Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas in Beaumont

One of the bonuses of cruising out of Galveston was that it was only a 2 hour drive to Beaumont afterward.  My parents were able to get the 23rd covered so they could meet us at home when we returned.  It was great to be home because we hadn't been there in a long time!  Mom told us she wouldn't have the usual Christmas decor up and all the food ready, but of course, there were multiple trees up and Cafe Rio food waiting for us when we got there.

On Christmas Eve, we tried to go to Elise's Family Fun Center, but it was closed, so we just ended up at one of our favorite spots - Jason's Deli!  Everyone can find something they like there, so it makes it easy.

Then we made a traditional holiday dinner with all the fixins, and it was oh so delicious.  The adults ate on the Christmas china in the dining room and the kids took the kitchen and front room.  We have so many people now, but we still make it work!  Mom and Dad even gave us their room this time so we could all be comfortable.  It worked out great.  Hazel preferred the closet, Grayson slept on a blow up bed on the ground, and Jada slept in my mom's office.  

Christmas Eve night, all the children gathered around while Dad read from Luke 2.  Mom always sets the tone with the perfect Christmas songs.

Later we even got to see Santa!  He delivered one gift for each of the kids, and the Palmer kids all got jammies.  

Christmas was on a Sunday this year, so everyone opened up their gifts and then we headed to church to celebrate the real reason for Christmas!

After church we even got a decent family (cell phone, believe it or not) photo of EVERYONE.  It was a Christmas miracle!

...and per the kids' request...

That night we went out to Vidor for Aunt Rachel's play - Christmas in Both Hemispheres.
Here are our little angels.

Samuel the Lamanite

Isaac did an awesome job as Nephi.  He was so sincere!

The Heavenly Host (We could NOT stop laughing at the 3 boy cousins- Miles, Ty, and Grayson)

The whole crew - mostly all 2nd cousins and a few friends

I mean, some people do a little Nativity or read the story, but not Aunt Rachel!  She goes all out and directs a full on performance (one run through with the older kids) in a barn with costumes, props, and a set.  It was amazing.  I hope this isn't the last time my kids get to participate.  

For the rest of the short time in Beaumont, the kids played and played.  They were entertained all day with Grandma's toys and the backyard.  I always love just watching the cousins all mingle with each other and have fun.  Here was a little makeup party Aubrey and Hannah did for the little girls.

The adults had some fun of our own.  Dane had the genius idea of finding and planting Mom's old scary doll in the Dunnings' room, so James got right on it.  Pictures can't do the creepiness justice.

All jokes/pranks aside, Christmas was truly magical and wonderful.  It's so much better with little kids.  We tried to do service as much as possible in the month of December as a family for the "Light the World" challenge.  A few things we did were express love to our parents, donate toys to others, pray for the sick specifically, and commit to kneeling for all family prayers in December.  I noticed greater love and blessings for those we prayed for, and I hope the kids remember how they felt as well.  Hopefully we can take these things into the new year!  

Friday, December 23, 2016


My parents had a cruise planned for the family about a year ago, but then they were called to be in charge of the Houston Temple, so they canceled it.  With the remaining cruise credit, they sent the rest of the family on a different cruise out of Galveston from Dec. 17-23.  We were part of the Cruise Lady group, so we got to hear regularly from Randal Wright and Brad Wilcox and go on tours with the LDS group as well.  We weren't sure we'd survive and be everywhere we were supposed to be without my parents there, but we all did just fine.  

The lines to get on the actual cruise were pretty brutal.  We were happy to make it to our rooms and go to dinner!  There's never a shortage of food on a cruise.  The first night we ate at the sit down restaurant and quickly found our favorite dessert - chocolate molten cake with ice cream.  Mmm.

The first full day on the ship we were at sea, so we explored, stopped by a lecture, and ate every few hours, of course.  The buffet was really good, but our favorites were Guy's Burger Joint, the taco place, and the 24 hour soft serve.  It was so fun to have all the cousins on the ship together.

Grandma and Grandpa Palmer joined us for the cruise as well.  They were a big help and we loved having at least one set of our parents with us!  

We also had a formal dining night on the first full day.  

James and I had lobster, but of the kids, only Hazel was willing to try it.  I love Grayson's smile and chocolate stache in this picture of a picture.

