Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 2016

July was filled with swimming, swimming swimming!  Baby Jada loved sitting poolside in her borrowed baby bouncer.  It was the best idea of the summer, thanks to Bri.

These were our swim buddies - the Thompsons.  I tried to get Grayson to go down the water slides, but maybe next year!  Hazel loved them.  She even tried the blue one, and I wouldn't even do that one.  

If we weren't swimming in our neighborhood pools, we were going to swim parties!

Hailyn's birthday

Miles's 5th Birthday

Everyone loved swimming in the lake right by Dane and Angie's house.  Hazel surprised me by being pretty good at swinging into the water (see bottom of pic).  Ang went all out for Miles's vampire party.  She even made the pinata!  It was hot but super fun!

We love having so many cousins around.  Here are some of our other favorites we played with in July!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Father's Day

As far as we're concerned, James is the.....

Our kids absolutely adore their daddy.  It warms my heart!!  We're so blessed to have such a loving, hard working daddy (who actually does NOT like to go to work, contrary to Hazel's paper).  James would say his favorite thing is to be with his precious family.  We love that guy!

Jada's Blessing Day

Jada received a name and a blessing on June 5, 2016.  We did the blessing at home so as many family members could make it as possible.  It was a very special morning and her blessing was very sweet.  Each time one of my kids is blessed, I am given a little glimpse into their lives, and I'm overwhelmed and honored with the responsibility I have to raise them.  They are so precious and I want to give them everything I possibly can.  I'm sure in the end, however, they will have given me more.

Here's Jada and me the morning of the blessing.  I didn't know my dad took this photo, but I love it because it shows the reality of motherhood and the sweet moments you always want to remember.

Here she is all dressed in her beautiful, lacy gown.

I am so grateful for all of these people, for my family not pictured, and for our Savior who allows us to be family forever.  Jada is surrounded by a lot of love.  She is such a joy to all of us.

Palmers visit Palmers

We were so excited to have some of James's siblings visit this summer!  Chris and Christina came first, then Tod, then Amy.  Chris and Christina came the week of Memorial Day, and we did lots of fun activities.  We went to the bounce house, Six Flags, a Rangers game (the boys), our pool, Main Event, Stonebriar mall, and Dennis and Barbara's pool.  Even though the cousins are quite a bit older than mine, they are so sweet with them and include them in everything they do.

We wish all these people lived closer!  I guess we'll have to go visit them next in UT!

Hazel - Preschool and Soccer

Hazel completed her one and only year of preschool at Alphabet Academy with Mrs. Beech!  She didn't complain once about going and learned a lot this year.  I think she's ready for Kindergarten!

(Audrey, Nora, Hazel, Luke, Lucy, Roman, Beck, Jason, Logan)

The class sang a few of their school songs for us, we watched a slideshow of pictures from the year, and they gave the moms some flowers in a hand painted jar.

I think Hazel knows me pretty well...  You know me, escaping to the library as often as possible!

Hazel has been asking and asking to play soccer, so I finally signed her up to be on an indoor team for the summer.  It's a co-ed team made up mostly of kids who are going to Tibbals Elementary with her this fall.  I had no idea what to expect from her since she hasn't ever played before, but James and I were really surprised.  The girl has competitive spirit!  She sprints after the ball constantly, plays good defense, and even stands at the goal as the self-proclaimed goalie occasionally.  On the sidelines, she's still into the game and talking to her teammates.  It's pretty fun to watch your kid play something they enjoy.

We also got Hazel a real bike, and she took off riding solo after only a few tries!  Our little girl is growing up!