We had a great Valentine week. On Monday we went on a group date with some friends to Top Golf. I thought I was just going to sit back and watch, but the girls decided we'd play against the guys. Since Top Golf allows you to score points even when you hit the ball 15 feet away, we didn't do too badly actually. I may have looked like the most awkward pregnant golfer ever, but we had a great time! I was serious about trying to get my swing just right, so James gave me some pointers. I still need a lot of practice...
James and I decided to go out to eat the day before Valentine's Day to beat the crowds. I felt like Carrabbas, so off we went. I think I kind of surprised the waiter when he asked the usual question, "So, how is everything tasting?" I guess people usually say, "Good, thanks," but I responded, "I tell you what, this is the most delicious chicken parmesan and lasagna I've had." Maybe I was just really hungry, but I just loved it. I also loved the quote on the doggie bags-"There is no love more sincere than the love of food." My thoughts exactly. To top it off, I had a very handsome date.
On actual Valentine's Day, I made French Toast hearts with raspberries (Hazel's favorite) for my little valentine. You'd think she'd like strawberries since they're red too, but no, only raspberries. =)
Then we had a lunch playdate with some of her boyfriends, Jones and Jaxon, and Shayla and I made chocolate covered strawberries for our husbands. We made quite a few valentines for James and even made a Scrabble board of love words for him. Here are some of the Valentine photos we took on Sunday and Valentine's Day. The ridiculously cute necklace is from Jones. I just love how serious she is about making a good kissy face.
It doesn't get much sweeter than that. I'm one lucky lady to have these two valentines!!