Hazel was pretty devastated she couldn't find her formal picture on the photo board, but we found it on the last day, so she was a happy girl.

 Some of the Dunnings joined our table occasionally, and Jada loved the attention. 

The first stop was Costa Maya.  The kids and I didn't do an excursion that day because we figured two days would be enough for our younger crew.  It was a good decision.  Barbara was kind enough to stay back with us, so we just took it easy and let the kids play.  The kid club on the ship, Camp Ocean, was really great.  They did a lot of crafts, dancing, movies, and games.

We did get off the ship for a minute at Costa Maya to meet James after his scuba excursion.  Unfortunately, he didn't actually get to go because we docked late, but at least they got their money back.  He and Dane decided to make the best of it, so they hung out at the beach, had some drinks, and got a beach side massage.  Now he's motivated to get scuba certified so he can go back and make a trip of it.  I haven't decided if I want to join him...

The second stop was Belize.  This was the tour the whole family went on together.  It was nice to have lots of helping hands.  This old lady even held Jada for awhile.  Jk.  It's Aunt Angie in her legit tourist get up.  Dane looked amazing as well.  

We met early after breakfast and headed out on a small boat.  From there, we got on buses, drove for an hour and stopped to have an authentic Belizean meal of chicken, coconut rice, coconut tarts, chips and salsa, fruit, and salad.  It was yummy.  Then we got on speed boats to ride down the river to Lamanai.  I was a little worried about Jada, but she did just great. 

The name "Lamanai" sounds like a Book of Mormon name, and our LDS tour guide pointed out some of the comparisons scholars make.  Whether or not these sites were the actual place Helaman's young warriors were taught by their mothers, we could still imagine it being in a place very similar to this.  We saw 3 temples at Lamanai, and this is the Jaguar Temple with some of the youth in the group pictured below.

The next was the High Temple.  I decided to not climb it with Jada, but I was surprised Grayson and Hazel went to the top considering they had a lot of walking to do that day!  They even saw and heard some howler monkeys while up there.

The last temple was the Mask Temple.  This picture is of one side of it.  It's crazy to imagine how long ago these were built and how in tact they are today!

Driving through the actual city of Belize was humbling.  It looked like a place I wouldn't want to be at night, but it was cool to see all of the different colored houses, etc.  While we were waiting for our tender, we took a few shots out at the dock by the shops.  This is my favorite.  What a wonderful experience for these kids!

The last stop was Cozumel.  We took a boat to shore, caught a taxi, got on a ferry, then got on a bus that took us to Tulum.  These ruins were pretty incredible.  Jada enjoyed her spot in my carrier, and luckily we had an umbrella to shade her sweet chunky thighs!

The kids may not have fully appreciated the ruins at this point in their lives, but later they can look back at pictures and remember how cool it was to be there.  In the moment, the iguanas were the highlight of the tour.  They were all over the ruins, but this was one of the biggest ones.

We walked around the back of the temple, and bam, there was a cliff and the beach below us.  What a beautiful spot!

On the taxi ride back, it was fun to hear James speak some Spanish with the driver.  I wish he would've had more time, but a little practice is better than nothing.  Before getting on the ship, we browsed around and got the kids some hand painted maracas.  Hazel also wanted to bring back this dead palm tree branch and a mini coconut.  Such a little collector.

The last day at sea was fun and relaxing - more food, more swimming, more kid club!  There was a huge water slide, and Hazel loved it.  

These hot tubs were nice because they weren't too hot for the kiddos.  

Then we cleaned up for our last sit down dinner.

In the evenings, James and I took turns going out.  We both enjoyed the steam room, sauna, hot tubs, movies by the pool, and popcorn.  I got to spend some time with Aubrey and Hannah, which was nice.  My nieces are so sweet and they're getting so old!  
On the last night, Barbara stayed in our room so James and I could go out together with my siblings.  We tried to go do karaoke, but it ended right when we got there.  Sad day.  Apparently the night before when I was sleeping, Natalie and Angie sang their hearts out to N'Sync's "Bye, Bye, Bye."  So instead we just got some ice cream and sat and chatted for awhile, which was fun because we don't get to do that often just as parents.  Sadly we're missing the Hayeses and Palmers in this pic, but we're so blessed to have a wonderful family and to have made these memories together.