Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentine's Day

There is no better holiday for Hazel - hearts, pink, purple, chocolate, flowers, valentines, strawberries, heart pizza - all of her favorite things!  She started talking about her Valentine's Day party the day after Christmas with no encouragement from me.  She's a natural party planner!  She wanted strawberries, pepperoni pizza, popcorn, sugar cookies, pink lemonade, and salad with red tomatoes (for something healthy she said).  Eveyone had a blast.  We played several circle games like Don't Break my Heart (Don't Eat Pete), Heart on Your Sleeve, Who Stole My Kiss, and then we pinned the lips on Mrs. Valentine and decorated sugar cookies.

On actual Valentine's Day, Daddy took us to Chick-fil-A for a heart biscuit then to Lowe's for a Build and Grow activity.  They made a cute heart photo frame.  

We also all made each other valentines, and the kids got some cute valentines from their grandparents.  It was so nice of Dennis and Barbara to watch the kids so James and I could go out to eat too.  What a fun holiday!