Valentine's Day must be Hazel's favorite holiday because it's all about pink, hearts, and sweets. She loved making her own valentines this year, and I loved making all kind of treats, especially this raspberry butter.
BuyBuyBaby's Picture People called to see if Grayson could come in for a model shoot, and Hazel joined in as well. We figured we'd do a few Valentine pictures while we were there! I was dying that Grayson looked like he was flexing...
My sweetheart...
James's work had their first ever family event, and it was awesome! It was at a jump place in Frisco, and they had a clown for face painting/balloons, a magician, nail painting, brownie hearts to decorate, appetizers, cupcakes, and goodie bags for the kids. It's safe to say Hazel had a blast. To top it off, one of the clowns made her her favorite princess - Ariel. Talk about amazing balloon art!
One night we had desserts at the Robinsons' new house, and we snapped this pic of the moms and babies. I just love them.
Another night we went to my friend Joey's house for a pizza & movie party for the kids. Kailynn and Addison came too and we had a blast as always. I seriously love my friends. It's great to have them nearby because we have to support each other while our husbands are away or busy! The only unfortunate part of that night was when I was picking up the pizza... I left the car on and ran in to grab the pizza, and wouldn't you know, the car locked on me. Great. Joey saved the day (and my sanity) by calling the fire department, and they came super fast and unlocked my car for me. I definitely had tears in my eyes as I told them thank you.
On actual Valentine's Day, we had chocolate waffles in the morning and "Alice Springs chicken" (Outback inspired) for dinner with chocolate lava cakes for dessert. James was in the middle of busy season, but being that it was a Friday, he was able to come home to eat dinner with us by 7. Yay! We didn't do gifts or anything, but I did fun stuff around the house - one being the cashews because he's trying to eat healthier.
We had a fanTASTIC week celebrating the people we love, and I'm so grateful for all of them! Valentine's Day is also my sister Angie's birthday, so we sent our love to Austin via mail because we couldn't make it there for her birthday dinner. Love her and love that she lives fairly close!
My sister-in-law Christina sent me a few more photos from our trip to St. George back in August. Love my fam! Have I said "love" enough in this post? It's in the air.