Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Real Haircuts

I've cut out Hazel's hair knots before and Aunt Christina has buzzed off uneven parts of Grayson's hair as a baby, but they finally had their first real haircuts!  My friend recommended Sweet and Sassy to me, and it was a success for Hazel.  She ate it up.  Purple cape, spray glitter, glitter hearts on her face, and a neon green "extension."  Now that's a deal for $10.  Now she keeps asking when she can get another trim.

Grayson, on the other hand, got a black "Cool Dude" cape and a sucker, but he mostly laid his head on me and ate hair as it fell and stuck on his sucker.  Good times.  We left with a little bit of a butchered hair cut for him, but I evened it out over the next few days.  Poor guy.  I was mostly worried he'd lose his curls, but luckily, they seem to be peeking out again.  Whew.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

St. George 2014

Traveling to St. George with the 2 littles went surprisingly well.  The kids were troopers, and Grayson even napped on my stomach/lap for an hour.  I'll take it!  We stayed at the Worldmark where we stayed a few years ago, and it worked out great to have our own place.  The kids shared a room and we had a room; Grayson didn't even mind sleeping in the closet!

Friday night we all gathered at Chris and Christina's for pizza, so we got to see all of them as well as Tod and Chandler and Amy and 2 of her kids, Reagan and Darren.  It's nearly impossible to get all the Palmers together at one time, but we had at least one representative from each Palmer kid's family there that weekend.

Saturday we went to Tanner's baptism and then went to see Grandma Brown's gravesite.  Since we didn't make it to the funeral, this was our first time, so it was very special.  Hazel is always asking about her grandmas in heaven, so I just tell her we'll get to see them again one day.


Sweet Grandpa Brown hung back with Grayson when everyone else went back to their cars.  He was willing to stop and watch a little squirrel on the path with my little man even though he had to have been super hot in his black suit.

For lunch we all went to Outback and then sang to James because it was his real birthday!  Yay for the big 3-0!  Then for his bday activity, his brother Chris took out all the guys to go shooting and the girls hung out at Christina's.  Now James seems to think we need an Assault Rifle.  Great.  I can hardly get used to having a shotgun in the house!

During the week we just played with cousins and ate out at our favorite spots like Cafe Rio, The Pizza Factory, Nielsen's, Kneaders, Swig, and we tried Bear Paw for breakfast.  They were all super yummy!

Sunday we hiked around a little after church, and most of the cousins went through the Narrows, including James.  I was a little worried he wouldn't make it, but he made sure he went after some of his nephews to see if they could fit through first.  Nice uncle!! 

Here's James squeezing through...

Baby looves dirt.

While James went with Dave and his dad to have lunch in Mesquite with Tod, I brought the kids to visit "Uncle" Dan.  He's in his 90s and was one of my Grandpa Paxton's best friends growing up, so my parents and Matt and Natalie, even, know him well and had great things to say about him.  It was great to catch him up on the family and to show him a few pictures on my phone.  He used to be a great pianist and could play by ear, so I wish I could've heard that!  He's been single his whole life, so he has his house to himself and it was kind of sad for me to imagine him being all alone as he grows older.  He's such a sweet man.  

Since the boys had their shooting night, we thought we should have a girls night too!  So we got tickets to see The Little Mermaid at Tuacahn, and it was incredible!  The little girls and mamas all loved it!  Hazel even took a nap (gasp!) that day so we could stay up to midnight, and she hardly even looked away from the stage during the musical.  It was her favorite princess after all!  

Hazel, Kaitlyn, and Cohlee - the 3 little Palmer girls

The sisters-in-law - Melissa, me, and Christina

Some other highlights were going Jud's - the first store in St. George where they sell delicious breadsticks, retro sodas and candy; riding the old carousel; swimming at the condo; going to a jump place with cousins; and playing in the new children's museum, which was awesome!  

 This used to be my favorite spot in the children's museum too!

Christina always tried to get loves from Grayson, but he finally opened up the last day (of course) and couldn't get enough of her.  Sweet little flirt.

We'll see if we continue to make it to St. George every few years, but we love it every time we go!  I think the next Palmer reunion will be at Disneyland next fall.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

James is 30!

Here I was, excited about turning 30 and looking forward to the start of a new decade, and then James's 30th came along, and he was all depressed about it.  The good news is I always know what will make him happy... SUGAR.  So, we celebrated about 3 or 4 times and had a different dessert each time.  Unfortunately, the bad thing we've heard about being in your 30s is that it's more difficult to lose weight.  Oh well.

We played Whirlyball with the Palmer side and had S'mores Bars (notice his awesome pin).

Another killer smile and Peanut Butter - Chocolate Trifle after pool ball. 

Outback in St. George (notice how excited Grayson is about the sundae).

Later that afternoon, James, his dad, his 2 brothers Chris and Dave, and older nephews went out shooting with Chris's guns and equipment.  It was the highlight of the trip for the guys, but of course, they didn't get pictures for me to share.  So sad!  At least they have the memories.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my #1!  He just gets better with age, thankfully!