Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hazel is 3!

Again, since we just went to Disney World, we didn't plan much else for Hazel's actual birthday.  She really loves parties though and requested pink cupcakes.  How could I say no to that?  So we had a few friends over last minute and ate some ridiculously pink cupcakes (out of the box - shh).  She was thrilled!
Our little princess is quite into anything pink, glittery, princessy, etc.  It's fun to see her develop her likes and dislikes.  She's also very into girl vs. boy things.  So that's why I'm kind of surprised she still prefers James over me... not that it hurts my feelings or anything... =)  Hazel is the sweetest little girl, and she surprises us daily with things she observes and says.  She's also the best big sister I've ever seen.  She loves "Baby" even though he's a boy, and she will protect him at all costs.  She's very loyal to her family.  One memory I will always cherish was at Disney World at the firework show at the Magic Kingdom.  The firework show was called "Wishes" so it highlighted all of the songs or quotes from Disney movies with "wish" in them.  She was on James's shoulders and we didn't even know she was paying attention to the songs.  When the song asked what you wished for, Hazel kept saying, "I wish to be the happiest family!" and "I wish to be a princess!"  Talk about melt our hearts!  We're so blessed to have this special girl.  We love you Princess Hazel!

 Blake, Zachary, Addison, Hazel, Leah, Caleb, Jaxon
 After party - hilarious that they were coupled up
 The morning of her actual birthday -

 Then we went to dinner at Matt's house.  We love the cousins!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

6 Years!

Since we just went to Disneyworld, we didn't do much else to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary, but we were able to spend the day together and that's what matters!  James got me some beautiful flowers (which he arranged himself and he was verry proud of them), and we brought the kids with us to Carrabbas for dinner. 

I can't believe it's been 6 years already.  Mom got us this beautiful little crystal Minnie and Mickey while we were on our trip, so we'll always have fond memories of our 6th anniversary when we see it.  I'm so blessed to have my man! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

DisneyWorld II

We spent 2 days in the MAGIC KINGDOM because there's so much to do for a 3 year old, princess-loving, girl!

Here's our attempt at the classic picture at the front of the park.... fail.
 And the magic began with seeing Mickey and Minnie in front of the castle!
 Grayson went on his first carousel ride.  This is one of my favorite pictures of him!  He really is that happy and sweet!
 2 of Hazel's favorites - Rapunzel and Snow White.
 Mom got the kids the classic Mickey/Minnie hats.  Grayson's cracks me up.

The Little Mermaid ride.  Just the girls went on this one - per Hazel's request.  I was pretty excited to get chosen for a ride!
 The Electrical Parade
 Another favorite shot.  Grayson was dying laughing.  This photo reminds me of how much my mom helped every step of the way on this trip.  Plus, she's just a great time!

Other Magic Kingdom highlights - It's a Small World ride, Hazel's 1st rollercoaster with Daddy - Barnstormer  (a little much for a 3 year old), the Tiki room with the singing birds, the magic carpet ride with Grandma, parades, Winnie the Pooh ride, Space Mountain (James and me), climbing the huge treehouse, the Jungle Cruise, eating hotdogs by the ragtime pianist, and the firework show at night.

The highlight of the whole trip was at the firework show - Wishes.  Hazel sat on James's shoulders and soaked it all up.  We didn't even realize she had been listening to the words/song lyrics in the background, but James said when the song said, "What do you wish for?" Hazel kept saying, "I wish to be the happiest family!" and "I wish to be a princess!"  It doesn't get much sweeter than that.  Pure.  Innocent.  Loving. Full of optimism and hope.  I just love her.  There really is something magical about the Magic Kingdom! 

We spent our last day at HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS.  Here they had Disney Jr. Live on Stage, which featured Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Doc McStuffins, and Sophia the First -- all shows that Hazel knows and loves.  She also loves The Little Mermaid, so that live show was a hit as well.  James and I really wanted to go on the Tower of Terror at least once, so Mom gladly watched the munchkins while we went on a mini date.  Our guy was hilarious...

Then we went to the live show of Beauty and the Beast and ended the night with Fantasmic.  That light/water show is actually pretty intense, but Hazel did fine.  I think she was most happy with the stuffed "Izzy" she got earlier that day. 

I'd go back to DisneyWorld in a heartbeat.  It was so much fun!  Family vacations are the best.  Hopefully a few more people will be able to join us next time! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Happiest Place on Earth!

