good big brother.

Friday, June 4, 2010

She's Here!

We're happy to announce the birth of our baby girl, Katherine. She was born at 6/1 at 1:45 pm, 8 lbs 4 ounces, 22 in. long. Toria and Kate are doing great. We'll post more pics soon.