She's quite the budding artist. Sometimes she asks me what she should draw, so one day I suggested she draw her favorite princess. This was the result -
I was impressed! I can't say I'm less pleased with Grayson's drawing. I already knew he could draw circles, as he proudly displayed on our kitchen wall (thank goodness for washable crayola markers), but this time he had a purpose for the circles. He brought me his paper and proudly said, "Mommy! No-man!" I finally turned the paper the right way and realized he drew a snowman! So adorable.
Hazel also did a round of ballet classes at the Wylie Rec Center and loved it. Grayson loved supporting his big sister and made sure to keep his eye on her in the other room.
I love watching my kids' confidence grow and watching them develop their talents. I can't wait to see what other passions they have later in life.