I loove DISNEYWORLD, and we couldn't wait to take Hazel!  Most people think it's probably not worth it to take your kids there until they can remember it, but I'm all for enjoyment in the moment.  Plus, kids under 3 get in free!  We figured October would be the perfect time since it's Hazel's birthday, our anniversary, and it's not a very busy time at the park.  We invited our families if they wanted, and my mom gladly took us up on that!  No surprise, since it's her favorite place on earth.  Dad didn't come with her because he felt he should stay and take care of his mom, so he'll have to join us next time.
We didn't stay on the resort, but James hooked us up with a pretty nice hotel nearby and we just rented a minivan for the week to get us around.  We brought snacks and lunch almost everyday and had just a few fun meals planned at the park.  The first day we headed to EPCOT, which is kind of the sciency park along with the countries around the world.  

She loved the musical squares after the Figment ride.
We loved the Nemo ride and loved watching the dolphins afterward.  They're so smart!  The trainers were showing us some research they've been doing with them -- a matching game of sorts -- and the dolphins were right on.  It was amazing.  And then they "smiled" for a picture!
I don't have a picture of us talking with Crush (from Finding Nemo), but that was fun for Hazel, too.
Grayson had to sleep like this a lot, and he did pretty well!
 Hazel wanted nothing to do any of the other characters, but she was great with Minnie!
 James sampled cokes from around the world.
Mom was so nice to watch the kids so James and I could go on the Soarin' ride together.  It's one of our favorites, and we almost snuck Hazel on it.  If only we had put her in her higher shoes...

The World Showcase is at Epcot as well, so we walked around to all of the different countries, went on a boat ride in Mexico, and had some delicious gyros in Greece.  
And the highlight of the day (and trip, really) was dinner with the princesses!  Hazel was in HEAVEN.  They each came to our table to talk to her and to take pictures, and then they did a little procession at the end.  Hazel walked right along with all the other girls and loved every minute.  So worth it.

On Sunday, we took it easy in the morning, listened to a little General Conference, and headed to DOWNTOWN DISNEY for the afternoon.  We looked and played in the toy store, rode the carousel, played with the legos in the huge Lego Store, ate dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, and had some amazing chocolate desserts at Ghiradelli.  Did I mention how hot it was while we were there?  That's why Hazel looks so rosy.  We spent quite a bit of time in the Lego store since it had AC.

Monday was supposed to be a rainy day, but we didn't let that stop us from going to the ANIMAL KINGDOM!  As it turns out, that was the best day to be there.  The animals didn't shy away at all with the weather.  It even seemed as if they felt more comfortable coming out because it was raining.

Crazy Bats (perfect because it was almost Halloween!).  We were fascinated!
 Nemo Live - amazing talent in these shows
 Safari Ride - this was amazing.  Animals were out everywhere!  Hazel LOVED it, so we went twice.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

St. George Trip

I've been so excited about our trip to St. George to see family!  James's grandparents and brother Chris live there, and his other 2 brothers live within driving distance, so it's a great place to go see a lot of the family.  Unfortunately, we went when school had already started, so we didn't get to see Dave and his family, but Tod came down and we got to see some cousins as well.  There's just something about St. George that I love - I always feel so relaxed there, especially at Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house.  I think it's because that's where James and I made some great memories while dating, engaged, and married.  We would stay there occasionally with friends to go hike at Zion National Park, and it was always such a fun trip away from Provo.
This time we stayed with Chris and Christina in their house, and it was a lot of fun to be with cousins.  Hazel loved it, and Grayson didn't mind all the attention either!

It was a long day of travel to get there, but the kids did pretty well!  I was the exhausted one.  Here's Gray's pouty face in the car when he was hungry.  I can't EVER say No to that!
 Here are the cousins playing out on the golf course behind Grandpa's house.
We just relaxed on the porch since it was beautiful weather!
 We had lots of fun with the cousins!
 Cohlee LOOOOVED Baby Grayson!!
 This was at a park right by Christina's house.  We were so lucky to have such nice weather!

 We went on a little hike (emphasis on little).  I missed the all the red rock and mountains.
 Grayson got his first haircut by Aunt Christina to make it all even.  So cute!  I love that little head!
 Grayson just beamed at Great Grandma Brown.
 St. George has a cute carousel in the middle of town, so we had to go take a ride!
 Again, Grayson just loves his boy cousins!  He fits right in!
(Weston, Cade, Tanner, and their cousin Tayton)

Of course, we had Cafe Rio a few times, sandwiches and treats at Kneaders, a raspberry concrete at Nielsen's, delicious sugar cookies at Swig, and breadsticks at an old store called Jud's.  We have to get our food fixes while in Utah!  Christina also offered to do some family photos for us, so we fit that in as well.  She spoiled us rotten while there.  We just loved our relaxing vacation with family!  I hate living so far away, but at least we've been able to see them at least once a year.  Can't wait until the next reunion!