This year was so much fun with the kids. They were at perfect ages for all of the Christmas magic. Hazel would see things on TV and write them down on her list, and she even made a list for Grayson. They loved our elf on the shelf Lollie and looked forward to finding him everyday in December. Hazel may have been a little too serious about our elf because one time she saw a cousin touch Lollie, and she flipped out. I assured her Lollie would come back because it wasn't someone in our family who touched him. My parents were actually able to come up for Christmas Eve and part of Christmas Day, so we were happy to have them join us for a little bit! Mom and I made Christmas Eve dinner (it's always fun to cook together), and Matt's family came over that night after their service project to enjoy the yummy grub with us.
That night Mom told the Christmas story.
Christmas morning was perfect! The kids didn't even wake up really early!
I got James some things for the media room and a Mavs shirt, and he got me a speaker (I always listen to music while cooking), external charger (my phone is always running out of batteries), and a promise to make me a bookcase for the main room. I'd say he won this year. Luckily I told him to get a few tools for himself because I can never decide what's best and he always knows how to get the good deals.
We gave my parents a simple "White Christmas" basket with all kinds of white items, and then we added our family photos and a drawing of the Houston temple from Hazel.
We saved the jeep for last, which they thought was awesome, of course!
Then we finally had breakfast, which Dad loved -- baked French toast with yogurt and berries. The kids loved it too.
Grayson had to do his dinosaur puzzle a few times that day.
Then we went to Matt's and played with the cousins. The little boys were serious about ping pong!
James helped put together Fofo's jeep, and Eva and Devin were excellent helpers!
It was a beautiful day outside, so the kids took numerous turns rolling down the cul-de-sac hill, and James tried to scare me as he tried out a few toys with flip flops... downhill.
That night Grandma and Grandpa Palmer came by and we exchanged gifts and played, which ended our perfect day! It's so great to live by so much family!
There were many highlights of the day, but 2 of our favorite quotes from Hazel summed up Christmas:
"This is the best day ever!" (said casually while driving the jeep)
and when Grandma Palmer asked her what her favorite part about Christmas was, she replied,
"Being with my family." Hearts melted! Even after all the toys and presents of the day, she remembered what was most important. I have to agree with Hazel that it was one of the best days ever.