So, some things that irritate Hazel are the following: when I put her down, when I change her diaper, when I leave the room, when another child touches me, when Daddy hugs me, when someone touches my diaper bag, when someone touches any of her things (although she is willing to share if it's on her terms), when she doesn't have a snack in both hands, when a kid plays with or gets in something she was playing with (even if it was an hour ago), when I clean her, when she doesn't have food right away in the high chair, when I sit down to play the piano, when I strap her in her car seat, when I cook, when a cashier touches our groceries, when people leave the room who have been previously playing with her, etc. She cracks me up. She's definitely an only child and a toddler, and that's just that. At least I know what makes her happy... all I have to do is give her my full attention all day long! I'm grateful I'm not working so I can give her what she requires.
After that, I have to list a few amazing facts (to me) about her lately:
She has gone #2 in her diaper twice for me when I asked her to, she eats pretty much anything, she identifies several colors (she must've learned them from her books), and she stacked this tower on her own (I haven't seen her do a pattern like that again, but I still think it was crazy random... who knows?):