Friday, March 31, 2017

March Madness

As it turns out, March was filled with much more than basketball!  It started with a dress up week for Hazel, and my favorite was what she chose on career day - an artist.  That, she is.  Her creativity, attention to detail, and focus always impress me!

This is one of her most recent creations - a mermaid hideout.  seashells on the "sand", an ocean, seaweed, pictures on the walls, etc.

Then Mom and Dad came to visit for our Spring Break.  We got lucky that it was the same week the temple was closed.  

We went to the best park twice that week - Kids Kingdom Park in Rowlette.  It has sand, a toddler area, zipline, fun merry go rounds, but most importantly, no wood chips!

Dad helped us pick out some flowers, so we added some color to the front of the house again.  Our garden also started growing pretty well.  The kids have loved checking on it daily.

Then the day after they left, I took the kids to In-Sync Exotics in Wylie.  We didn't know what to expect, but it was SUPER cool.  We got to see all kinds of exotic cats up close, which never happens at the zoo.

Luckily it wasn't while my parents were here, but we inevitably caught the stomach bug.  Poor Jada got the worst of it.  Her snuggles were so sweet though.

Once that passed, we were able to enjoy St. Patrick's Day with all kinds of green!

We got to be with our Palmer family too.  It's so fun to have Dave and Melissa in Texas now!

Then for a brief weekend, we headed to Waco to see Isaac play baseball.  The kids always love a good hotel breakfast, as do I, especially when there are Texas waffles.

We made the most of our time there and fit in a trip to the children's museum by Baylor.  The kids had so much fun with their cousins and didn't want to leave.  I didn't get to make it to Magnolia to try the cupcakes, but I did get to see Chip and Jo because Ike's team was playing their son's team on Saturday!