Monday, April 13, 2015

Art and Dance

For St. Patrick's Day, we did one craft.  We attempted to do clover stamps with a cut green pepper and painted big rainbows.  No surprise there!  Hazel draws multiple rainbows a day.  When I ask her why she draws so many, she says she has to make one for every person in the world.

She's quite the budding artist.  Sometimes she asks me what she should draw, so one day I suggested she draw her favorite princess.  This was the result -

I was impressed!  I can't say I'm less pleased with Grayson's drawing.  I already knew he could draw circles, as he proudly displayed on our kitchen wall (thank goodness for washable crayola markers), but this time he had a purpose for the circles.  He brought me his paper and proudly said, "Mommy!  No-man!"  I finally turned the paper the right way and realized he drew a snowman!  So adorable.

Hazel also did a round of ballet classes at the Wylie Rec Center and loved it.  Grayson loved supporting his big sister and made sure to keep his eye on her in the other room.

I love watching my kids' confidence grow and watching them develop their talents.  I can't wait to see what other passions they have later in life.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring Break

I don't have any school-aged children yet, but Matt and Nat do, and my parents had the same week off of their church obligations, so they made a week of it here in Dallas!  A lot of the week was rainy, so we braved the crowds at all of the indoor play areas.  Some highlights from the week were going to the Perot Museum, Jump Street, Kid Mania, and the adult temple trip.  The Dunnings were able to come for a day, and that was great until Isaac broke his foot at our 2nd visit to Jump Street.  Luckily my dad was around, so he got diagnosed and taken care of right away.

Hazel's favorite part of Jump Street was the Tarzan swing!  

One thing about Grayson is he looves his girl cousins.  He was the most responsive, patient patient I've ever seen for Dr. Bella Dunning.  I think I need to bring her with us to his 2 year check up.  

I just love this next picture because G thinks he's a small baby and still sometimes requests to be rocked.  And who would say, "No!"?  Not Na-maw!

We all supported Bitner in his last bball game of the season.  We were all into it!

Boot and all, we had a great session at the Dallas temple.

Let It Snow!

The end of February brought some snow to Dallas!  I was totally okay with it for a few days, but I was not okay with James driving to and from work in it... mostly because I know Texans don't know how to drive in ice and snow.  He did well though and made sure to leave super early and super late to miss as many cars as possible.  Meanwhile, we went outside for small amounts of time and attempted to build a snowman.  The poor kids needed their dad home to pack the snow and do it right.  Grayson wasn't much into the whole cold snow thing anyway.  Hazel was shoveling snow singing, "Let it go!" while G stood, frozen (pun intended) saying, "Co, co."  I guess he got my Texas blood.

She's got the snow angel down.

Our tiny snowman -

I'll tell you what Grayson did like about this whole cold thing -- getting new boots.  The way he says boots just kills me everytime.  They're "boosh."  And he's so proud of himself when he puts them on himself.  I'm pretty happy about it too actually.